Chapter 432 Soul Baptism
Play, finally fully played——

The protagonist is obviously the cello.

Miles' hair was flying under the light, and he strummed the piano bow with passion and devotion, and the rhythm and melody continued to accelerate smoothly.

The others all revolved around Miles, with the clearness of the keyboard, the penetration of the guitar, and the vibration of the bass, all intertwined, and as the cello became more and more passionate and galloping, the other three members' performances also ignited the passion. Pushing towards the climax bit by bit, the energy is released without reservation.

This is also the biggest highlight of the band in front of us. The musical instruments play a more important role, and the charm of the instruments is shown through performance and coordination.

The pace was obviously not fast, but Blair's blood was boiling.

She could clearly hear the sound of her heart pounding against her chest. Those mixed and surging waves rushed forward, and the world fell into a roar.

A smile bloomed quietly at the corner of his mouth, but his vision was completely blurred by tears.

She was like a madman, on the verge of losing control, crying and laughing, with a sense of stupidity all over her body.

But she doesn't care. not at all.

Blair just stared ahead intently, letting himself lose control during the performance.

That's when Blair saw it.

Anson put his guitar back behind him, picked up the drumsticks with both hands, stood in front of the jazz drum, and exchanged glances with his three friends——

Lily got the signal.

Blah blah blah, a flurry of swipes on the keyboard, from bass to treble, flowing smoothly, in one go, and reaching a climax in an instant.

Drum roll, drop.

dong dong dong.

It was like a sound coming from the other side of the valley, raising the melody that had reached its peak in one go to another level, setting off a storm.

Comprehensive, explosive.

Bass, strumming like crazy.

Keyboard, storm.

And the cello--

Unexpectedly, but logically, the cello is the real centerpiece.

Bach's legendary classic "Aria on the G String" lays the foundation. Bass, keyboards, and drums are dazzlingly intertwined, but firmly grasp the beauty and splendor of the melody.

Miles is still elegant, but the bow collides with the strings crazily and passionately, injecting all enthusiasm and happiness into the notes. It is as if you can clearly feel the burning energy of the soul flowing down like a waterfall, and the entire studio is roaring.

All reason, all thoughts, were crushed, smashed, solidified, and turned into ashes——

Nothing is left.

Even the tears were temporarily frozen on the eyelashes, and he was dumbfounded and dumbfounded to accept the baptism of this storm, and was so shocked that he could not move.

Language loses color, actions lose meaning, the brain presses the pause button, and it just stays in place, passively becoming a small boat in the storm.

Band, no more holds back.

Connor doesn't know if this is the end. After "The Tonight Show" ends, they will go their separate ways, with no follow-up, no future and no next step.

This is the curtain call.

Then, he will return to Kansas City, return to the supermarket, and return to daily life. This time it will be a farewell, a complete farewell to his musical dream.

Ah, farewell, after all, this day is about to come. After struggling for a long time, working hard for a long time, giving up and picking up several times, but in the end, we still have to face the cruelty and helplessness of reality. Maybe he is not suitable for music after all. Suitable for acting, maybe he should keep his dream quietly in his heart.

It was just a thought that took root in my mind and grew into a giant tree in the sky in a blink of an eye.

Those emotions and energy are all vented from the fingertips.

If he doesn't cry, why should he cry?
At least, he once shined, he once chased and ran and fought hard. He has no regrets. Although he is sad, he has no regrets. He will leave everything here to prove that he has also bloomed like a bright star.

"Connor, keep your head up, chest out, and enjoy this moment."

Everything turned into notes and vented out like a torrent.

Roaring, stirring, shocking——

The different textures of different instruments collide and intertwine in this way, and the melodiousness and magnificence of the cello are vividly displayed at this moment.

It is a completely different expression from "Wake Me Up". Power and passion are vented violently and violently, and the whole world spins like this. The world is spinning.


The impact of the heart and chest, the burning of blood and passion, a feeling that cannot be explained by words roared in the mind.

Quietly, they just sat there and worshiped.

It turns out that playing an instrument can be so powerful.

It turns out that performing in a band is much more than just singing.

It turns out that there is a higher level of shock and baptism besides "waking me up".


Amid the peak roar, Anson spoke again——


There are no lyrics, just a cry, a cry from the depths of the soul.

"Ah! Ahhh!"

A little bit, and a little bit more, just like this, climbing to the peak, releasing all the energy hidden in the melody without reservation, one octave, another octave.

There are obviously no lyrics, but the image just comes to mind.

"Run. Jack, run."

In the violent storm and the earth was shattering, a thin and small body seemed to be swallowed by the darkness at any time, and would be crushed to pieces if it slowed down a little.

However, he did not give up.

He ran like this, running selflessly all the way, burning his lungs, burning his life, running with all the bruises on his body, running desperately.

Hold on tightly to the meager ray of dawn and run with all your strength.

Anson heard it, heard Connor's sadness, heard Miles' stubbornness, heard Lily's desire; and also heard the boy's cry.

All of it, turned into singing, released to your heart’s content.

"Ah! Ahhh!"

From the past life to the present life, from teenagers to Connor, they have never given in. They are stubborn and stupid, innocent and enthusiastic, igniting their lives.

Run all the way.

"Run, Jack, don't stop, don't look back."

Blair noticed -

Tears in Anson's eyes.

Those blue eyes were like a vast ocean, able to tolerate storms, darkness, and all the scars. They were so bright and tough, yet sparkling with tears. However, he was not crying, on the contrary, he was smiling, with the corners of his mouth rising. Shining with perseverance and tenacity.

He is shouting, venting, and roaring.

In an instant, Blair burst the dam.

She sat there, her whole world falling apart, her shoulders drooped, her hands folded, and she was shaking uncontrollably. She was sad and even more moved.

Because at this moment, she saw a fragile but strong soul, carefully showing his wounds, refusing to give up and surrender.

He does not admit defeat,
Run, Anson, run!

Involuntarily, Blair also ran wildly with Anson, took off his armor, stood naked in the storm, opened his arms, embraced the storm, and the trembling from the depths of his soul made him smile. Tears bloomed freely, like a madman.

The performance, after reaching a peak, finally slowed down and returned to calm——

Miles, Connor, and Lily were all panting violently, as if they were pouring their souls into the performance, emptying themselves, their eyes intertwined, and finally they all looked at Anson.

The world is completely silent.

There is no noise at all.

Note 1: Hero——Family-of-the-year

(End of this chapter)

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