Chapter 112 I give my food to the dog! (Please subscribe)
"The commune said that our brigade has many horses and we need to form a cavalry platoon. I thought your horse was pretty good, so I thought about letting you join in as a helper. I don't know what you think."

"I have no problem." Sun Jianping dreamed of riding a horse and carrying a gun on the battlefield. How could he miss such a good opportunity so easily?

"Okay, I'll submit your name."

The words were happy words. Zhang Ziyi, who was in a very agitated mood just now, had a spring breeze on his face when he walked in. Seeing Zhang Qi still wiping his tears, he coughed and said, "Stop crying, okay? You said you don't look like you are crying." , just babbling like that, not even a second..."

"Get out of here!" Zhang Qi blushed at his amusement and pushed her husband.

"Cry, cry, cry, if you can cry for a daughter-in-law, I will cry with you!"

Zhang Qishi was so angry that she rolled her eyes at him.

"Jianping gave us a good trick just now. Do you think it's right?"

"Then you should tell me!" Mrs. Zhang Qi said hoarsely, holding an embroidered handkerchief to wipe her tears.

Zhang Ziyi excitedly repeated what Sun Jianping said just now. Upon hearing this, Zhang Qi's eyes lit up, "According to what Jianping said, this matter can still be accomplished if we are not prepared!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much thinking about it. It just depends on that kid in our family." Zhang Ziyi looked at his eldest son outside the window who was still chopping wood with his head down, and sighed quietly.

"There's one more thing..." Sun Jianping simply explained a few more sentences, and the couple nodded repeatedly, almost forgetting about this!
It was getting dark. Sun Jianping was lying on the kang of Lao Cao's house. The quilt was warm. He knocked on his aching legs. Although he didn't do anything serious that day, he still felt so tired!

Thank you so much for your hard work!
Two little ones ran in fighting and were yelled at by Li Xiuzhi to slip on the kang and sleep!
"Brother, please hug me!" Xiao Wuyue got into Xiao Xingwen's bed and dragged the civet cat in. The big cat was lying between the two children with a black face. Xiao Xingwen straightened up and squeaked. "Brother, do you like puppies?"

"I like it. Do you want a puppy?" Sun Jianping smiled and put the little guy into his bed and asked.

"I like it. Wu Lao'er's dog has given birth to a whelp. I want one to go!"

"You want a dog if you want it? People can't afford to eat, and they still feed the dogs!" Li Xiuzhi walked in with an oil lamp, "Jianping, you can give him a puppy, do you listen?"

"I'll give my food to the dog!" Xiao Xingwen stared in anger!
"Hey, your food is for the dog, so what are you going to eat? It's the dog's leftovers!"

Li Xiuzhi's words made Sun Jianping laugh. Xiao Xingwen angrily got into bed and covered his head, "I want the puppy, I want it!"

"What's so fun about dogs? Let your dad go up the mountain to catch a blind bear for you tomorrow. That thing will be fun." Li Xiuzhi winked at Sun Jianping and lowered her voice, "Don't coax him. The little kid is making trouble. He will do it himself after a while." alright!"

"I'm not a little calf, I'm a child!" Xiao Xingwen lifted the quilt and corrected his mother with a blushing face.

"Okay, okay, my Xingwen is not a calf, he is a good baby. Good baby, go to bed and ask your father to catch the blind bear for you tomorrow! Then you and the blind bear will become your buddies..."

"I..." The little guy was so angry that he rolled his eyes!
Sun Jianping clutched the corners of the quilt and almost didn't get internal injuries from laughing!

The little guy finally fell asleep. The two children, one on the left and the other on the right, hugged Sun Jianping's arms. As the candlelight slowly went out, everything in the room disappeared into thick darkness.

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. After tonight, the year will be over. By then, work should be done, and manure should be soaked. After the beginning of spring, it will be completely busy with farming. By then...

Sun Jianping suddenly thought of his brother Bao Tu. There had been no news for a long time. He wondered how they were doing.

Will the food and fodder transported be enough?

And this guy Wang Yumei hasn’t even replied to a letter to me yet...

The gift I mailed to my father is still on the way. I wonder how he is doing now...

Sun Jianping fell asleep in a daze. When he opened his eyes again, it was already bright. He suddenly remembered that today was the day when Uncle Cheng went to his old mother-in-law's house to visit relatives. He hurriedly got dressed and went to the team headquarters. The door of the adobe house was ajar, and the old man left before dawn. There was chopped hay under the window, and warm water sat in the big pot. Sun Jianping moved his arms first, then picked up the iron bucket under the window sill, and his hand just touched it. The cold iron made him grit his teeth.

"Drink water!"

After a while, he staggered over with two buckets of steaming warm water. When the horses saw it, they all chirped with excitement and rushed forward.

"one by one!"

He put down the iron bucket and gave the bay horse a drink first as usual.

The bay red horse still behaved like a young lady, putting her head into the iron bucket, sipping the warm water in her mouth, slurping slowly, tasting the warm water like a wealthy daughter enjoying tea by the window.

Sun Jianping folded his arms and watched eagerly as the curly-haired horse sucked up a bucket of warm water like a cow sucking water. Look at this guy again, he's still chirping!
This meat is so sticky!
When the other horses saw that the bucket was empty, they all screamed anxiously and stamped their hooves on the frozen hard ground, making a clicking sound.

Sun Jianping had no choice but to pick up the empty bucket and fetch water for the horses. As for this...

It’s still that product!
By the time he had finished feeding the horses and tidying up the stables, the sun was high in the sky. It was the beginning of spring after the new year. As soon as the season passed, the cold air seemed to be covered with a faint layer of mist, which seemed to indicate the near future. The long cold winter will end and spring will return to the world.

And at that time, it was a time of crisis...

Sun Jianping sighed quietly and placed the iron buckets neatly under the window sill. The old man didn't want to eat a bite of the two roe deer legs he gave to the old man, so his mother-in-law carried them all.

"In these days, the poor help the poor and the rich help the rich..." Sun Jianping patted the hay on his body and glanced at the black horse. Unexpectedly, the horse was also looking at him.

"Going out for a walk?" Sun Jianping raised his eyebrows and smiled at his beloved horse. Unexpectedly, Wulongma seemed to understand, and hissed with excitement, pulling the reins with a clicking sound, looking eager to try!

"You'd better rest in peace and recuperate. Spring plowing is a good time for you to work hard." Sun Jianping patted the black horse's neck, which made the horse look lonely. It opened its big mouth and took a mouthful of fodder and threw it at him.

"Ha ha!"

After spending time with animals for a long time, he felt more and more that these horses and donkeys were really smart. They would be happy, angry, lose their temper, and be very petty.

What are you looking at? You are that little donkey!

The little donkey was eating grass happily. The poor guy was eating the leftovers of the horses, but he was still eating happily. Seeing Sun Jianping waving to it, the little donkey squinted its eyes, turned up its lips, and showed a silly smile. The little tail waggled back and forth and hit the wooden pile.

No... don't work!
Just don’t work!
"Come on, let's go for a walk!"

He took out a handful of black beans and fed it to it. After the little donkey finished eating the beans, he untied the little donkey's reins and jumped on it. The little donkey squealed happily and trotted out of the team headquarters and outside.

"Let's go to Uncle Zhang's house and have a look!"

The little donkey's hooves stepped on the already sticky icy and snowy road, leaving shallow hoof prints along the winding country dirt road to the end of the village.

The warm wind gently blew the big willow trees on the roadside, and there seemed to be a moist smell in the air.

Suddenly there was a roar from Zhang Ziyi's house!

"Little bastard, believe it or not, I'm going to break your legs!"

(End of this chapter)

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