It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 108: Repairing farmland and water conservancy during the Chinese New Year!

Chapter 108: Repairing farmland and water conservancy during the Chinese New Year! (Please subscribe)

Outside the window, the crowing of chickens echoed through the small mountain village. Sun Jianping rubbed his aching head and got up from the kang.

After eating steamed dumplings at Uncle Zhang's house last night, he played poker with the three brothers Fucai and Futian. By the time he led the children back to Captain Cao's house, it was already midnight.

In the early morning, before dawn, there was already a thin light outside, sparsely projected through the ice-covered windows.

Lao Cao was still the first one to get up early, carrying a dung basket and walking around on the gravel roads in the countryside, looking for his precious dung eggs.

There was an oil lamp burning on the wooden cabinet with mottled paint. It was a rule that had been passed down for thousands of years. Sun Jianping snuffed out the wick, pulled his hat and put it on his head, and went out.

The cold air in the early morning hit his face, making him shiver. He looked up at the sky, and saw that the sky had already lit up in the east. A magpie flew up from the treetops, quacked at him twice, and flapped its wings. It flew into the woods behind the village.

Sun Jianping raised his eyebrows. On the first day of the new year, magpies came to announce the good news. It seems that I will have good luck this year!
He stepped on the thick snow and walked straight to the team headquarters. The horses, who had been frightened by the firecrackers last night for half the night, stretched their necks and started to scream when they saw their master coming.

"Happy New Year, Uncle Cheng!"

Sun Jianping pushed open the adobe house and saw Old Chengtou sitting in front of the stove boiling water. He smiled at him and said hello.

"Happy New Year to Jianping!" The old man picked at the bag and took out a small paper bag wrapped in red paper with couplets written on it from his arms and stuffed it into his hand. Sun Jianping was immediately embarrassed and hurriedly stuffed it back into his hand.

"It's not easy for you, how can I ask for your old New Year's money!"

"This kid!" The old man glared, "Take it!"

Sun Jianping had no choice but to put the red paper bag into his coat pocket. He pulled two iron buckets, scooped out the warm water from the pot, carried it to the stable and fed it to the horses.

Naturally, the bay horse was the first to enjoy the warm water treatment, which made many horses jealous. The bay horse drank the warm water happily, and from time to time raised its hind hooves and kicked the curly horse next to it to make it roll away!
Don't disturb the horse's interest in drinking water!

"You should run away quickly!" Sun Jianping saw it sitting still and slowly drinking water, and he stamped his feet anxiously. There were several people behind him waiting to use the bucket, and you were still here drinking tea slowly like the eldest lady of a landlord's family. !

"Ha!" The bay-red horse finally finished drinking. It raised its head, shook the water droplets from the corners of its mouth, squinted its big black eyes, and quietly enjoyed the warm water flowing from its mouth into its stomach, warming its whole body. .


"What are you doing!" Sun Jianping rubbed the maroon horse's ears, pulled the empty bucket, and fetched water for the other horses.

When the black horse saw its owner coming, it hissed with joy and bit his sleeve, forcing Sun Jianping to raise his hand to pat it.

This guy was extremely smart. He took advantage of the opportunity when he raised his hand, loosened his sleeves, plunged his big head directly into his pocket, rolled his tongue, and dug out a lot of black beans.

The black horse proudly shook its thick lips, crossed its upper and lower teeth, and chewed the black beans. Sun Jianping looked at his mount dumbfounded, "You little bastard, you are playing tricks with me!"

After feeding the horses and cleaning the stables, he yawned and looked at the rising sun in the distance, and suddenly remembered something!

Lao Cao hurriedly walked in and saw Sun Jianping brushing the horse's hair with an iron brush. He waved, "Jianping, hurry up and hitch the cart and go to the entrance of the village!"

"Uncle Cao, you won't really be doing farmland irrigation in the winter, right?"

"What are you doing? Just pretend to fool the boss." Lao Cao patted the bay-red horse and said, "Look at this horse, let you feed it. It's so fat! I'll kill this one during the Chinese New Year next year!" The bay-red horse opened its mouth in anger. bite him.

Sun Jianping responded and took the bay-red horse to the backyard to hitch a cart.

The bay-red horse was full of food and drink, snoring and pulling the cart, and slowly walked out from the production team headquarters. Old Cao sat on it and said, "Go to the entrance of the village!"

Several people had already stood at the entrance of the village. They were stamping their feet and cursing Yu Changhai and Guan Yonghua, these two bastards for not doing human affairs. Why did they free up people on New Year's Day?

Let’s have a restful New Year!

"Old Wang, go and break some firewood and make a fire. It's so cold that your jaw will freeze..." Although Zhang Ziyi is no longer a cadre of Team 7, he still has absolute authority in this small world. , Wang Liansheng hurriedly ran to pull out a pile of broken leaves and broken wood, took out a match and lit it, and everyone squatted in a circle around the fire.

"Oh oh oh..."

Sun Jianping drove a carriage and led Captain Cao to arrive. When everyone saw Lao Cao, they all stared, "Lao Cao, didn't you say you would come to check in the morning? Where are the people?"

"I'm so paralyzed that I probably fell to death in the ditch halfway down the road!" Lao Cao was also very angry. He didn't know about other places. Anyway, in Duerji Commune, how could anyone go to work during the Chinese New Year?
Not in so many years!

This Yu Changhai is nothing but a moth!

"Let's go up to the team to find them. If we are locked up, they will sleep at home and I won't let them down!" Xu Jingui cursed, and Lao Cao waved his hand, "You can calm down for a while! It's not enough for you to yell. Got it!"

Xu Jingui rolled his eyes and squatted down, putting his hands next to the fire to warm himself.

"Jin Gui is right, Jianping, you catch up with the car and take me to work at Jijia Oil Factory. Aren't they going to torment everyone? Then I, the militia platoon leader, will also torment them and have a New Year's training. His grandma Let’s see who can torture whom to death!”

"Okay, Lao Zhang, you should be quiet. You can't spend a quiet year. This is every day!" Lao Cao squatted on the ground, put the pipe and pot next to the fire, lit it, and murmured, "Let's wait until half past eight." , if no one comes at 8:30, they all go home to catch up on their sleep, as if no one wants to serve them!"

Everyone fell silent.

Sun Jianping led the horse and stood on the gravel road leading to the outside of the village, looking into the distance. These little guys thought about it. The coldest month of winter was five feet deep, and they suddenly said on a whim that they wanted to build farmland and water conservancy!

The frozen ground is extremely hard, and even a shovel will only leave a white spot. Do you still want to dig ditches to repair water conservancy?

How to fix it?
Bang your head on the ground?
The fire in the fire was almost burning, so Wang Liansheng pulled out a few more pieces of wood and threw them in. The flying sparks blew into the air with the wind and turned into a wisp of fly ash, fluttering and swirling. Lao Cao's eyes went straight.

When will I send you a letter?

Who cares if it freezes again in the freezing cold weather!
"Damn it, you're just fucking annoying people, Lao Cao, you just wait, I don't care, go home and catch up on your sleep!" Zhang Ziyi became irritated, stood up, patted the dust on his body, and was about to go back, but Lao Cao stopped him, "What kind of temper do you have? You won't be far behind for a while. Squat down here!"

Zhang Ziyi had no choice but to squat down again, pick up a small tree stick and stir the fire.

Just when everyone was waiting for the five spines and six beasts, a jeep slowly drove over on the gravel road in the distance!

Emma is really here!

This is a fart during the Chinese New Year!
The old members will not be reconciled if they don’t go through all the trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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