Chapter 407: Palm Size
The filming of "Cat and Mouse Game" went smoothly.

Steven did not expect that Anson could bring surprises, and Anson also did not expect that he could find the joy of creation in film shooting.

Judging from the past life, "Cat and Mouse Game" focused on entertainment effects, just like popcorn. It was even too relaxed and presented such a story in a joking and ridiculing way, which attracted a lot of criticism. Conservatives believed that Steven was not That a crime story should be told in such a cheerful manner may set a bad example for teenagers, which shows how entertaining the movie is.

But I didn’t expect that the actual shooting process was full of passion. The collision of inspiration, character research, performance and scheduling opened the door to a whole new world.

The real revelation given to Anson is that people often think that popcorn movies are not nutritious, but in fact, it is not easy to make an excellent popcorn movie.

The director's scheduling is like this, and so is the actor's performance.

Of course, overall, the working atmosphere of the crew was relaxed and pleasant, and the comedy nature of the film ensured that the filming process remained relaxed.

This is even more true for Anson.

Anson has already filmed love scenes in "Princess Diaries" and "Spider-Man" before. Both times were pure love warriors, and they were young first loves.

This time the "cat and mouse game" is slightly different.

Although little Frank Abagnale is still a "pure love warrior", struggling to find his true love and trying to build a family, his lifestyle of constantly running away with lies has doomed him. He cannot stabilize in a relationship and must Use one lie to make up for another lie.

As a result, Anson had a new shooting experience.

The heroine of "Cat and Mouse Game" is Amy-Adams, who is still unknown at this time. This outstanding actor who later became famous with "Enchanted" and was nominated for Oscars many times, her career His early life was rough, and he always lacked a role that made him shine.

This time, Amy is paired with Anson. She plays an innocent nurse who falls madly in love with little Frank. The two are even ready to get married. Little Frank is also sincerely ready to settle down with her and bid farewell to his previous life of crime. But in the end, Still defeated by his past.

Interestingly, Amy and Kristen Dunst collaborated on "Beauty Comparison" two years ago and still keep in touch, because Kristen has just collaborated with Anson on "Spider-Man", and Amy and Anson are very close. They quickly became familiar with each other and laid a good foundation for shooting. There were many sparks between the two.

Of course, that's not all.

At this time, Allen-Pompeo, who had not yet become the leading protagonist of "Grey's Anatomy", and Jennifer-Garner, who had just entered the public eye because of the drama "Double Agent", were in the movie Lidu and Anson have scenes opposite each other, and the entire dazzling universe completely revolves around Anson.

But the most interesting one is Elizabeth-Banks.

This classic blonde girl who often appears in comedy movies later became one of the best-selling female directors by directing "Pitch Perfect 2". As an actress, she also appeared in "The Hunger Games" and "2 Years Old". "Virgin", "Magic Mike " and other blockbuster movies.

And now?
The 27-year-old actress is still trying to find a place on the big screen, this time in Cat and Mouse, playing a bank clerk through whom Frank Jr. learns some of the keys to making a check. Details, without a doubt, also play a very important role.

The interesting part is not here; rather, Elizabeth once auditioned for the role of Mary Jane, the heroine of "Spider-Man", but was rejected because of her age.

Despite this, she still got a small role, that is, the secretary to the editor-in-chief of Peter Parker's newspaper, and she also starred opposite Anson.

Going around and around, from "Spider-Man" to "Cat and Mouse Game", Anson and Elizabeth actually collaborated in two consecutive works, and this time they go one step further. Although Elizabeth is still not the heroine, this time the role has more rivalry with Anson. , age has not become an obstacle to their second cooperation. When Anson saw Elizabeth on the set, he was not only surprised, but also pleasantly surprised.

Now Anson finally understands why people always say that Hollywood is a circle the size of a palm. Although the Screen Actors Guild has 10 members, the top % of actors who can appear in major mainstream productions are completely indifferent. see the relationship.

Especially as a prophet, Anson can "see" the future. He clearly knows the future development trajectory of these actors. Combined with the cooperation in front of him, everything becomes more and more interesting.

Later, while chatting between takes, Anson also learned from Jennifer Garner that the work she made her mark in Hollywood was a TV series called "Felicity," and the leading actor in the series was Scott. Speedman - the handsome guy who lost to Anson in the competition for Peter Parker.

"Oh, I believe he didn't say anything nice." Anson said very calmly.

Jennifer nodded, "Yeah, he, uh, you don't want to hear those words."

"Haha, I accept it calmly." Anson spread his hands.

In fact, Hollywood is a circle.

It was in such a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere that the filming of "Cat and Mouse Game" went particularly smoothly, and the two bosses of the crew, Steven and Tom, were also very satisfied.

Originally, Steven made an eighty-day shooting plan. If accidents and emergencies were included, the goal was to complete the shooting within three months; but later, the shooting became smoother and more efficient, and it only took more time to complete the shooting. Fifty-four days later, the "cat-and-mouse game" was concluded in Montreal.

A whole month in advance!

Even an experienced actor like Tom had a look of astonishment on his face. He had no idea that the filming would go so smoothly and that it would be completed so early as planned.

Despite this, Tom still shook his head, "This march is like rushing to go somewhere. Steven, are you sure the shooting quality is okay? If the movie is a disaster, don't think about Anson taking the responsibility."

As soon as you hear it, you know it's a joke.

Steven's face was calm, "How about we reshoot some scenes?"

Tom immediately changed his expression, "Rita has already booked the resort. Don't frame me. I am an old person and need to rest now after two months of hard work."

All kidding aside, but Tom is also right.

Fifty-four days is a long enough shooting period, and more importantly. The crew is operating at high speed every day. In order to ensure work efficiency, no mistakes can be made in every link. Moreover, in the spare time other than the eight hours of shooting, in order to ensure that there will be no deviations in their respective work, everyone has their own preparation work. .

After nearly two months of filming, it is unbelievable that Anson lost a lot of weight. If he had not insisted on daily fitness during the filming, the muscles that he had worked hard to build during the filming of "Spider-Man" might have started to lose. But even if In this way, you still need to exercise well in the next period of time.

No matter what, finally, before the arrival of summer, the "cat and mouse game" was completed.

(End of this chapter)

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