The Best Actor in the Vase of Meiyu

Chapter 441 Three Waves of Madness

Chapter 441 Three Waves of Madness
The average number of viewers was 6.3 million, and the peak instant number of viewers was 7 million.

The average ratings were 5.7, and the highest instant ratings were 6.6.

The above data is astonishing when applied to any late-night program on any TV station; it is equally astonishing even if it is not limited to the late-night period. It can easily rank among the top three in all-day programs. There is no doubt that it is the best in North America. The mainland dropped a depth charge——

Submarines appeared one after another.

And all of this is just the ratings for the second half of "The Tonight Show".

It may seem ridiculous, but if you add in the ratings data from Natalie and Ivan's interviews in the first half, the average score dropped significantly in the end.

Although this is still enough for "The Tonight Show" to easily crush a number of competitors, easily create the best ratings in the first half of 2002, and continue to consolidate its status as the talk show king; but since when did the North American continent deserve its traffic? The king of "Star Wars" has actually become a hindrance?


However, this is indeed happening.

The ratings figures are the most intuitive and appropriate evidence. Even the "Tonight Show" program team themselves did not expect it to perform so well.

Of course, they had a hunch that the show would perform well, but to this extent?


Perhaps Jay Leno is the only exception.

No wonder Jay Leno was so confident that he immediately approached NBC executives to make a big deal out of it. Otherwise, with twenty years of experience in Hollywood, how could Jay Leno have resorted to resorting to executives over trivial matters?

It seems that, as Jay Leno himself said:

This is his show, and he knows the effect better than anyone else. If the quality of the show is not satisfactory, why would he waste his own brand to please an independent band?

After waiting for the ratings results to be released, the reason for Jay Leno's series of actions was found.

What’s even more surprising and definitely worth mentioning is that the highest-rated moments were not from the opening and closing musical performances, but from the middle of the interview.

The moment Anson stood up and left the studio.

To be precise, it was the moment Anson switched from band to actor, and it was also the rare moment when Jay Leno was caught off guard when he was killed.

This scene, this moment, has aroused heated discussion in thousands of families. Through the TV screen, one can imagine the spectacular scene of dislocated jaws.

This is the pinnacle.

In other words, what Adam Scott was worried about did not appear. Not only did it not appear, but on the contrary, Anson's eloquence, performance and reaction became the highlight of the program, even surpassing the band's amazing performance and became the entire evening's program. the highest peak.

Things just happened.

Moreover, the ratings frenzy is only one aspect. The media, led by the "Los Angeles Times", is the real climax of the show.

"From the streets of Manhattan to the 'Tonight Show' soundstage, indie bands travel across mountains and rivers to chase the dawn of their dreams."

"Jay Leno's Daring Attempt: An Unknown Band Shines on 'The Tonight Show.'"

"No name, no record, a counterattack journey of a grassroots team."

"So, this eight-handed bomb?"

"From 'Wake Me Up' to 'Heroes,' the unknown band set off a midnight frenzy across North America."

"Wonderful, graceful, incredible, a breath of fresh air - however, it has not been released."

"One second after hearing it, a new band is born."

Focus, sensation, hot discussion.

The media, large and small, immediately focused their attention on "The Tonight Show".

The "Tonight Show" has always been the focus of media attention, and NBC doesn't even need to be dispatched. After each episode of the program is broadcast, a group of media will definitely release the news. This is also the reason why major film crews are willing to go to the program to promote it. flow. At the same time, this program has attracted much attention. The promotion of "Star Wars Prequels" has been prepared, and a large number of official press releases are ready to be released. Countless media reporters also need to watch the program to avoid missing the news of the next day. Hotspot.


The frenzy came and exploded.

The first thing to bear the brunt is still the reports related to "Star Wars Prequels". It pours down like a mountain torrent, and it is worthy of being the king of traffic.

Among them, there are scattered reports about some bands.

However, slowly, reports with the band as the core and focus on the band began to surface, occupying the field of view with a sweeping attitude.

Covering the "Star Wars Prequels" is a habit. No matter how effective the show is, the coverage still needs to keep up. No reporter will be stupid enough to miss it.

Reporting on unknown bands is a kind of passion. As Jay Leno said, such a band that is full of interesting and explosive topics is actually a loose band. Let alone recording songs, it cannot even be considered a band. This is absolutely It can be called an incredible magical scene.

Band, no name.

Performance repertoire, no song titles.

This, what kind of ridiculous scene is this?
After the show is broadcast, if the audience is interested in the band or the song, the audience is at a loss. There is no way to buy the album, no way to request the song on the radio, or even no way to listen to it again.

This is not imagination, this is reality.

It was so absurd that I couldn’t help but laugh, and the well-informed media also expressed:
I have never experienced this scene before.


The media, large and small, did not need to be mobilized or greeted, they focused spontaneously, and the discussion surrounding the band could not stop at all——

Have a sincere discussion.

The heat wave completed the overtake bit by bit and submerged "Star Wars Prequels".

Later, a scene that made people laugh or cry did indeed happen on the North American continent.

In 2002, the development of the Internet was limited. If you accidentally heard a song that you liked very much but couldn't find it, calling the radio station to request the song was the easiest way. The radio's on-demand rate was also an important reference indicator for the list.

After this episode of "The Tonight Show" was aired, a phenomenon appeared in different cities and regions of the North American continent, which was more or less the same.

Listeners called the radio station to request a song, but they couldn't tell the name of the song or the artist. They just hummed a melody, or gave a weird name they guessed, hoping that the radio host could help.

What "let me go", what "youth and ignorance", what "perception of the road", what "lost yourself", what "masquerade", what "walk with me".


The title of the song is completely unheard of, and the emergence of various "empty ear masters" has added jokes to radio programs and has become a favorite topic of conversation.

But without exception, no radio host could help.

There is no way, there is no way——

Even if a listener correctly names the band on "The Tonight Show" or hums a tune, the station still can't help because the band hasn't released any records.

Ironically, the "Tonight Show Band" left a legend. Everyone knew the band, but no one knew the name of the band, so they all used "The Tonight Show Band" instead, which became a nickname.

Inadvertently insert willows and willows.

If this was a plan, a mysterious band carefully planned by a record company would often have trouble succeeding because being too deliberate would destroy the sense of nature; but now, it happened like this and became a phenomenon.

And, that's still not all.

So far, there have only been two heat waves, and the third wave has just arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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