Chapter 111 What if it works? (Please subscribe)

After doing this, he clapped his hands, stepped on the stirrups, grabbed the saddle bridge and got on the horse.

The black horse looked at its owner in confusion, until the owner patted it on the forehead and said, "Let's go home!"

The black horse neighed, raised its hooves, and galloped wildly!
In the vast wilderness, a black sharp arrow quickly passed through the land covered with ice and snow, heading straight for the small village with smoke coming from the kitchen in the distance!
After walking around for a while, the black horse was sweating profusely. He lowered his head to drink water and eat fodder contentedly. Sun Jianping took a brush and patiently and carefully cleaned its hair.

Seeing jealousy, the bay-red horse barked, calling Sun Jianping to come and "serve" him.

"Jianping is back, how is the horse now?" Old Chengtou walked out of the house carrying a red-hot iron block and asked with a smile.

"It's okay. I kept the reins tight all the way and didn't dare to let it run away."

"That's right. This horse is just like a human being. It needs to be raised slowly to cure the disease. I don't dare to let it do heavy work all winter. When the heat comes in spring, it will eat green grass, walk a few more times and take medicine, and the disease will be cured. It's almost there." Old Cheng stepped forward and pinched the horse's ears. Although the black horse was not as good as opening its mouth to bite him like Lao Cao, it still seemed that the boss was not happy. He pinched his neck and refused to cooperate, and kept looking at the little boy with his eyes. old man.

"Haha, you still have a temper. Let me show you a horse in a few days, and let me see if you still want to show off your face to me?" Old Chengtou smiled and lifted the horse's bridle, then leaned down and listened to the horse's breathing. , "It's no big deal."

The black horse shook its head left and right, shook off the old man's hand, plunged its head into the manger, and ate happily.

Under the manger...

There are black beans!

Sun Jianping took off the beautiful saddle and moved it into the adobe house, "Where is Uncle Cao?"

"Lao Cao was hanging around here just now. He is probably going home now. Jianping must not forget to feed the horses tomorrow. We men have finally fed the horses fat. If..."

"Uncle Cheng, Uncle Cheng!" Sun Jianping smiled and put his hand on the old man's shoulder, pushing him into the house. "Don't worry, it's not my first day as a stable boy. You can go visit your mother-in-law in peace. This way I’m watching over you!”

"If you say this, I'll be relieved. This bastard, Lao Zhang, rode away on his green horse and hasn't come back yet. I'll go to his house to have a look..."

"Don't work your old arms and legs, let me go!"

Sun Jianping closed the door and walked straight to Lao Zhang's house.

In front of Zhang Ziyi's house, the eldest brother Zhang Fucai was chopping wood with a sharp axe. The young man worked very methodically. He stepped on the middle section of the wood with one foot, held the long-handled ax in both hands, and gently split the top of the wood. Insert a wooden wedge into it, use an ax to separate it, and with a click, the wood will be divided into two parts.

"Brother Jianping, when did you come?" Zhang Fucai raised his head and saw Sun Jianping with a look of surprise on his face.

"I just arrived, watching you chop wood!" Sun Jianping smiled and patted Zhang Fucai on the shoulder, "Is your dad at home?"

"He's leaving the house!"

Sun Jianping opened the door and walked in. Zhang Qi was not at home. There were only Zhang Ziyi and an unknown middle-aged man in the room. They sat cross-legged opposite each other, both looking sad. It seemed that they were troubled by something.

"Jianping is here, sit down quickly!" Zhang Ziyi hurriedly asked him to sit down next to him, pointing to the middle-aged man sitting opposite, "Uncle Liu in Qiantun, like me, is also the third oldest."

"Hello, Uncle Liu!"

Sun Jianping stretched out his hand politely, and Liu San hurriedly extended his hand and kept saying polite words. Seeing that the two of them had something to talk about, Sun Jianping came outside the courtyard very wisely, took the green horse tied in the backyard, inspected it carefully, and then helped Zhang Fucai chop wood.

"My daughter is a good girl, but the fourth child can't turn his head around... You have to pay attention to the important things in your child's life. If you miss this village, you won't have this store..."

About five minutes later, the two of them walked out of the house one after another. Liu San, Sun Jianping, and Lao Zhang waved goodbye, threw off their long legs, walked out of the small courtyard, and walked straight ahead along the gravel road. Tuen.

Mrs. Zhang Qi, wearing a flowered scarf and bare hands, hurried back and bumped into Liu San. Lao Zhang hurriedly greeted her, "Can I borrow it?"

"I've asked several companies, but there are none." Mrs. Zhang Qi sighed, staring at her eldest son with a pair of delicate almond eyes, and there was another wrinkle on her brow.

"What's wrong, Uncle Zhang? Are you short of money?" Sun Jianping put down his ax and walked over and asked.

"Let's go into the house and talk."

Sitting on the kang, Zhang Ziyi recounted what had just happened. Xu Jinshan's wife, Aunt Xu, helped to introduce Zhang Fucai to the eldest daughter of Liu Laosi's family in Qiantun. It was originally agreed that the parents of both parties would meet on the eighth day of the first lunar month. If that worked, The marriage was decided, but people in Qiantun said that Liu Si and his wife were the most greedy for money and wanted to ask for more gifts. Zhang Ziyi felt uncertain, so he invited one of Liu Si's brothers to come over and find out more about the situation.

"The third child said it was more than a hundred!" Zhang Ziyi was rolling a cigarette anxiously, and Zhang Qi took off her headscarf and hung it on the shelf, "Why do you want so much? When the daughter of the second boy from Dongtou got married, she only asked for twenty. A dollar gift.”

"You ask me, I ask who to go with! This is the price they set, it's our business whether we marry him or not!"

With one sentence, Zhang Qi was speechless. He lowered his head and wiped away tears. Zhang Ziyi turned to look at his wife, and pulled his hat angrily, "Jianping, let's go out for a walk with my uncle!"

After saying that, he walked out of the door without looking back, and Sun Jianping hurriedly followed.

"Dad, please go out..." Zhang Fucai was about to say hello, but he immediately shut up when he saw that his father looked bad. Unfortunately, it was too late. Zhang Ziyi slapped him on the back of the neck, "Split your wood!"

Zhang Fucai rubbed his neck pitifully and glanced at his father who was walking away.

"What should I do?"

Sun Jianping led the green horse, and the two of them walked aimlessly on the village road. Zhang Ziyi looked worried, "I'm at my wits end, Jianping, please give me a move!"

"I still have a hundred dollars here. How about I lend it to you first so we can get over this hurdle?" Sun Jianping reached for his pocket, but Zhang Ziyi held him down. "Silly boy, I know you mean well, but Think about it, this is your in-laws' family, not a one-time deal. We will give you a hundred as a gift for the wedding. From now on, if you come here every now and then to ask for more, can you give it every day?"

"Everyone in the village knows that your Uncle Zhang is a man who can make trouble. These brats are probably trying to chew my tongue behind my back. They say that my family is rich, with boxes of gold in the cellar, and that I eat well and drink spicy food every day... This Liu The couple of four are just waiting for others to order the dishes. How dare they ask for so much while putting aside other things? Damn it!"

Lao Zhang slammed the half-smoked cigarette to the ground. Sun Jianping thought for a while and whispered something in his ear. Zhang Ziyi glared at him and said, "Is it possible? Can people agree to this?"

"So what if the old couple disagrees? As long as the daughter agrees, how can they insist on not letting the knot get married? You ask the boss to be diligent and talk about desserts, and ask the girl to go to the commune every now and then to buy something and have a meal. , As long as my daughter is willing, Liu Si and his wife will stare blankly and dare to ask for money again, then we will..."

"Our little so stupid, can he do it?"

"Can you give it a try? What if it works?"

"Then I'll go back and tell him!" Zhang Ziyi suddenly became energetic and hurriedly turned around and walked home. Sun Jianping chased after him, "Uncle Zhang, what you said about the militia this morning..."

(End of this chapter)

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