Chapter 109: Keep your mouth shut! (Please subscribe)
The jeep stopped at the entrance of the village, and Yu Changhai got out of the car first. He bent down, held the door with a respectful look, and "invited" the big leaders from the county to come out.

"Happy New Year, comrades! On behalf of myself and my superiors, I would like to extend New Year's greetings to all the members and comrades who are fighting on the front line of production!"

The person who came down was none other than Lao Yang, Yang Wanchun!

This guy was wearing a brand-new army green cotton coat and white gloves, with a bare head. He waved to everyone. Looking at his arrogant manner, those who didn't know better thought he was from the province!

"The leader has worked hard!" Lao Cao stepped forward and shook hands with him, "Aren't we? We are all ready. After eating the dumplings, we will go to the fields to build farmland and provide water conservancy. Men, women, old and young will work together to welcome the great victory of the harvest. !”

What the hell!

Sun Jianping almost lost his eyes!
The three days after the farewell were a surprise, but only a year later, the little old man's literary attainments have improved by leaps and bounds, and he can even write poems!

"Okay, okay, I have seen Comrade Lao Cao's determination to fight bravely and win a good harvest. Let's see your performance this year!" Lao Yang was very satisfied with the performance of Ermajia Village and exchanged a few words with Lao Cao. "Well, I have to inspect other production teams. Keep up your efforts. I'm waiting to hear your good news!"

Lao Yang bowed his hands to everyone and got into the jeep. He was so cold that he rubbed his ears.

Yu Changhai thoughtfully handed over the dog-skin hat and threw it into the back seat. The guy smoothed his back hair and raised his hand, "Let's go to Yuweizi!"

"Oh, you're just fucking a blind man doing somersaults!" Lao Cao cursed and waved his hands to everyone, "Everyone go home and go to bed! Jianping, take the horse back!"

"Uncle Cao, the blind man is doing somersaults..." Sun Jianping came over and asked curiously. Old Cao slapped him on the back of the head, "What else can I do? It's just a waste of time!"

Sun Jianping scratched the back of his neck and chuckled, "Isn't that right? I just don't do business every day and talk about useless things like an old sow wearing a bra - one set after another!"
They can tell the truth about farmland water conservancy during the Chinese New Year!
The next day, news came that, except for Ermajia Village and Jijia Oil Mill, the other eleven production teams had slacked off during the New Year period. Not only did they not come out to greet the inspecting leaders, there were not even any people at the entrance of the village. Forget about working in the fields, "setting off a new upsurge in farmland water conservancy construction"!

The superiors severely criticized these production teams, and required the captains of each production team to reflect and make self-criticisms one by one at the Standing Committee meeting!
"so close!"

After hearing this, Lao Cao secretly thought that he was lucky, thanks to listening to Jianping's words, otherwise...

"Hey, I'm telling you, Lao Cao, you didn't see it. The eleven team captains stood in a row, doing self-examination one by one. That scene..." Lao Zhang came in from the outside humming a little tune and sat down on the kang. , talking about what happened at the brigade headquarters in the morning, I was so happy.

"You don't have enough brains. Then it's not for farmland water conservancy. It's because the big guy doesn't obey him. He took advantage of the fact that the spring plowing hadn't started yet to punish these small team leaders and put on small shoes for them to establish his own prestige!"

Lao Cao lit a bag of cigarettes and smoked slowly, "You can't tell that Yu Changhai is so quiet at ordinary times. He has a very profound spiritual practice!"

"You don't know him yet? The whole Yuweizi said that he is a coward, and he is not a beating person at all!" Zhang Ziyi took the bamboo basket and rolled one for himself, "The brigade said that we are going to do some militia training during the slack time of the year. I We are thinking of absorbing Jianping into the militia. This kid is very smart and we have always had him with us. I can rest assured to use him."

"That's not possible. Jianping still has to help me prepare for spring plowing. How can I have time to train with you?" Old Cao became anxious when he heard this, and he and your kid came to snatch people from me as soon as he became the militia platoon leader!

"The ground is still frozen. You are plowing in spring... what the hell are you doing? Tell Jianping when he comes back later. I'll go back first!" Lao Zhang patted the ash on his pants, got up and walked out.

"That!" Lao Cao stopped him. Zhang Ziyi held his hand on the door frame and poked his big head, "What are you doing?"

"There are a lot of talkers in the team, so keep your mouth open and don't talk about anything else!"

"I know, this ink stain!"

"You little bastard..." Lao Cao cursed angrily.

None of them make me worry!

Sun Jianping was busy helping Lao Cheng to strike iron. He swung a big iron hammer, aimed it at the thick "old iron" on the anvil, and hit it hard with a clang, and layers of oxidation peeled off from the red-hot iron. The iron slag was finally hammered into the shape of a hoe.

Old Cheng used tongs to pick up the hammered iron piece, carefully trimmed the edge into an arc shape with a pair of large scissors, and then quenched the tip of the hoe in water.

With a sizzling sound, white steam emerged from the water in the enamel basin. The quenched hoe was thrown aside to be polished. Old Cheng picked up a piece of red-hot iron and smashed it with a clang.

"Have a rest, kid, you're tired!"

Watching the sun go past noon, Old Cheng put down the poker, wiped the sweat from his forehead, smiled at Sun Jianping, and took out a round "mud egg" from the brazier.

"Uncle Cheng, what is this?"

"Silly boy, don't you understand this? I learned it from an old lunatic. Look!" He picked up the tongs and struck it. The dried and caked soil outside the clay egg fell down, revealing that it was steaming. of corn leaves.

After peeling off the layers of corn leaves, a golden fish appeared in front of him.

"Eat, kid!"

Old Cheng peeled off the grilled fish and handed it to him. Sun Jianping waved his hands repeatedly, "Uncle Cheng, eat first!"

"You eat, I still have some here!" The old man pulled out two more roasted potatoes from the ashes. "This fish has many bones. I'm afraid it will pierce my throat."

Sun Jianping looked at the steaming grilled fish in his hand, his eyes were a little red. He sat on the pony, tore off the fish skin and put it into his mouth. A fresh flavor mixed with the fragrance of corn leaves exploded on the tip of his tongue, making his taste buds tingle. Get active!
This taste...


Old Chengtou broke the potatoes in half and handed him half. Sun Jianping took it, mixed it with fish meat, and finished the unique lunch.

"Uncle Cheng, are you going to your mother-in-law's house tomorrow?" Sun Jianping wiped his hands with a rag and asked casually. The old man hummed, "Leave early tomorrow morning and come back after dark."

"Who else is in their family?"

"I'm just an uncle." The old man rolled a cigarette and went to the brazier. There was a sudden sound of the cigarette being rolled. He didn't care. He took a puff and said, "An old farmer doesn't have much ability. He's not just a farmer. Eating for a living?"

Sun Jianping scratched his head, got up and went outside to see his horse.

The black horse had a cold recently and sneezed continuously. Sun Jianping was afraid that it would get sick again, so he thought about going to the commune veterinary station to get some medicine for him in the next two days.

"Spring plowing is here, you have to work, don't be lazy then!" Sun Jianping pinched Wulongma's sharp ears and said with a smile.

Wulongma stood quietly on the spot like a well-behaved and obedient child, lowered his head, and bumped his arm with his head to show intimacy.

Old Cheng came out with a cigarette in his mouth and patted the black horse's neck, "Look at this horse, its hair is as shiny as satin..."

Wulongma rolled his eyes at Lao Cheng, bit Sun Jianping's sleeve, and begged him for black beans.

"It's up to you who have studied in college to say it. Ever since there was a production team, I have been a herdsman feeding horses, but no matter how I feed this horse, it won't gain weight. As soon as you come here, I will look at us horses. , like balloon blowers, look at how fat they are..."

The old man raised his hand and patted the curly horse, "I have served big animals all my life. Seeing these things is like seeing my own children... I am afraid that they will be cold and hungry..."

The bay-red horse leaned forward and leaned its head in the old man's arms. Old Cheng chuckled happily and touched the mane on the top of the bay-red horse's head. "It's about to be bred in the spring, and I wonder which horse I want to tell my father about!"

Sun Jianping was stunned. This old man really treated the horse as a child!
The bay-red horse nudged him with its head playfully, then got back into the stable, staring at the black horse with its big eyes.


Sun Jianping showed an "I see" expression.

Lao Cao walked into the stable with his pipe in his mouth and walked from one end of the stable to the other. At the end, he patted the little donkey tied alone under the shed and smiled with satisfaction.

"What's up, Lao Cheng? The horseherd I found for you is pretty good. Look at how well he feeds our animals. It's so exciting!"

"That's right, Jianping works hard and carefully, which is much better than that little kid Wang Jingang!" Lao Cheng sat at the door of the adobe house and praised Sun Jianping so much that he felt a little embarrassed.

"Why are you sneaking out here again, you old ghost! You're like a rat every day, catching people everywhere." Zhang Ziyi poked his head in, saw that Lao Cao was there, slapped his thigh, and laughed.

"Bitch, I don't know what's going on in your dog's belly!" Lao Cao helped the curly horse adjust the cage. He knew it was Zhang Ziyi when he heard the sound, and he didn't even say a word in reply.

"Jianping, on behalf of our Taipingshan Brigade Militia Platoon, I would like to formally inform you that you have been approved to join the militia!"

Sun Jianping was stunned, "But I haven't applied yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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