It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 117 Why is Lao Xu going to make a report!

Chapter 117 Why is Lao Xu going to make a report! (Please subscribe)

"Is this Uncle Wu, coming to see my dad?"

"Ah...Xiuzhi, has your old man stayed at home?" Wu Laoer shrugged his shoulders, rolled his big white eyes and looked around, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand and cracking them. ,ask her.

"My dad went to the dung pile. Isn't it going to be the beginning of spring? Is there something wrong, uncle?"

"Are you okay? I heard that our village wants three-thirds of the feed land for each family. Let me ask." Wu Laoer's eyes fell on a string of peppers hanging on the wall, and his eyes suddenly lit up!
"I heard my dad mention this. I don't know exactly how it is divided. Why don't you wait until tomorrow and ask again?"

"I'll come tomorrow then. Shouldn't Xiuzhi say that your chili peppers are really well dried and the color is so good..." Wu Laoer stared at the chili peppers with his white eyes. Seeing that Li Xiuzhi didn't say a word, he went to He took a step forward, pulled off two pieces and stuffed them into his coat pocket, "I told you about this... you throw two pieces into the pit and bake them, they will taste delicious!"

Li Xiuzhi stared at him angrily.

"Hehe, I'll go back first. I'll come back to your old man tomorrow to ask!"

This guy shrunk his neck, turned around and walked out. Li Xiuzhi rushed back to the house angrily, picked up half a basin of steaming water from the washbasin shelf, and poured it directly into the yard!

"Wu Laoer is not a violent person. He idles around all day long, wanders around from home to home, steals and cheats, and does everything. Why are you and her so angry?"

After a while, Lao Cao came back and almost fell forward due to the ice in the yard. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still angry, he persuaded her with a smile.

"If he dares to pick peppers again, let's see if I don't slap them!" Li Xiuzhi slapped the table, "Chungui, you are dead in the house, come out to eat!"

"Here he comes!"

Cao Chungui ran over in despair. Seeing that his wife was like a little hedgehog with fried hair, he didn't dare to offend her. He obediently picked up the bowl and sipped the corn porridge.

"Eat meat, eat meat!" He picked up a piece of roe deer meat with chopsticks and put it into his wife's bowl.

After dinner, Lao Cao took out a hand-drawn map. Sun Jianping held an oil lamp and came over to take a look. Good guy, there are a lot of Japanese on it!

"Is this what the little devil left behind?"

"Isn't that right? Let's talk about it. This kid is very meticulous in doing things. Look at how this thing is done for you..."

Sun Jianping also lay on the kang and looked at the map with him.

The Little Devils and the Germans are two of the most rigorous and meticulous nations in the world, as can be seen from this map alone.

Ermajia, Yuweizi, Xiaoxishan, Qiantun, Houtun, Hongquan, Duerji...

Mountains, rivers, forest roads, villages and towns... were all clearly marked on this 1:50000 map. Sun Jianping looked down along the map, and finally stopped at Nahe Farm.

There are several big characters marked there!

"Nahe Agricultural Reclamation Institute!"

"There's another one here!" Lao Cao pointed to the northwest corner of the map. Sun Jianping took a closer look and frowned slightly.

"Chiba Takusho Co., Ltd...."

On a map, within a radius of a hundred miles, there are two large-scale farms established by the little devils' pioneering group. This shows how eager the little devils are to seize this treasure land in the Northeast and turn it into their territory!
"That year, the little devil was defeated. He packed up his things and headed south to go to Dalian Port. The little devil from Gada in Chiba happened to be passing by us, so your uncle Zhang led his people to surround them..."

While looking at the map, the old man talked to Sun Jianping about what happened back then. The 38 big guys in the team and the steel bars in the old Chengtou warehouse were all snatched from these little devils.

"and after?"

"Then who knows? I heard from people in the south that many of them were hanged on trees. Forget it. It's scary to say this in the middle of the night."

The old man drew a circle on the map with a pencil, "I think this is the land to the east. All the land that should be cultivated has been reclaimed, and there is not much good land left now. It is a good place to use it as pig feed for the big guys. Jianping you What do you think?"

"I think it will work." Sun Jianping gestured at the circled plot of land, which is just east of the village, just across the road, and very convenient.

"What can this family do with only three percent of the land? A bigger one..." Cao Chungui also came over and said, "Dad, why don't you give our family more?" "Who do you think you are blind! If you want more, go and get lost. While you're at it, the team committee is meeting to discuss the distribution of feed areas, so you, a member of the club, don't get involved!"

Cao Chungui moved off the kang with a frown on his face, making Li Xiuzhi laugh out loud as she sat beside him, playing with her bedclothes.

Yes, let you scream!

Give people a meal!
Sun Jianping didn't think that the pig feed land was so easily divided. In the era of large collectives, everything belonged to the public and the collective, and it didn't matter more or less. But once it comes to the personal interests of each household...

Even the simplest things can become extremely troublesome!

The next night, all heads of households were called to the production team headquarters. The educated youth also sent three representatives. According to the agreement with the team, educated youth dormitories will be built for them during the off-season this year. Then they will be dispersed to The educated youths from each family have to live in each house, light fires in separate houses, and live together as one family.

A bunch of old and young men were crowded in the team headquarters, smoking heavily. Sun Jianping had to endure the poison of second-hand smoke and explained the specific land allocation plan on behalf of Lao Cao.

"The land to the east is made of sand buns and is not very fertile. I think there is a good land by the river beach..." Xu Jingui chattered nonsense, which made Lao Cao frown.

"Lao Cao doesn't settle accounts that way. You said that some families raise three pigs, and some raise one pig, and they all get three-thirds of the feed land. It's not fair!"

"You're just kidding. If you raise a hundred head, will your team have to give you all the old forest to the east?"

"Three points is also a point, and five points is also a seed. Why don't you give more points to the big guys? Why are so many wastelands empty?"

Everyone was chattering, and Lao Cao looked at Xu Jinshan and smiled slightly.

Xu Jinshan was sitting on a stool with his butt looking like nails. He wanted to stand up and express his opinion as the vice-captain many times, but the crowd was noisy and noisy and did not give him a chance.

"Everyone, please calm down!" Lao Cao picked up his cigarette bag and knocked twice on the edge of the kang. The room that was just a mess with a pot of porridge suddenly became quiet.

This is authority!
"Jinshan, you are the deputy captain now. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hide it!" Lao Cao encouraged him by knocking the ashes from his cigarette.

It's finally time for me to show off!

Xu Jinshan was so excited that his hands were shaking. He stood up, pulled at his wrinkled clothes, cleared his throat, and was about to speak...

"Why, Lao Xu has to make a report!"

Zhang Ziyi's words made everyone burst into laughter!

Sun Jianping laughed so much that he burst into tears. Lao Cao also laughed, but he still maintained the dignity of a captain and coughed, "It's all going to stop, Lao Xu, tell me!"

Lao Xu gave Zhang Ziyi a hard look and cleared his throat, "Dividing the feed land is a wise decision from above. We must firmly support it and support it!"

This guy raised his trembling hands, clenched them into fists, and waved them hard twice, "The People's Commune is good! The pig feed distribution area is good!"

"You can pull him down, it will be useful!"

"I asked you to come here and shout slogans!"

"It's so clear!"

"Stop talking about these empty heads and say something serious!" Lao Cao ordered with a smile and waved his hand.

"If you ask me to divide the pig feed land, it is mainly for raising pigs, right? As long as it does not occupy basic farmland, I think there is nothing wrong with dividing the sand bun land. Who said that the sand bun land will not grow food? "

Everyone looked at him badly.

Sun Jianping suddenly thought of some students in later generations who complained that the teacher left too little homework in class, and then looked at Xu Jinshan...

His stuff is all the same.

(End of this chapter)

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