Chapter 114 That’s a pure beast! (Please subscribe)

Early in the morning, Lao Cao and Lao Cheng were squatting under the adobe house, smoking and muttering quietly.

"I went to my mother-in-law's house yesterday, and I heard that the higher-ups sent people to investigate the matter! Just take it easy and don't try to fake it."

"I know, I'm tighter than you." Lao Cao knocked away the ashes from his cigarette, "The weather has warmed up since spring. This year Jianping said he would give us better seeds. If we can do it, we won't have to endure the spring famine."

"I think that kid is pretty good, and he is reliable in his work. He is not like other young educated youths who talk in a lively manner and are completely useless at everything they do."

"Jianping can't!"

Lao Cao put the big pipe on his waist and said, "Hurry up and feed the horses. I'll go wandering around the village again."

"Yes." Old Cheng also stood up, rubbed his sore legs, looked up at the misty sun, and muttered that spring is really about to begin...

Sun Jianping rode his black horse around again, and this time he ran to the foot of Erhu Mountain. He suddenly discovered that there were many more footprints on the snow at the foot of the mountain. The pile of ash he had carefully buried was also kicked open by others, kicking the paper into dust. Everywhere.

He reined in his horse and looked up at the towering Erhu Mountain. He had the urge to climb up to "visit the ancient times and find the secrets", but after thinking about it, he decided against it. The mountain was too steep and it was close to the dense forest of the Daxingan Mountains. If any wolves, insects, tigers or leopards suddenly come out unexpectedly, they can run away, but I can only "deliver to the door" and stay to serve as lunch for others.

"Go, go back!"

When Sun Jianping picked up the reins of the horse, Wulong Ma was stunned on the spot, looking up at Erhu Mountain, which looked like two swords piercing the earth. He meant to ask him, don't you want to go up for a walk?
Come all come!

"Go home, go home!"

Sun Jianping pinched the horse's ears, dumbfounded, and then the black horse slowly turned around and hissed.

Go up, you can do it!

"Come on!"

He clamped the stirrup, and the black horse swung its tail and started running, as fast as an arrow off the string!
A prancing horse gallops across the land of Kanto, and the orange sun hangs in the sky, casting a ray of light and heat onto this frozen world.

Layers of light mist rise from the vast expanse of land. Standing at the high port, looking far into the distance, you can see that the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away are misty, and the steaming water vapor is slowly swaying in the gentle wind. Thin threads of clouds formed in mid-air and drifted in the wind under the blue sky, indicating that spring was getting closer and closer.

In the stable, Lao Cao was worriedly counting the feed grains for his livestock. The New Year was over, but the crisis did not go away with the sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival. After eating a few meat dumplings, the dinner table was served with corn flour steamed buns.

The first thing he, the captain, must consider is how to spend this lean spring.

"You can't get enough of the summer grain with this little thing!" Lao Cao picked up a handful of golden corn grains and frowned with worry.

Xu Jinshan hurriedly walked in, looked at the feed grains stored in the warehouse, and smiled, "Captain, you are so useless, don't you have a lot more..."

He quietly grabbed a handful of soybeans and stuffed them into his pocket, and coughed as if nothing happened. "Eat less for the horse. It will be June until June. Then just cut the grass and feed it."

"Just fart that tasteless thing!" Lao Cao glared at him, "Can you gain weight just by eating grass? If an animal is not fat, it will have no energy. How can it be done if it can't pull the plowshare and can't do the work?"

Xu Jinshan was speechless by his training. He blinked twice and curled his lips in disdain.

It’s not like I ate the livestock’s feed grains, why should I be upset with you!

The sound of horses neighing could be heard outside. It was Sun Jianping who had returned from walking his horse.

"This horse is really exciting!" Xu Jinshan tilted his head and looked at this handsome eldest horse, which was about 1.7 meters tall at the shoulders, with beautiful black satin-like hair, and a white lightning bolt running down from his eyebrows. He felt very itchy in his heart. .

It would be great if I could ride on this horse for a walk! "Jianping is back!" Seeing Sun Jianping walking in with a complete set of saddles, Lao Cao asked casually, "You can set up the carriage later, and we can go to the team."

"Are you going to have a meeting?" Sun Jianping wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked.

"Well, all the captains are meeting to arrange the agricultural production work in the spring." Lao Cao poured the corn grains into the sack, clapped his hands, and walked out.

Xu Jinshan hurriedly followed.

In the Jijia Oil Shop and the brigade headquarters, the captains and deputy captains of the thirteen production teams, as well as the director of the Poor People's Association, the security director, the accountant, etc., anyone with a title came, making a lot of noise and excitement.

"What are you going to do this year?" Han Laosi handed Lao Cao a "Stone Forest" cigarette. Lao Cao took it and put it on his ear, "What else can I do? Let's do it like this!"

Before the meeting started, Yu Changhai and Lao Tian were sitting in the accounting room, tapping their account books and talking. Du Zhenghai hurried in and accidentally tripped on a broom, almost falling forward.

"What are you doing? Your hair is getting so hairy every day!" Yu Changhai glared at him, "What did Lao Guan do? Why haven't you come here yet?"

"Secretary Guan has someone at his house. He asked me to come over and tell you to open the door first. He will be there in a moment."

"It's not Team Leader Yang here again!" Accountant Lao Tian pinched a peanut and threw it into his mouth, laughing. Lao Yu and Du Zhenghai also laughed tacitly.

This old man, now wearing a cuckold and a bastard, is famous throughout the commune!
"Why do you think Lao Yang got hooked up with such a thing?" Accountant Tian rubbed the peanut skin on his hands, confused, "It stands to reason that there are many pretty girls in the city, so how does Yang Yufen look? It's like the old black bird has become a spirit, how can he do this..."

"What do you know? People say that if you are tired of eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, it would be nice to switch to wild game once in a while..."

"Damn game, what a beast!" Yu Changhai put out his cigarette butt, stood up, and patted the peanut skin, "We've almost arrived, so let's get started. It'll be noon after a while! We're still waiting. How about providing food!"

"Hurry up!"

Lao Tian picked up a thick account book, took off his navy blue sleeve and threw it on the table, then hurried into the conference room behind the two of them.

The conference room was filled with green smoke and boiling. Sun Jianping, Lao Cao, and Xu Jinshan were sitting at the back. In the room, the captains and deputy captains of various production teams were chattering away, each with a cigarette in their hand. The narrow adobe house was filled with smoke and mist, like a fairyland, which made him choke and cough.

He wanted to push the window open, but unfortunately there was a plastic sheet nailed to the window, and there were several holes burned on it by someone with claws. A small breeze blew in through the cracks in the window.

The door creaked open, and team captain Yu Changhai led accountant Lao Tian. First team deputy captain Du Zhenghai walked in. The noisy conference room fell silent for an instant.

Yu Changhai was very satisfied with everyone's performance. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and showed a smile. He pretended to cough a few times, made a few whooshing noises in his throat, and spit out the sticky phlegm on the ground. Then he put on his black bottoms. The big foot of the old cotton shoe stepped on it casually and rubbed it hard twice, which made Sun Jianping feel sick!
"Stop talking, it's time for a meeting." The guy took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, puffed out a round smoke ring, "Today's meeting is for nothing else, this year is over, Pao It’s all over. Seeing that the weather is getting hotter day by day, it’s time to arrange the spring plowing and production work. Let me talk about the spirit of the leaders first. First of all, we must give full play to the initiative of our members..."

"Wait a minute!" Han Laosi raised his hand, "Let me ask, leader, what is agency?"

Yu Changhai was stunned and frowned, "This thing about agency, it is, it is..."

Han Laosi was sitting on a stool, leaning against the table at the back, with his arms folded in front of his chest. He looked at Yu Changhai who was confused by the question with a playful expression, and showed a proud smile.

Damn it, you don’t know anything about it, but you still imitate others by dropping your book bag and chewing on words!
You must have those two ounces of ink in your dog’s belly, right?
"Ability, to put it bluntly, is..." Yu Changhai faltered, suppressing his face until his face turned red, and stared at Han Laosi with a pair of triangular eyes. In his heart, he had already scolded the eighteen generations of his ancestors!
What is agency?
It's your grandma's legs!

Lao Cao looked down on him and poked Sun Jianping. Sun Jianping understood and stood up, "What does initiative mean? It means to let everyone actively participate in productive labor."

"Ah, yes, that's what I mean!" Yu Changhai breathed a long sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Sun Jianping, "Let's just say that your team, Old Han, doesn't have enough initiative. You're like a fucking donkey, shouting It’s not okay to dawdle a step with a roar, and dawdle a step with a roar!”

Han Laosi gave him a stern look, took out the cigarette pouch from his pocket, threw it on the table, and rolled up his cigarette as if no one was watching.

(End of this chapter)

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