It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 104 The old lady is still alive!

Chapter 104 The old lady is still alive! (Please subscribe)

Sun Jianping carried a bucket of fish and walked through the thick snow back to the breeding room. In the weather of minus 30 degrees Celsius, the fish that had just been out of the water for a few minutes were already frozen solid. He threw them to the ground and threw the fish on the ground. A piece of red brick was knocked off.

"Uncle Cheng, I've brought you fish!"

Sun Jianping opened the door and came in. The old man was not idle during the Chinese New Year. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth and holding a piece of red-hot iron with a pair of tongs and looking at it back and forth.

"How come there are so many!" Lao Chengtou said in surprise as he looked at a bucket full of fish that was more than two feet long.

"Uncle Lian Sheng gave me the rest of the Fugen, so I was thinking of bringing some for you..." Sun Jianping put the bucket at the door, "Uncle Cheng, what are you doing?"

"After the New Year, we will be busy with spring plowing. I will make a few hoes for tilling the ground, so as not to be blinded later." The old man pulled a horse and asked Sun Jianping to sit down. "It's the New Year. Let's chat with my uncle. You can come too." It’s been half a year!”

"Exactly six months." Sun Jianping counted with his fingers and said with a smile.

There was a sporadic sound of firecrackers outside the window, mixed with the laughter of children. The old man turned his head and looked out the window and sighed quietly.

"It's better for people of your generation. When I was eight years old, I worked as a stable boy in Li Dashan's family. I first herded the pigs and then the horses. I have been a stable herd all my life." The old man took out two cooked chickens from the ash pit. He handed one potato to Sun Jianping, blew off the floating ash on it, broke it in half, and started talking to him, telling him the story of Li Dashan.

"Mr. Li Dashan, is he the family in our village who asked the little devil to kill him?"

"Well, besides him, who else is Li Dashan in our Gada?" Old Cheng smiled, "Li Dashan is amazing. His uncle was a Taoist leader in the Qing Dynasty. That guy took advantage of the money. As the old saying goes, it was fertile land. There are hundreds of workers in Qianjian. The family builds a large gun tower one to two feet high and hires more than ten gunners, all of whom are responsible for smoking. During the New Year, they sell grain to get money back, and the silver coins are packed in large bamboo baskets. "

Sun Jianping had never experienced that era, so he didn't know what a spectacular sight the so-called one-foot-two-foot high cannon tower was. However, there were many traces of broken earth walls in the northwest corner of the village, which must be the remains of Li Dashan's family.

"Then why did his family ask someone to give him...?"

"This is a long story to say. Mr. Li Dashan has three children, two sons and a little girl. The eldest son is the least of them. He spends all day in the opium dens and brothels in Hecheng. The second son is okay, so beat him. When I was six years old, I hired a teacher from Kuanchengzi to give him special lessons. How old was I at that time, ten years old?"

Sun Jianping threw the leftover potato peels into the fire and looked at the jumping flames. He couldn't help but lament the impermanence of life.

How majestic the Li family mansion was at that time!

Now it has become a piece of ruins, and it can only be left to future generations to talk about it in the whimpering cold wind!
"When this second young master reached the age of more than 20, he couldn't sit still at home anymore and had to go out to take exams. This kid is quite capable. He took the exam at a normal school like Fengtian..."

"Fengtian Higher Normal School..." Sun Jianping interrupted, and the old man chuckled, "I don't remember what it is, but the name is quite old. Li Dashan was very happy that day and set out eight plates and eight bowls of hard mat noodles to invite the villagers. They ate on flowing water mats for two days and two nights..."

The old man finished the last bite of potatoes, rubbed the dust off his hands, and squinted his eyes, as if he was recalling the eight plates and eight bowls of noodles...

It’s a pity that I can’t eat it now!

"What happened next?" Sun Jianping didn't care about the eight dishes and eight bowls. He only cared about how the second young master became enemies with the little devil.

"It can be said that the second young master stayed in Hecheng to work as an official after graduation. Li Dashan is shaking now, walking like this..." The old man said that he was so excited that he stood up and learned two "crab steps", It made him laugh.

"It's okay not to mention Mr. Li Dashan. When I was seventeen, they arranged a marriage for me. The girl I married was the daughter of Lao Wang's family in Xiaoxishan Village. Mr. Li Dashan's eldest wife thought that my daughter-in-law was a good person, so she let her come. The family helps with the affairs and gets eight oceans a year..."

Sun Jianping's heart skipped a beat!
I have never heard anyone say that Uncle Cheng has a wife!

Is it...

"I remember hearing from Zhenliang that in the third year of Kangde's reign, the second young master came back and asked for money from Mr. Li Dashan, saying that he wanted to lead a team to fight the Japanese. Mr. Li Dashan asked me to push him to the ground and give him I tied him up and stuffed him in his own room. I turned around and went to let the horses go. On the way to the township office, I saw a bunch of yellow little devils coming up from the south. I couldn't help it, this little devil. He came to massacre the village...I got on my horse and ran back, and the bullets flew from the top of my head..."

The old man tore off his clothes and pointed to a centipede-like scar under his ribs, "I felt my ribs were sticky, and when I touched them, they were covered in blood. Afterwards, the horse I was riding was also shot and turned over. , I fell into a pit..."

"What happened next? What happened next?"

"What else can I do!" Old Chengtou sighed and wiped the corners of his eyes, "When I woke up, Li Dashan's house was all burned down, and my wife..." The old man wiped his tears, "This is a Chinese New Year. Why are you saying these depressing words? Don’t leave later. I’ll make you some fish stew! Lao Zhang bragging all day long is better than saying that his fish stew is delicious. It’s just bullshit..."

Sun Jianping was sitting on the horse, and he was filled with emotion when he recalled what he had just said.

Living in that precarious era, I was lucky to survive!
Uncle Cheng has worked hard all his life and has to endure hunger and cold when he is old. It is really unbearable!

"By the way, on the third day of junior high school, you can help me take care of the animals, and I'll go visit my old mother-in-law."

"The old lady is still alive!" Sun Jianping regretted it as soon as he said it.

"What are you talking about? The old lady is already eighty-three this year. The more she lives, the more energetic she becomes. I can be considered an old lady. I have to go and see her every year and festival to do my part." Lao Chengtou said I picked up an aohua fish and put it next to the blacksmith stove to melt it. I poured the rest into a large tank outside and covered it with two handfuls of snow to prevent it from being blown by the wind.

Uncle Cheng's stewed fish is full of heat and delicious, and is as good as Uncle Zhang's cooking.

After dinner, Sun Jianping made an excuse to go back to Lao Cao's house. He walked around and came back and brought back two roe deer thighs for him.

"Where did you put it?" The old man was stunned when he saw it. Sun Jianping smiled, "Uncle Zhang went to the forest for half a night last night and shot a roe deer. You just said that you were going to see the old lady on the third day of the lunar month. I thought we couldn't go empty-handed, so I got it for you."

"You kid, I've made you spend money again, and I owe it to you..." The old man complained, but he was pleased with himself, Jianping, this kid can do it!
A lot!



Not the one who digs at the chicken intestines!
"Look at how my uncle is living... I'll take it first and pay you back when I have money..." Old Cheng blushed and stuffed the roe deer's legs into the big vat outside. Sun Jianping curled his lips indifferently, "What? It doesn’t matter if we have money or not, I don’t want to talk nonsense, so I have to thank you for your care over the past six months.”

"You kid, the chatterers in the Northeast are better than me!"

"Uncle Cheng, you are not resting during the Chinese New Year..." The door opened, and Li Xiuzhi walked in, tugging on her headscarf, "Jianping went home for lunch. It's already noon."

"I've finished eating the stewed fish here." Old Cheng laughed, and Li Xiuzhi glared at the old man, "This guy is celebrating the New Year and he even grabbed it! Uncle Cheng, you didn't give me any clothes you wanted to mend, anyway. If you have nothing to do these days, I will help you with it."

"Lao Cao, that bastard, has never done anything good in his life, except for marrying a good daughter-in-law!" Old Chengtou found a few damaged clothes and handed them to her, smiling. Li Xiuzhi rolled her eyes at him, "I'll do it when I get back." Tell my dad that you are picking on him behind his back."

"Haha!" The old man laughed, Sun Jianping also laughed, and the little donkey outside heard the owners laughing and started braying!
When you've had enough to eat and drink, don't think about ordering donkeys!

"Sister-in-law, where is Uncle Cao? He's not back yet?"

Sun Jianping asked, carrying his baggage and following Li Xiuzhi home.

"They can't come back until dark."

"Why so late?"

"You don't know the rules here in the Northeast. On New Year's Day, you have to burn paper on the graves and take your ancestors home to celebrate the New Year. Our family tree was burned a few years ago, and they were all secretly offered to our ancestors..."

"Then it won't be a day trip..."

"Our old cemetery is in Nagada, Erhu Mountain..."

Sun Jianping frowned slightly, Erhushan...

Countless gossamer-like clues are connected together, and the truth that has been sealed for a long time seems to be slowly opening up along with the thin spider threads.

(End of this chapter)

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