It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 129 The price starts from the ground up, 2 yuan!

Chapter 129 The price starts from the ground up, two hundred yuan! (Please subscribe)
This tiger thing!

Not only Zhang Ziyi, but also Sun Jianping, who was eavesdropping by the window, almost went berserk when he heard this!

Zhang Ziyi was so angry that veins in his temples jumped!

You bastard, what did I tell you before I came here?

Getting angry again!

Surprisingly, Liu Guiying just covered her face and sat aside without saying a word!

There is a door!

This girl likes rich people!

"Why are you saying such nonsense? It makes people on both sides laugh at you. If you keep doing this, I won't talk to you anymore!"

Zhang Fucai also felt that it was a bit much. He lowered his head and twisted his hands together, making a clicking sound.

Aunt Xu squinted her eyes and glanced into the room through the broken glass window. She saw two people sitting at the end of a kang, one at the end of the kang, both of them sitting there silently. She pursed her lips, and it was done!

"What about that, Guiying, come out!"

Aunt Xu, the intermediary, knocked on the window. Liu Guiying glanced at Zhang Fucai and hurried out with a blushing face. Looking at the girl's already sizable chest, Zhang Fucai licked his tongue and his heart was pounding.

Can it be done?

do not know.

Aunt Xu and Liu Si called Liu Guiying to the other end of the yard and chatted for a long time. They were too far away to hear what they said. Sun Jianping looked at Lao Zhang and found that this brave and strong man was already nervous. Sweat drips from your forehead!

"Master, what are you talking about..." Mrs. Zhang Qi's heart twitched when she saw her eldest son sitting in the room with a lonely face, like a prisoner waiting for the outcome of the trial!

"It's okay, it's okay. It's hard to find three-legged toads, and two-legged maidens are everywhere."

"That's true..." With the words of her husband, Zhang Qishi's anxious heart calmed down a little. Lao Zhang was her backbone and her patron saint, ever since the day she married him.

"Fucai, Fucai, come out!"

After Aunt Xu and Liu Si finished chatting, they felt confident. They knocked on the window and called out Zhang Fucai, who was stuck in the room.

Zhang Fucai jumped up and made Lao Zhang's eyes widen with anger!
Bastard, why did I tell you before I came here?
He's quite a big man, but not very deep!
He's still jumping around like he's his own child!

"Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang's wife, come here, let's discuss it!" Aunt Xu gathered the three members of their family together and chatted for a long time. At first, Lao Zhang's brows gradually relaxed, but when he heard a certain condition, his face changed. He suddenly turned red and clenched his fists so tightly that you could see the veins on the back of his hands!

Sun Jianping secretly said bad!
"Jianping, come here!"

Zhang Ziyi waved to him, and Sun Jianping hurriedly walked over, "Uncle, did something go wrong?"

"What else can I have, just some gift money!" Zhang Ziyi sighed.

After all, there is still no way around this problem.

Mr. and Mrs. Liu Si opened their mouths loudly. They sat on the ground and raised the price. They asked for a gift of two hundred yuan!

Two hundred dollars!

Two hundred yuan, to be fair, is about the same amount of money in a big city if you put together three turns and one ring, but this is Ermajia Village, deep in the mountains!
Two hundred yuan... A production team member who works hard for a year only earns thirty-six yuan!
Originally, one hundred yuan made Lao Zhang so worried that he couldn't sleep, but now he is worried about it!
Open your mouth two hundred!

See if I'm worth two hundred dollars!

Liu Si and his wife had no children and only had five daughters. They had no choice but to focus on their five golden flowers, hoping to squeeze some money out of them to save a coffin book for themselves. I also heard that Aunt Xu said that Zhang Ziyi should be He killed the militia platoon leader, rolled his eyes, and doubled the gift money!
Militia platoon leader... there is so much oil and water, it will not be easy to get back three melons and two dates every now and then!
Sun Jianping thought for a while, "Uncle Zhang, don't worry or be anxious. We didn't get to this point before!"

Aunt Xu blinked her eyes, and just when she was about to speak, Sun Jianping said again, "Auntie, please tell them, we will go back right away!" Then...

go back?

Several people present were confused by his words!
Zhang Fucai reluctantly looked at Liu Guiying who was standing at the other end of the yard. To be honest, he really cared about this fair-skinned girl with long eyelashes!

But now, Brother Jianping actually wants to...

Sun Jianping winked at Lao Zhang, and Lao Zhang immediately understood what he meant. He walked over to Liu Si and shook hands with him, "What about Lao Liu? I think it's getting late now. There is still some life in the team, so let’s go back first!”

"Let's go now!"

Mr. and Mrs. Liu Si were still dreaming about receiving the goods for 200 yuan, but Zhang Ziyi’s sudden words confused them both!

Liu Guiying on the side burst into tears when she heard this!
This issue……


"Well, let's talk about the two children tomorrow!" Zhang Ziyi turned around, threw off his long legs and walked towards the door, leaving the couple looking at each other.

"I blame you. I'm so confused by the lard, and it's only two hundred yuan for one mouthful!" Liu Si's wife was so anxious that she jumped!
"I didn't know Zhang Ziyi was this person. I didn't think Mrs. Xu said his family was already rich. I didn't think twice..." Liu Si was also confused. His little mind was racing, and he finally realized that if his daughter's marriage happened, If he failed, not only would he not be able to get the gift money, but he would also offend Lao Zhang completely!

Who is Lao Zhang?

He is now the militia platoon leader of the Taipingshan Brigade. He is a master who can arrange things. When mentioning him in eight villages, who would not give thumbs up?
If you can be with his in-laws, it will be of great benefit to your family, but if you offend him...

Although the two villages are not in the same commune, if Zhang Ziyi really wants to mess with him, it's not as simple as strangling a mouse to death!
Liu Si regretted a little and wanted to catch up and chat again, but before he could speak, the handsome young man who came with him sat on the carriage at the door and waved to Zhang Ziyi, "Uncle Zhang, hurry up, it's already noon!"

"It's not that bad. We have to go to Jijia Oil Factory later, and we have to prepare for militia training and so on..." Zhang Ziyi quickened his pace. Liu and Si looked at each other in confusion, sweating on their foreheads, and for a moment they didn't know what to do. good.

"Daughter, tell your mother, do you like her?" Liu Si's wife was worried!
"I..." Liu Guiying shut her nose, wiped the runny nose, lowered her head, and stammered, "I'm quite jealous of him."

"Isn't this nonsense!" Liu Si's wife felt a little thump in her heart, she was done!

My daughter also has a crush on me!

What a fuss!

"Old Liu, you are so stupid! Speak!"

Liu Si took a deep breath, looked at the Zhang family who had already boarded the carriage, and his Adam's apple twitched.

"Can Jianping do it?"

The two families are trying to beat a wolf with a straw - both sides are afraid. Zhang Ziyi can see that his son likes the girl and wants to help him match her, but the situation is so tense now that no one can save face and step back.


Just kidding, that doesn’t mean taking a step back to open up the world!
That's taking one step back and pressing forward step by step!
Let’s see who gives in first!

Sun Jianping chuckled, picked up the whip, and then grabbed the reins to give him a shake. The bay-red horse was so smart, it just kept its hoofs on the spot without taking a step forward.

"Old Liu!"

Liu Si's wife couldn't help it anymore and shouted. Liu Si took a step forward, blushed, and waved to Zhang Ziyi, "Third brother, third brother, don't leave yet. If you have anything to discuss, go ahead, old lady." After a few dishes, I’ll have two drinks with Third Brother!”


The whole family let out a sigh of relief!
(End of this chapter)

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