Chapter 433 Magic Moment
Play, stop, and the world becomes quiet again, but this time it's slightly different.

Breathless and emotionally charged.

Miles, Connor, and Lily were no exception. Their chests rose and fell violently, and they seemed to be able to clearly feel the surging passion burning in their chests.

However, there was no regret and no regrets. The eyes were shining with satisfaction and joy. They all looked at Ansen and fell on Ansen.

The light fell lightly on Anson's fingertips. He picked up the guitar again and flicked it with his slender fingertips.

Notes, rippling.

But there is no other accompaniment, returning to calmness and simplicity, a guitar and a voice, that's all, but this is enough.

"So, let me go." (Note 1)

It was such a simple song, returning to the original point where everything started, but Blair's scalp felt numb.

"I don't want to be your hero, I don't want to be a big shot, I just want to live a serious life like an ordinary person."

The black and white piano keys slowly cut in, making a tinkling sound like spring water falling on pebbles.

Anson never sang again, just hummed softly.


Gentle, light, like a lullaby.

The strings of cello and bass merged again, long and distant, and the keys beat lightly and nimbly at the fingertips of the melody, spreading like smoke and leaving lingering lingering sounds in the air.

At that moment, the world seemed to have cleared up after the rain, and the thin figure that kept running seemed to finally break out of the storm and bathe in the sunshine again.

In front of my eyes, a piece of golden splendor suddenly opened up.

The performance ended like this.


There was still no sound in the studio.

I don’t know at what moment, the entire studio was bustling and crowded, and all the staff of the "Tonight Show" program came out in full force, even crazier than when the opening performance "Wake Me Up" was performed——

Not one of them.

The small space was filled with figures, crowded but neatly occupying all the space, but there was no confusion, not even a sound, for fear that the slightest movement might ruin the performance in front of them.

It was full, but silent.

Even though the performance has ended, the excitement and shock in my mind are still raging, my blood is boiling, my heart is surging, and I am deeply immersed in it and cannot extricate myself.

This is more than just a song and a performance; it is a movie and a story, about pain, growth, life, and refusing to give up.

The bright and vivid picture unfolds in the mind like a scroll, powerfully involving every listener in it like a storm.

Every soul can feel different emotions, because everyone is unique, everyone has their own story and their own pain, but in music, their wounds seem to be healed.

This is the power of music.


Blair stood up.

She didn't wipe the tears from her face, she just straightened her back stubbornly. She knew that she must be in a terrible state now, but that didn't matter.

There was only Anson in her eyes, brain, and soul.

If Anson was so brave in showing her scars and vulnerabilities, why was she so secretive? She should also have the courage to face herself.

Embarrassing, so what?
At least her soul is tough and tenacious.

Blair didn't say anything, just clapped his hands, one after another. Snap, snap, snap.

Finally, the silence was broken.

In the studio, it was as if Cinderella had waited until midnight to lift the spell. The rose-colored halo of the fairy tale kingdom faded and returned to reality.

One after another, one after another, the audience stood up spontaneously——

Give me a round of applause.

Different from the novelty and shock at the beginning, the performance in front of me was a baptism of the soul, which was not released until the end of the performance. Wave after wave of tremors shot up from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and every cell in the body was screaming. , clapping your hands is the only way to vent.

If they don't, they may themselves be overwhelmed emotionally.

Then, the whole audience stood up and applauded thunderously.

Blair turned to look at Karen. The two exchanged glances, but neither of them spoke. They looked at each other's embarrassment and showed a knowing smile. Then they both looked at Anson, and the applause became more and more violent.

clap clap clap!
The whole place roared.

Witnessing this scene, Connor could no longer control himself and turned around, lowered his head and kept wiping his eyes with both hands. He tried his best to control himself but his shoulders still couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Ah, this is the end."

During the performance, Connor was 100% focused. All emotions and surges were injected into the performance, and he never let those fluctuations affect his performance. This is a truly professional attitude; however, at the end of the performance, those surging and burning emotions were like It came like a surging wave.

He was easily overwhelmed and defeated.

Connor is so helpless and fragile, but he is neither sad nor regretful. He likes today's stage and is glad to be a part of it. Even if his music dream comes to an end today, he has no regrets. He could turn around and leave with dignity.

But... but...

The tears still couldn't stop.

Lily tried to comfort Connor, but found that her eyes were already red, and thousands of words just stayed on her lips, completely grasping her throat.

She didn't want it to end, why should it end? She just wanted to run like this. No matter how long and thick the darkness was, she wanted to keep running.

Unswervingly believing that there will eventually be a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, even if it is just a glimmer of hope, she still believes that it can make her life different.

She still wanted to continue running wildly.

As soon as she turned her head, Lily saw Miles staring at the heat wave in front of him with a shining face. His eyes were firm and confident that he had not seen for a long time.

This made Lily feel excited.

And Anson.

Anson raised his chin slightly, straightened his back, looked forward, and kept a smile. Although his eyes were slightly red and looked embarrassed, Anson still did not avoid himself or hide. He showed an upright posture and calmly faced the eyes in front of him. And size up, show your true self.

The lights from the TV show studio fell lightly on his shoulders and cheeks, outlining the stubbornness and vitality of youth, making the turbulence of the audience become a foil, and majestically sketched out a magnificent picture. From inside the music to outside the music, breaking the fourth wall and awakening the passion in your bones.

Then, it exploded.

Lily was stunned for a moment.

Snap, snap, snap, snap.

The applause was released like a roaring tsunami, just like Mary Poppins casting magic. Everywhere you looked was wrapped in a layer of glowing halo, and the world was colorful and gorgeous.

Who could have imagined that the studio of "The Tonight Show" would be completely reduced to a concert scene, with no cheers or whistles, just the purest and simplest applause, making today's recording of the program a moment recorded in history.

Note 1: Hero——Family-of-the-year

(End of this chapter)

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