Chapter 113 Did you meet the girl? (Please subscribe)

When Sun Jianping heard this, his heart skipped a beat!
He hurriedly drove the donkey forward, and when he was far away, he saw in the yard of the Zhang family, the father was grabbing his son by the collar, his face red with anger!

"What are you doing? It's so noisy in the morning!"

Sun Jianping hurriedly pushed open the wooden fence gate, and the little donkey ran in. He watched Zhang Ziyi beating his son with curiosity, his eyes full of clear stupidity.

"What are you doing? Your son is no longer your biological son. You can beat him or scold him if you want..." Zhang Qi stopped and opened Lao Zhang's vise-like hands and pulled her son aside.

"I don't want the old Liu family's daughter!" Zhang Fucai's neck was red, but he still stared unyieldingly, "I don't want it even if you kill me!"

"Little bastard, you still don't want to be controlled by the Heavenly Government!" Zhang Ziyi rushed over again, but was stopped by Sun Jianping, "Uncle Zhang, what are you doing? He's just beating the child for fun!"

"Jian Ping is here, please help me persuade this kid. I heard that Liu's family wants a betrothal gift and refuses to agree to the marriage. I'm so angry!"

Zhang Ziyi retracted his hand angrily, and Sun Jianping smiled, "This proves that Fucai has grown up and knows how to share the family's worries, which is a good thing. Don't hit him easily. You must use the correct method to educate him."

"I can't help you, please help me persuade your brother!" Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but blush after thinking about it.

Children from poor families have long been the masters of the family. Unexpectedly, my eldest son has grown up and he has begun to feel sorry for me. It is not easy for me to be a father!
Lao Zhang felt warm for no reason.

"Same for you. It's a good thing that Aunt Xu introduced you to someone..." Sun Jianping walked up to Zhang Fucai again and patted his shoulder. This kid was one year younger than him and inherited Zhang Ziyi's excellent genes. His shoulders were as pinched as Sun Jianping's. Qi, and his figure is much bigger than him.

"Brother Jianping, his family wants a gift of 100 yuan. Where can my father go to make trouble?"

Zhang Fucai wiped his tears and hesitated.

"You idiot, didn't you hear what I told your dad yesterday? Come here..."

Sun Jianping called him aside, "Do you know where Liu's family is in Qiantun?"

"Well, I know."

"You ride a donkey, and so and so..."

Sun Jianping gave instructions, and Zhang Fucai was confused, "Brother Jianping, is this okay?"

"Is there anything you can do...take this..."

Sun Jianping took out a ten-dollar bill and made Zhang Fucai's eyes wide open!
ten bucks!
Such a large face value of money!
He has only seen it in the hands of others in his life!

I didn’t even get a chance to touch it!
"Brother Jianping, I..."

"Take it, take it, bastard boy, is ten yuan more or a hundred yuan as a gift?"

Zhang Fucai turned to look at Zhang Ziyi. Zhang Ziyi turned away with a painful look on his face and pretended not to see it.

There is no future in being a father!
"First you ride the donkey to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy some things, and then go to Qiantun..." After Sun Jianping finished explaining, Zhang Fucai nodded and took the little donkey. Zhang Qishi hurriedly took a mat and put it on the donkey's back. , then he helped his son ride up.


The mother smoothed away the messy hair on her son's forehead, her eyes becoming gentler.

"Dad, Mom, I'll go first!"

Zhang Fucai turned his head and glanced at Zhang Ziyi. Zhang Ziyi waved his hand impatiently, "Go early and come back early! Take the main road, not the side streets!"

"Yeah, I got it, Dad!"

Zhang Fucai rode a donkey and rode away. Zhang Ziyi stared at his son's back for a long time, and his eyes gradually softened.

"This kid is so stubborn and stubborn, don't let your daughter scold him..."

"Come inside!"

Mrs. Zhang Qi glanced again and saw that her son's back had long disappeared on the path. She sighed in despair, turned around and pushed the door open to enter the house.

Waiting left and right, waiting until the sun passed noon, waiting until the sun set to the west, but no son came back. Zhang Ziyi waited anxiously, watching the sky outside gradually getting dark, and finally couldn't help but go to the team headquarters, mounted his horse and looked for his son. The long braying sound of the little donkey came from the distance. When Comrade Lao Zhang was looking at it, his precious eldest son finally came back on the little donkey.

He was carrying a lot of things in his hands.

"What are you doing and why you're back this late at night!" Zhang Ziyi hurried out of the house. He was just about to give his son a big neck, but after thinking about it, he put down his hand, took the things, held the reins of the little donkey, and tied it with his hands. Horse buckle, fastened to the wooden fence.

"Have you met this girl?" Mrs. Zhang Qi helped her son pat the dust off his body and asked anxiously.


"Have you spoken?"


"What did you say?"

Zhang Fucai blushed, "I said I was from the No. 2 Horse Racing Team No. 7 in Houtun. Aunt Xu gave me a matchmaker and said she wanted to match us up. I came to see you. I fell in love with you, but you fell in love with me..."

Comrade Lao Zhang almost jumped up from where he was!

This tiger son...

It’s so eloquent!
How can you say that!
"What did my daughter say?" Mrs. Zhang Qi subconsciously stood between her son and her husband, in case Lao Zhang couldn't hold back his anger and pushed her son to the ground and beat him.

"She said I was brave and that I was pretty. I said we should go for a walk in the commune, and she said..."

"What did you say?" Zhang Ziyi was so anxious that his forehead was sweating!

"She said I was bad and shameless."

When the old couple heard this, their hearts were relieved. If a man and a woman are dating, if they say this, then...

Almost like ten.

"Mom, why am I so shameless? I just asked her to go for a walk, and she scolded me..."

"Okay, stop beeping. Why did you get this thing back?"

"I spent three yuan to buy food for the girl, and she gave me half back..."

Hearing what he said, the old couple felt enlightened and secretly nodded. This girl is good and understands the world!

But in this matter, it is clear that their family is very interested in shaving their heads. If Liu and his wife live and die, they need a hundred yuan as a gift, what should they do?

Who can I borrow this money from?

Comrade Lao Zhang's brows that had just relaxed were knitted into a knot again.

Sun Jianping stayed in the stable, and when it was time to turn on the lights, Old Chengtou hurried back, carrying half a catty of melon seeds in his hand, and put them on the kang, "I'm so sweaty after this, Jianping, please help me get some water." I washed my feet and fell into the snow pit halfway..."

"Uncle Cheng, how is your mother-in-law?" Sun Jianping helped him get a basin of warm water and asked with a smile.

"It's still like that. I'm so sick. I think it's just this year..." Old Cheng looked at a simple dressing mirror placed on the cabinet and sighed, secretly regretting why he didn't do it back then. I took my wife to the county town to take a photo, and I had some thoughts...

Now he can't even remember what his wife looks like.

"Uncle Cheng, I'll go back first!" It was completely dark outside. Sun Jianping stood up to leave. Old Cheng hurriedly grabbed the bag of melon seeds and stuffed them into his pocket. Suddenly he remembered something and called him back. .

"Uncle Cheng, what else can you do?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I was confused at the moment. Go back and rest early!" Old Cheng swallowed the words before he spoke, waved his hand at him awkwardly, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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