The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 406 Integrate into it

Chapter 406 Integrate into it
Steven was carefully looking at Anson in front of him.

Although Anson was the actor he personally went to Paris to audition and even brought Tom along with him; at this moment, he still had to admit:

He made a mistake.

Obviously, he and Tom thought they had seen through Anson inside and out, which was why they chose Anson to play Frank Abagnale Jr.; but now it seems that they both underestimated this vase.

Just a little bit, Steven was going to miss Anson.

An inspiration flashed in his mind, and Steven couldn't help but say, "Maybe we can continue to cooperate next time."

"My pleasure." Anson answered immediately.

Steven just said it impulsively, but he didn't expect Anson's answer to be so direct, "Why, aren't you worried about the script and the character?"

Anson spread his hands and said, "No, I'm more worried about not being able to challenge more different roles."

Steven raised his eyebrows slightly, "Even if the work fails or is even a disaster?"

Anson nodded, "It's better to make mistakes than to be bored."

Steven couldn't help but be stunned and chewed Anson's words carefully. Involuntarily, he thought of himself fifteen years ago.

At that time, he had already won numerous commercial successes, such as "Jaws", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "ET". He transformed all his childhood fantasies into a magnificent world on the big screen; but he tried to do Make different attempts and explore more different possibilities on the big screen.

Therefore, he chose to adapt the original novel "The Color Purple".

Everyone said he was crazy, including his close friend George Lucas. People thought he was ruining his career as a director with his own hands.

However, he still did it.

Because he believed that it was better to make mistakes than to be bored.

If an artist is afraid of making mistakes and stays in his comfort zone, the only outcome is to slowly kill his career by his own hands.

Looking at Anson again, there was a smile in Steven's eyes, and he nodded gently in approval.

Before Steven could speak, Anson added, "What's more, no matter how naive and stupid I am, I won't reject Steven Spielberg in person."

The agent should take the blame.

Steven understood instantly, couldn't hold it back and laughed loudly, "Hahaha."

"So, what joke are you talking about? Do you mind sharing it?" A teasing voice came from behind, and when I turned around, I saw Tom waddling on the stage like a penguin.

Steven's smile was hidden behind his beard, "I'm telling Anson that in this scene just now, he completely stole all the light."

Anson: Me? Wait, what?
Looking at Anson's innocent expression, Tom spread his hands generously, "I admit it. Man, your performance just now was very good."

As he spoke, Tom stepped forward and gave Anson a hug, and said cheerfully, "You murdered me, completely, without leaving any face."

Bang bang bang.

Tom slapped Anson hard on the back and said almost through gritted teeth——

Obviously, this is a joke.

Anson responded with an "awkward yet polite" smile, and waited for Tom to distance himself. Then he made a gesture of "couldn't bear it anymore, coughed and vomited blood." After finishing, he wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at him as if nothing had happened. Tom and Steven acted as if nothing had happened.

Tom, stunned.

Steven burst into laughter, "Haha, you finally have a bad day."

"Anson, let me tell you, everyone thinks this guy is honest and it's Forrest Gump's fault. But in fact, he likes to make mischief in private. However, everyone is afraid of him and dare not fight back, so he always hits the target every time. Success for the first time, bully, absolute bully, someone finally resisted him."

But when he turned around, he saw Anson blinking desperately with an embarrassed and nervous expression on his face, and kept signaling to Tom with his eyes, "Director, I just joined the union." This was actually still a joke, implying that Tom was covering up the screen with one hand at the Screen Actors Guild. God, Anson still has to look at Tom's eyes. He is asking Steven to help him beg for mercy.

One second, two seconds.

"Hahaha." Tom laughed heartily, "Steven, you should really see the look on your face."

Steven didn't hold back, "Haha." He looked at Anson who looked calm and said, "Hahaha."

The atmosphere is so lively.

Anyone with eyes can see that Anson is as comfortable as a duck in water standing in front of the two bosses. Such a scene is not that common.

Then, Tom finally withdrew his attention and said, "I'm serious, Anson. I just performed very well. Some of your rhythm processing was very good. I think I should also adjust it and tighten the whole mood to match your calmness." The contrast will make the comedy effect more prominent.”

Legends can become legends for a reason.

Anson was not complacent, but followed Tom's thoughts, "What parts are they specifically?"

The key point of a rivalry scene is that the performance of the two people should form an interaction. Even if there is no eye contact or lines colliding, the energy emitted by the whole person's emotions, rhythm, tension, etc. are all interacting, thus forming a complete picture.

After hearing the conversation, Steven interrupted, "That's what I want to say."

The two actors both looked at the director.

Steven, "The scene just now was very good, very, very good. We don't need to reshoot, this one is fine. But we need to make up for the camera positions and close-ups."

"Anson, the way you handled your eyes just now is very beautiful. I need to add a few close-ups and just maintain your current thoughts and state. You did a great job."

"As for Tom, I'm not worried about you. You and Anson can continue to discuss it. You can tighten up a little bit. I don't think there's any problem with that."

After saying that, Steven was ready to leave, but the actor could not.

Tom called to Steven, "Wait, wait, a close-up of Anson's eyes, which parts are they specifically? Where am I? What is the spatial position between me and the camera?"

"Steven, I need to make adjustments too."

Inspiration keeps bursting out.

It is precisely because of Anson's outstanding performance that Tom has more ideas about the character and the plot, and the thoughts in his mind begin to flow.

In fact, it is the same with Steven. How to use the lens to capture the details of the performance, and then use these lenses to construct the entire scene. The ideas in his mind will be improved to a higher level, and more ideas will be born based on the original plan.

With a glance and a word, Tom and Steven started talking.

And what about Anson?

Listen attentively and concentrate 100%.

Anson must admit that his understanding and presentation of performances are still in the preliminary stages. He relies more on instinct and makes some reactions based on sorting out the context of the character; he cannot see the overall situation like Tom or Steven, and based on The overall situation further extends the relationship between performance and camera——

Experience is still too little after all.

But it doesn't matter. Unlike being a bystander in "Princess Diary", this time he can not only learn from the master at close range, but also put into practice.

Even if he is just observing, Anson can still learn a lot.

Sure enough, the "cat and mouse game" is indeed a rare opportunity.

While shooting, inspiration bursts out, just like creating art.

(End of this chapter)

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