Chapter 440 Rabbit Magic
Adam Scott calculated countless things, but missed the most critical link:
Jay Leno's pride and professionalism.

Sony Colombia's worry and panic, from another perspective, is a kind of questioning and provocation, which completely angered Jay Leno, so much so that NBC TV station also quickly expressed its stance, standing unswervingly behind the superstar of his talk show, and hurriedly comforted him. Jay Leno.

NBC's stance also completely changed the situation.

"The Tonight Show" aired successfully.

Not only that, after Sony Columbia executives learned about it, they immediately ordered Adam to apologize to Jay Leno and repair the relationship at all costs.

After all, Sony Columbia still has a series of movies to promote. Although the late-night talk show competition is fierce, there is not only one Jay Leno; but other programs are not "The Tonight Show". This talk show has firmly dominated the 11 o'clock position in the night. It has been the ratings champion for ten years.

ten years!

Indeed, there are many other talk shows, as well as radio programs, magazine interviews, etc., but the publicity effect is not as good as "The Tonight Show".

"The Tonight Show" is irreplaceable——

Since Jay Leno took over the show in 1992, he has experienced a series of challenges and shocks. After all, he is not Johnny Carson, and it will take him some time for the audience to accept him.

In those years, "The Tonight Show" has always firmly held the top spot in the ratings of nightly talk shows, but it was mostly due to the shadow of Johnny Carson that the competition from other programs was still very fierce.

The turning point occurred on July 1995, .

The interview guest that day was Hugh Grant.

Just a few days before the recording of the show, June 27 to be precise, Hugh Grant was arrested by the Los Angeles police for receiving special dental services from a woman who was "standing on the street" in a car on Sunset Boulevard. Everyone gets the stolen goods, faces potential jail time, and is caught up in the storm of Hollywood scandals.

Almost everyone thought Hugh Grant would not appear on "The Tonight Show," but Jay Leno took it upon himself to convince him.

And, after Hugh Grant took his seat, Jay Leno said the classic line that shocked the entire North America, "What the hell are you thinking?"

Although it's not a foul language, it's not far off.

That episode completely changed Jay Leno's position on "The Tonight Show," completely erasing Johnny Carson's influence and establishing his own prestige and reputation.

Since then, "The Tonight Show" has become a Jay Leno show through and through, with ratings consistently exceeding four million viewers.

The highest number of viewers of other talk shows may be four million, and usually it stays around two million; but the worst number of viewers of "The Tonight Show" is also four million, and it can easily exceed five million every three to five, or even It's no surprise that higher numbers were achieved.

For the time period of ten o'clock and eleven o'clock in the night, the stability and strength of "The Tonight Show" is undoubtedly an incredible myth.

Including David Letterman, who has a sworn feud with Jay Leno, the same goes for programs in the same time slot. They can only watch the back of "The Tonight Show" competing for the runner-up position in ratings. There is a conflict between them and "The Tonight Show" An insurmountable barrier, even a hopelessly stark gap.

Similarly, advertising sponsors are most concerned about the ratings figures, and the main consumer group between the ages of 18 and 49 is no exception to the "Tonight Show".

When the ratings of other late-night talk shows generally hover below 3.0, every time it breaks through 3.0, it is a success worthy of celebration; the average ratings of "The Tonight Show" have already broken through the 4.0 stage early, and if it falls below 4.0, it may be necessary Meeting to review, 5.0 is the goal of the work.

To put it simply, the competition is not on the same level at all.

Sony Colombia naturally does not want to offend Jay Leno.

To be precise, no studio in Hollywood is willing to offend Jay Leno. It's not a matter of whether it's feasible, but it's simply not necessary.

What's more, even in the eyes of Sony Columbia executives, Adam Scott's handling of this situation is questionable, and they have no excuse. Adam: So, this is what it's like to be a scapegoat.

To make matters worse, Jay Leno proved himself—

He was right. Adam's concerns were unnecessary. How could Jay Leno risk his own brand?

After this episode of "The Tonight Show" aired, it sparked a wave of heat.

In the first half, the crew of "Star Wars Episode II" was led by Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor.

In the second half, an unknown indie band takes the stage.

If you don’t watch the program and just read the first paragraph of the Los Angeles Times report the next day and draw the conclusion, ordinary people may have an illusion:
The show is a hit, isn’t that natural? That’s the “Star Wars Prequels”! Anything that has anything to do with "Star Wars" will immediately become a hit, okay?
Even if they knew nothing about movies or talk shows, it did not prevent them from being shocked by the influence of "Star Wars" on the North American continent.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

In the first half, although the interviews between Natalie and Ivan were not as interesting as expected and the program was even a little stiff, relying on the appeal of "Star Wars", the program still easily attracted 4.5 million viewers and a ratings It also easily reached a high of and became the focus without a doubt.

The North American market is ready for "Star Wars: Episode II."

But the further you read the Los Angeles Times report, the more you immediately realize something is wrong and things are going in a strange direction.

"... When everyone was immersed in the joy that 'Star Wars' was about to be released again, Jay Leno was like a magician who pulled a rabbit out of a hat. No one knew how it happened, but the surprise was It hits you like this, no matter whether the audience is mentally prepared or not.

A band, a street performance, an internet craze. Also, Anson Wood. "

reader:? ? ?

Obviously, things are different from what was imagined, completely different——

Who would have thought that "Star Wars" would actually make wedding dresses for others one day?
Thanks to Natalie and Ivan's warm-up, although the program was not as exciting as expected, "The Tonight Show" easily retained most of the audience. A habitual action prevented the audience from picking up the remote control to turn the channel. Immediately afterwards, the show kicked off with a stunning and shocking band performance——


Absolute surprise!

In the words of the Los Angeles Times, "A cello appearing in a pop band is already a gimmick, but it is not the band's real venture, with four band members playing one cello." The wonders are just the beginning of a journey.”

The talk show interview didn't even have time to begin, but "The Tonight Show" had already ignited late-night curiosity.

Ratings are rising steadily.

According to Nielsen statistics, after the band started performing, the number of viewers slowly increased, and the upward trend was not obvious; but the ratings ushered in a significantly steep surge curve.

It can be seen from the data that the main consumer group between the ages of 18 and 49 is immediately captured. The curiosity and excitement of young people are easily ignited and spread widely. This has become a rare event in the late night period. A unique sight to see.

And all this is just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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