It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 105 Which daughter? What does it look like?

Chapter 105 Which daughter? What does it look like? (Please subscribe)
Waiting until the sun went down, Lao Cao led his son back from the distant Erhu Mountain on his feet in the snow. Li Xiuzhi whispered a few words in his ear. Lao Cao smiled and nodded, "Everything is in order." , then hurry up! They have been through it for a year, so they can take advantage of the New Year to eat something delicious."

A piece of white paper was hung on the north wall of the west room, and a wooden table was placed underneath. Li Xiuzhi took out the tributes that had been prepared long ago from the cupboard and placed them one by one.

Steamed crucian carp with melon seeds, large snow-white steamed buns, Guoguang apples bought from the supply and marketing cooperative...

The cabbage hearts are piled in the shape of a pagoda, with some red pepper sprinkled on top. They look red and white, very beautiful.

Lining up under the white paper, Lao Cao picked up a bottle of wine, unscrewed the cap, poured it into a small glass, muttered many names, spilled the wine on the ground, finally sighed, and stared at the eyes. This blank piece of paper remained silent for a long time.

"Jianping, come in and kowtow to these uncles and uncles!"

Lao Cao put the wine bottle on the altar table and called him in.

Sun Jianping didn't know who the name of the deity was on the paper, but since Uncle Cao asked him to kowtow, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times, then stood up, imitated his example, poured a glass of wine, and mouthed He was mumbling to uncles and uncles that they should all come back to celebrate the New Year, and then scattered the wine in the glass on the ground.

Cao Chungui and Xiao Xingwen also kowtowed. Seeing it getting dark outside, Lao Cao waved his hand and said, "Put it away!"

"Why didn't dad give up?" Li Xiuzhi came over with a plate of rice cakes and asked curiously when she saw Cao Chungui on the offering table, taking off the white paper, rolled it into a roll, and hid it on the standing cabinet.

"What are you offering? Just take a few mouthfuls of incense and smell it. If someone investigates it, no one will be fine." Lao Cao looked at the empty loess wall with a melancholy expression, and put all the dishes on the offering table. Take it down, "Give it to the kids!"


Li Xiuzhi carried the plate and walked to the outer room with a suspicious look on her face, wondering what her husband was thinking.

Sun Jianping tugged on Cao Chungui's sleeves, and the two of them left the west room. The air became dull for a while, and only Xiao Yueyue, who was young and knew nothing about sorrow, was sitting on the kang head.

"Brother, play with me!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Xingwen took off his shoes and got on the kang, playing Galaha with his sister. Zhang Ziyi opened the door and came in, throwing a piece of red roe deer meat on the chopping board, "Xiuzhi, is your dad back yet?"

"I'm back. Uncle, come as soon as you come. What else can you bring us..."

"Why are you so polite? Give it to the children!" Zhang Ziyi pushed the door open and entered the main room. He saw Sun Jianping and Cao Chungui staring at the west room in a daze. After coughing, they woke up as if from a dream.

"Uncle Zhang, you are here!"

"Well, let's see what's going on with Dad. Did you go up the mountain to burn paper and get evil?"

"You just hit the devil when you stepped on the horse. You can't say something nice when you're celebrating the New Year!" Lao Cao walked out from the west room, holding the remaining half bottle of wine in his hand, "Have you packed all your New Year stuff?"

"I have nothing to do, so I stewed a fish, mixed some dumpling fillings, and waited for the paper dumplings to be handed out later." Lao Zhang sat on the edge of the kang, tilted his head to look at the two children, and smiled. He took out two clean-shaven roe deer kneecaps from his pocket and threw them to them, "Take them and play with them!"

"Wow!" The child's eyes widened when he saw the new toy. He grabbed it and mixed it with the dyed Galaha.

"Xiuzhi, are you going back to your parents' home in the third year of junior high school?" Zhang Ziyi asked. Li Xiuzhi shook the sunflower seeds distributed by the production team in the outer room, poured them into the pot, stir-fried slowly over low heat, and responded casually. , "Why are you going back? Chun Gui and I both went back a year ago. Uncle Zhang, you old lady, don't plan to go to that road to meet your father-in-law!"

"This kid is making trouble with your Uncle Zhang!" Zhang Ziyi blushed a little and laughed awkwardly, "If I go, I won't go. Even if I go, they may not recognize me as my son-in-law!" "Then why do you recognize me? Yes, three young men are standing there, if your father-in-law doesn’t recognize him, then beat him!”

"What the hell, why did you, such a tiger, think of this? Is there something going on over there in Qian Guo?" Lao Cao asked as he took the pipe and stuffed it full of tobacco leaves.

"Isn't that right? They say they are planting rice during the Chinese New Year. Jianping said that his uncle is at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and can get us improved seeds. I thought that just having improved seeds is not enough. I have to ask a few farmers to help us grow rice. It’s a technical job…”

"Uncle Zhang, you are so worried..." As he spoke, the melon seeds were fried. Li Xiuzhi came into the house with a dustpan of fried melon seeds. With a splash, he poured the hot melon seeds on the kang. Lao Cao grabbed a handful and said, "The heat is okay. , Jianping gives you Uncle Zhang a handful."

"I don't have to do it myself!" Zhang Ziyi leaned over and grabbed a handful, snapping melon seeds. Lao Cao patted his neck, "You really don't treat yourself as an outsider!"

"Well, as the old saying goes, a thick-skinned person can eat enough, but a thin-skinned person cannot. Look at Jianping even laughing."

"This tiger eats a lot of things. Why, you are going to be a platoon leader during the Chinese New Year. Do I have to salute you when we meet in the future?"

"What salute is there? Just kneel down and kowtow."

"Why, I'll burn two more for you!"

"As long as it's what you want, there's no need to fulfill your filial piety..."

Lao Zhang received another slap on the back of the head.

Sun Jianping held a handful of melon seeds and leaned against the cabinet. He watched the two arguing with each other with a smile on his face. They said that Northeastern people are born with a sense of humor. Today, it turned out to be true. The two uncles sang and harmonized, which was more interesting than the sketches of later generations. .

"After handing out the papers later, Jianping, you take the two children to our house to eat dumplings!" Guessing that it was getting late, Zhang Ziyi stood up and ordered Sun Jianping. Sun Jianping hummed, "I will take them after the papers are handed out. go."

"Uncle Zhang, please don't leave yet. Let me ask you something. When I was throwing rice cakes that day, I heard that Aunt Xu was going to be a matchmaker for the eldest son of your family. How's that going?"

"I said I would see you after the new year and take a look."

"Which daughter? What does she look like?"

"Well, what does the daughter of Liu Si's family in Qiantun look like... Judging from how her parents died, she probably isn't that good either."

"Want to marry a wife? Good looks only depend on her face. She is neither a drink nor a meal. You have to see if she is filial and able to work." Lao Cao interjected.

Mentioning his son's marriage, Zhang Ziyi sighed faintly, "Let's talk about it later. I'll go back first. The three children have gone to someone's house to play. Your aunt is at home alone!"

Zhang Ziyi grabbed the hat and put it on his head, walked away and hurried out of the door.

"Liu Si's family..." Li Xiuzhi tilted her head and glanced outside, "Dad, Liu Si is not allowed to ask Uncle Zhang for a gift!"

Lao Cao shook his head, "Maybe others don't want it. The old Liu family in Qiantun is nothing, so why don't they want it? I think Xu Jinshan and his wife are deliberately trying to mess with your Uncle Zhang. In the past, your Uncle Zhang was always in his eyes, but now Move your home for Xu Jinshan, this cooing thing will act like a monster and give you Uncle Zhang eye drops."

(End of this chapter)

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