The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 397 Take it seriously

Chapter 397 Take it seriously
"good afternoon."

"good afternoon."

The crew is busy. They rented an entire motel for filming. All the people present on the set are crew members——

Including extras.

In Hollywood, extras are also a professional job. Although they do not have an agent, they have stable connections with casting companies and can continuously find jobs, which is considered semi-professional.

Therefore, when I saw top stars like Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks on the set, they always behaved calmly. They did not cheer, crowd, or ask for photos or autographs. They remained calm.

Of course, discussion is inevitable.

At this time, seeing Anson, the protagonist of the negative headlines in the past two days, one or two people exchanged glances, and the atmosphere became faintly stirring.

Anson, on the other hand, seemed particularly confident and relaxed——

The reason is little Frank.

Judging from the time point, at this moment, little Frank is in the stage of success. He has repeatedly succeeded in forging checks. At the same time, he is able to deal with different beauties with ease, as if he has climbed to the pinnacle of life, completely unaware of his "little troubles". "Has been targeted by the FBI.

It is precisely because of this that little Frank is confident. He walks with his head held high, his chest held high, and he can have the whole world with open arms.

Anson is familiar with this. He was like this in his previous life before he was twenty-five years old. He naively believed that the future belonged to him, that he was omnipotent and invincible. If he was given a lever long enough, he could move the earth.

Now, Anson is exploring and entering this state.

He understands that he is still a novice on the road of performance, and everything is unfamiliar and fresh. He may not be able to accurately grasp the sense of proportion and feeling, and still needs some time to adjust and practice.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Anson has been making subtle adjustments to his state——

The stupid bird flies first.

At this time, even though the eyes from all directions on the set were looking around, Anson "filtered" out those negative emotions and bathed in the baptism of eyes, just like sunbathing. He took it for granted that it was focus and attention, and he took it for granted. The attention it deserves should be high-profile and it is reasonable.

The steps are brisk and confident, even slightly wider than usual, which makes the whole forward posture show some youthful vitality.

——Slightly eager.

Then he saw Tom Hanks.

"Good afternoon, Tom." He greeted first.

Unlike Anson, Tom looked very relaxed, as if he was walking in the back garden, holding a toothpick in his mouth as if he had just eaten. He was wearing a dark brown suit but with the buttons of his shirt and suit unbuttoned, looking sloppy and idle. The wandering temperament perfectly matches the lazy sunshine of California afternoon, making people want to lie down.

This is really far from the stereotyped, dignified, serious and decent Tom in my impression.

In other words, people-friendly?
Tom was chatting with a staff member. When he saw Anson, his expression lit up, "Hey, golden boy, finally, this day has finally come."

When it comes up, it's just a little joke.

Anson was about to respond, but Tom blinked exaggeratedly.

"God, you'd better not vomit later. I really can't accept this scene anymore. Please understand my poor heart."

Wait, this? The subtext is obviously complaining about Anson. He may have vomited because he was too nervous to play the opposite role. It is obvious that Tom is not prepared to clean up the mess for Anson.

Tom Hanks? The good guy in the eyes of the public is actually a drama tyrant?

No way?
If Anson was already nervous, he might actually vomit at this moment.


Anson's face remained calm, not only did he not panic, but also showed a thoughtful expression, "If this is not the first time, so before... Matt?"

Tom teased Anson not to vomit because of nervousness, and Anson complained that Matt Damon vomited when he and Tom collaborated on "Saving Private Ryan"?
One comes, one goes.

Tom was obviously stunned. He opened his mouth and tried to reply, but he stopped and controlled himself. He looked at Anson again and smiled. At this time, he returned to his usual familiar look, his eyebrows became gentle and kind, and he raised his right index finger. , while nodding Anson in the air and shaking his head slightly. "Good guy, you are digging a hole for me to jump into."

"I don't care about the gossip between you and Matt. You young people can do what they like. Don't drag me, an old man, into trouble. I don't want to get involved."

Fox, still fox, Tom immediately understood the meaning of Anson's words.

But similarly, Anson can also understand the stance behind Tom's words——

Although it is not stated explicitly, it seems that Tom and Matt have a good personal relationship. An understatement of "love, hate, and hatred" involves Anson. The subtext is that Matt is the victim, and the matter between Anson and Winona should be Not so simple.

Of course, Tom didn't mean to accuse. Such a point of view and position was very obscure, and it was just leaked from between the lines inadvertently.

Originally, Anson was just joking casually. It would be fine if he didn't notice such subconsciousness, but if he notices it, he can't turn a blind eye.


Anson raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "You can only watch and discuss for a few words at most. I got involved in it for no reason. Xiami watched the whales fight. Obviously no one cares about my feelings. I don't have a microphone at all."

Tom was stunned and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He heard it.

Tom didn't want to pay attention to it, after all, those things had nothing to do with him, but after thinking about it, he finally couldn't hold it back, "Aren't you and Winona friends?"

"Do you think a puppet has a say at Paris Fashion Week?" Anson replied.

Light, yet sharp.

People have forgotten one important point:
Paris Fashion Week, Chanel show.

Obviously, Anson had no say.

The invitation was obtained temporarily from the Dior show two days ago. Anna Wintour was present, and the seating arrangement was designated by Karl Lagerfeld.

From beginning to end, the meeting between Anson and Winona was a coincidence.

It turns out that the truth is so simple.

Tom chewed it carefully, showing an expression of great interest.

He has seen Anson's charm, which is why he agreed with Anson to play the role of Little Frank; but today, he has a new insight into Anson's calmness and wisdom, and the balance in his heart has quietly adjusted a little.

When he looked at Anson again, there was a hint of playfulness in Tom's eyes, "Pinocchio has the right to speak."

Anson spread his hands, "So, how do you think the condition of my nose is?"

If Pinocchio lies, his nose will grow longer.

Anson's words are a rhetorical question, did he lie?

"Ha." Tom couldn't help laughing. He looked at Anson carefully again and smiled even more happily, "Hahaha."

It has to be said that Anson is indeed a character, and his wit and humor alone are eye-catching.

Now Tom finally understood why Jeff Robinoff looked at Anson differently. It was definitely not easy to get the approval of these old foxes——

Including himself, he is also in the ranks of old foxes.

Tom couldn't help but look forward to today's shooting.

"Just now I was worried that you were nervous, but now it seems that I'm just being pretentious."

(End of this chapter)

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