Chapter 116 There is more famine now! (Please subscribe)

"Three dollars and a half a bag is still expensive?"

Director Xu was also a little embarrassed. The superiors had allocated 10,000 kilograms of fertilizer and wanted to divide it equally among the 13 production teams of Taipingshan Commune. However, when the captains heard that a bag of fertilizer cost three and a half yuan, they shook their heads like a rattle.

In rural areas where poverty is widespread, if you can shell out 35 cents, it is considered a generous sum, and if you pay 35 cents...

Just smash my old man's bones and see how much they can be sold for!

"My wife is too expensive, I really can't afford to fix it..." Lao Cao waved his hands repeatedly. Seeing that Director Xu wanted to say something else, he ran away with the excuse of peeing.

"Jianping, tell me about this group of people. They all know it is a good thing, but they are reluctant to pay for it. I have asked several captains, but they all think it is too expensive..." Director Xu reached out to grab the old man's hand. Unexpectedly, the little old man It's slipperier than a loach, and it disappears when it slips away.

"Director Xu, how much can a production team buy?" Sun Jianping asked, wanting to laugh.

"It would be best if you could make a circle!" Director Xu took out a cigarette and handed it to him. Sun Jianping smiled and waved his hand, "I would like to make a circle, but I don't have that much money. This is all I have..."

Lao Cao came out of the toilet with a happy face, holding a pipe in his mouth and tightening the hemp rope around his waist. He turned around and saw Sun Jianping driving a carriage with a cart full of urea, waving his whip towards him. Walk along!

The old man was confused at that time!

Now there is more famine!
"Get in the car, Uncle Cao!" Sun Jianping reined in the maroon horse and waved to him. Old Cao looked at the cart full of urea with a suspicious look on his face, "Jianping, how much did you buy?"

"Twenty bags!"

"One bag is fifty kilograms, twenty bags is one thousand kilograms, three yuan and a half for one bag, that is seventy yuan..." Lao Cao grabbed the horse's head, "No, no, it's too expensive and not cost-effective. Jian Listen to your uncle and send it back as soon as possible!"

"What can I give you, Uncle Cao? The receipt and invoice have been issued..."

"This old guy has lost his mind. When did the supply and marketing cooperative give back anything?" Zhang Ziyi also walked over, looked at the cart full of fertilizer, and smiled, "Jianping, this account records your uncle Zhang and me. , I’ll return it to you tomorrow!”

"It's nothing but money!"

Sun Jianping swung his whip and said, "Uncle Cao, get in the car! Why do you still want to walk back by yourself?"

"This kid!" Lao Cao glared at him, jumped on the carriage, stroked the nylon bag with his hand, and laughed.

"With this thing, it will be difficult for us not to have a good harvest this year!"

"I just don't have money in my pocket. If I had money, I would have saved all the ten thousand kilograms!" Zhang Ziyi sat on the side of the car, swinging his long legs, "Fuck, if I don't collect food then, you will twist my head." Come down and play football!"

"You, you, you are so smart!" Lao Cao said to Zhang Ziyi unceremoniously. Zhang Ziyi rolled his eyes at him, spat on the ground, and drew circles with his toes.

Draw a circle to curse you!
The three men drove the carriage, pulling a thousand kilograms of fertilizer, and happily returned to the two-horse carriage. When they arrived at the team headquarters, they unloaded the fertilizer and carried it into the warehouse. It’s landed in Jijia Oil Shop!
"You're so stupid that even a donkey has to call you master!" Zhang Ziyi laughed out loud at the excuse to attack Lao Cao. Lao Cao scratched his head in embarrassment and muttered that old people also tend to forget their nature and brain, and casually gave Zhang Ziyi a slap in the face. Liuzi.

Make you laugh!
Laugh your ass off!
Sun Jianping cut open a bag of urea and found that the inside was made of two layers. The outside was a woven bag, and the inside was a layer of fine nylon cloth. It was very strong and could not be torn even after being pulled twice by hand.

This is probably the raw material of the "urea pants" recorded in later literature!

He picked up the water ladle, scooped up a full amount of snow-white urea, and carried it outside. The horses stretched their necks and looked into the warehouse. They saw the owner walking over with a water ladle filled with white granular things. He stretched his neck out of curiosity.

"Jianping, what are you doing?"

"Feed some urea to the animals." Sun Jianping grabbed a handful and sprinkled it on the grass as he spoke, which shocked Lao Cao. "This kid feeds the horses everything. That is fertilizer, how can he give it to the animals..."

"Uncle Cao, you don't know something. Urea is not only a fertilizer, but also a good nutritional supplement. It can promote protein conversion in large livestock and improve the absorption and utilization of forage. It is used to feed cattle, horses, sheep and other large animals. There’s nothing better than fattening up livestock.”

His eloquent explanation made the old man’s eyes sparkle. He walked to the manger with his hands behind his back and watched the animals eat the small white pellets into their stomachs. His face was so nervous that he twitched. Tuan asked, "Is everything okay?" "Don't worry, my uncle and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences are all doing this!"

"Then feed more and fatten us animals..." The old man felt relieved when he heard that the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was doing this, and he grabbed a handful of urea and was about to sprinkle it in.

"Don't feed too much, you will die if you feed too much!"

When Lao Cao heard this, his hands trembled with fright, and the urea fell to the ground. He was so anxious that he hurriedly squatted on the ground, picked up the urea one by one, and muttered that he had spent a lot of money to buy it, so he couldn't waste it...

Sun Jianping sighed helplessly when he saw this scene.

When it got dark, Xu Jinshan walked back from Jijia Oil Shop, cursing, and stood by the stable. He tilted his head and looked at Sun Jianping, who was serving the animals. He rolled his eyes and coughed, "Jianping, why didn't you wait for me?" Just leave?"

"Uncle Xu, I'm sorry, I just bought a thousand kilograms of fertilizer from the supply and marketing cooperative, and there is no room in the car." Sun Jianping scratched his head and looked at his legs covered with snow and his trousers, which were covered with ice and white. Shuang's eyebrows couldn't help but smile and sincerely apologized.

"Next time, please say hello to me. I've walked ten miles...I'm sweating..." Xu Jinshan turned his head and saw the half-water scoop of urea on the window sill. He was suddenly curious, "This is not farming yet." Well, what are you doing with this thing?"

"Ah..." Sun Jianping picked up the brush and combed the big black horse, "It's for horse feeding."

"Can this thing also be fed to horses?"

"Yes, the effect of feeding horses is average. It is best to feed cows and sheep to gain fat."

"Ah...that's what happened..." Xu Jinshan tapped his feet and looked at the urea in the water ladle. Seeing that he was combing the horse's hair with his head down, he quietly reached out and grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his pocket.

"What about that? Jianping, you should be busy. I'll be back first!"

Xu Jinshan coughed hard, said hello to Sun Jianping, and walked home without looking back.

"This man..." Sun Jianping looked up at him and shook his head. Originally, he thought that Xu Jinshan had a pretty good character, at least he was always kind, but since he became the vice-captain, he felt that Xu Jinshan was a bit "uppity". ”, even the tone of speaking to ordinary club members has changed!

This is probably the confidence that power brings to him!

The vice-captain of a small production team is not even an official as big as sesame seeds and mung beans. How can he be so arrogant!

The black horses are making trouble. Spring is here, and the horses are also in high spirits. When they see the barley horses, they always look eager to try.

Sun Jianping patted it, and the restless black horse obediently lowered its head, still glancing at the bay-red horse.

"Be honest, you think you are Team Leader Yang, you can go wherever you want..."

The black horse blew out two streams of hot air from its nose unconvinced and stamped its hooves vigorously.

Sheep... Sheep are just a kid!

This horse is a Pegasus dragon colt!

After he finished feeding the horse, he told Lao Chengtou and turned back to Lao Cao's house. Xiao Wuyue and Xiao Xingwen came running over, holding his hand and whispering that there was meat to eat tonight!
"Sister-in-law, today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, isn't it? The New Year is over, why are you still eating meat?"

"Today is the fourth day of the lunar month to welcome the Kitchen God and the Five Gods of Wealth!" Li Xiuzhi quickly took out a plate of roe deer meat from the pot and handed it to him, "I don't know what the God of Wealth did. He provides it every year. Hungry every year... The old girl went and closed the door so that no one could see her..."

A man hurriedly walked in from the door, with his hands in his sleeves and his neck hunched. He shouted even though he was far away, "Is the captain home?"

When Li Xiuzhi saw it was him, she snatched the plate from Jianping's hand, stuffed it into the pot, slammed the lid on the pot, smoothed her hair from her temples, put on a smile, opened the door and went out.

Sun Jianping was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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