It starts with the production team driving the big truck

Chapter 130 Lao Zhang dared to kill his whole family with a gun!

Chapter 130 Lao Zhang dared to kill his whole family with a gun! (Please subscribe)

Sun Jianping's move of "retreating in order to advance" was a great success. Zhang Ziyi successfully controlled the field and kept Liu Si and his wife under control!
The two families entered the house again, feeling a little awkward with each other. Liu's fourth daughter-in-law rushed to ask her sister-in-law to come over to cook and meet the "new uncle".

She used this excuse to sneak away, and the mother was not stupid. Since her daughter was interested in her, she had no choice but to try her best to match her!

Otherwise, the child will have to blame her for the rest of his life!

As for the gift money, let the gentlemen discuss it themselves!

No matter how much we talk, she can blame the old men for their lack of success, but if she comes forward to talk, if she screws up, her man's damn virtue will not be enough...

I won’t tolerate this complaint!
In the house, Liu Guiying and her sisters sat on the edge of the kang, pretending to eat melon seeds and play Galaha, and secretly peeked at Zhang Fucai, who had a sullen face and listened to the chatter of the adults.

A young and ignorant girl of sixteen or seventeen years old always has more dreams for her partner than reality. When she sees Zhang Fucai's tall and tall body, and thinks of those shameful words he said, the girl's little heart will beat loudly, and her face will also Stained with a blush.

"Don't worry, Old Liu. I, Zhang Laosan, am not the one who does the work. I guarantee that the affairs of the two children will be handled smoothly." Zhang Ziyi patted Liu Laosi on the shoulder and laughed loudly. He did not expect that this would happen. With such a scare, the money-hungry Liu Laosi and his wife realized the reality and obediently reduced the betrothal gift from two hundred to thirty-six yuan.

Sixty-six is ​​a great success!
"The third brother is doing things. I can trust you, brother. Then you can see if you can find someone to check the date and confirm the marriage first?"

"Okay, I'll ask the mother to ask Xia Xiazi when we get back. Pick an auspicious day and the child will be old..." Zhang Ziyi looked at his eldest son with a look of relief. He really didn't expect that the eldest son would hug his thigh and act coquettishly a few years ago. Brat, now you're going to get engaged and start a family.

Sun Jianping sat on the edge of the kang, watching the two of them chatting. Aunt Xu, the great matchmaker, sat aside with a drooped face, watching a few girls playing Galaha.

The door rang, and the Liu brothers, sisters-in-law, and sisters-in-law came in one after another. After a while, the room was full of people. Everyone was greeting each other. Liu's fourth daughter-in-law also came back from a walk and asked some sisters-in-law to help. Cooking to celebrate the successful engagement with the Zhang family.

"Fourth daughter-in-law, the young man sitting on the edge of the kang is also from Zhang Ziyi's family?" Liu's second daughter-in-law winked at her sister-in-law, pointed at Sun Jianping who was sitting in the back room, and asked in a low voice.

"Ah... that one is an educated youth from their village, driving a big car." Liu Si's wife glanced at her and replied casually, but she didn't know that her "big plan to make a fortune" was completely ruined in the hands of this boy.

"This guy is so good-looking. Look at his eyebrows... he's so good!"

"How come my second sister-in-law has fallen in love with you? How about giving your Guilan a galaga?"

"I think it's okay. You can call Mrs. Xu out later, and I'll chat with her..."

After a meal of frying and frying, the guests enjoyed themselves. Zhang Ziyi drank two more glasses of wine and spoke a little loudly, so he asked Sun Jianping to go to the carriage to get the Sanba Daigai and perform a live performance for everyone.

This really scared the Liu family!

It is right to surrender and admit defeat!
It was so exciting that Lao Zhang really dared to kill his whole family with a gun!

"Uncle Zhang, who is Blind Xia?"

It was not until dusk that Sun Jianping drove the carriage, pulling a carload of people, towards home in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Xia Xiazi is an old blind man from Jijia Youfang. When he was young, he said that he learned the eight-character prediction from someone. He was the one who came to him for all the affairs of the Yin and Yang House in eight villages ten miles away."


The carriage bells jingled, and streaks of orange-red sunset light shone on everyone. Sun Jianping looked at Zhang Ziyi, whose face was red but still had a smile on his lips, and he felt very happy!

It can be seen that Uncle Zhang is very satisfied with his unmarried daughter-in-law!

The carriage stopped at the gate of Xu Jinshan's house. Aunt Xu got out of the car and entered the yard after saying a few useless polite words. Zhang Ziyi stared at her back several times and spat on the ground. "Pooh!"

"Boss, what did Guiying say to you when you left just now?"

"She said she didn't want the bride price, it was Aunt Xu who told her mother that our family is rich and two hundred is not much..."

"Jianping, are you listening? This is to protect the matchmaker. I think it's him who wants to punish me!" Zhang Ziyi also felt a little regretful. Lao Cao had warned him before, but he turned a deaf ear!
Facts have proved that Lao Cao still sees through some things!
I still have to practice this little bit of Taoism!

"Let's ride a donkey with them and read the songbook - we'll see!" Sun Jianping also despised Aunt Xu for not handling this matter properly. Money is a trivial matter, but just because of her words, the good marriage of the two children was almost broken up. !

"Shut up!"

The car stopped in front of Lao Zhang's house. Zhang Ziyi jumped out of the car and patted his son on the neck. Zhang Fucai also woke up and knelt down in front of Sun Jianping with a bang, "Brother Jianping, thank you for your help today and letting me marry you." Now that you have a daughter-in-law, I will kowtow to you!"

"Get up, get up, what are you doing..."

Sun Jianping hurriedly helped the boss up and patted the dust on his knees, "I will be in good hands with my daughter from now on. If you don't understand anything, just come to me. Remember?"


Zhang Fucai smiled naively and received another slap on the back of his head, "What the hell, hurry up and grab the firewood to burn the kang!"

The little guy covered the back of his head and ran away.

"Jianping, what happened today... I don't even know how to thank you. From now on, it will be great for us men! Just watch how your uncle behaves!"

According to the old etiquette, Sun Jianping followed him for a day today, and gave advice to help his son get married smoothly. At the very least, Lao Zhang had to give a big red envelope to express his gratitude. It is a pity that a penny can stump a heroic man, and Lao Zhang has more money in his trouser pocket than in his face. They were all clean, and I could only blush and say a few words of gratitude.

"Uncle, are you being too foreign to say that?" Sun Jianping smiled heartily and calmly.

Seeing the two of them nagging at each other like they were glued to their teeth, the bay-red horse stomped its hooves anxiously!
You are well fed and drunk, but the horse is still hungry!
"I'm going back to feed the horse first. This horse has been hungry all day!" Sun Jianping grabbed the reins, waved to Lao Zhang, picked up the whip, cracked it, and went straight to the stable.

Lao Zhang stood at the gate, taking advantage of the last ray of sunset to watch Sun Jianping's retreating back for a long time.

This kid has a good mind, a sensible mind, and a bright mind. He will definitely have great potential in the future!

Learn from the good guys, learn from the weasel to steal chickens, and let those three brats of yours learn more from him in the future!
In the stable, many horses had eaten fodder and fell asleep on the ground. They were so sleepy that the black horse suddenly heard the sound of Yue'er's bell, and his black eyes immediately widened!
The beautiful little pony is finally back!
Come here and let me have a blast!
Sun Jianping unloaded the carriage, led the bay-red horse to the stable, and brought a bucket of warm water to let it drink first.

"Uncle Cheng, you haven't rested yet!"

Sun Jianping was greatly surprised when Old Cheng came out with his clothes on. The old man had to get up in the middle of the night to feed the horses, so he always went down early. Why did he stay up all night today?
"I just came back too." Old Chengtou handed him a bag of large grains of salt, "I went to Xiaoxishan to see my mother-in-law, and brought her the two boxes of malted milk you gave me."

When Sun Jianping heard this, he sighed quietly.

This old man is really thoughtful.

It is also a blessing for the old lady to have such an uncle!

Early the next morning, Lao Chengtou opened the door and saw two more boxes of snacks on the window sill!
Old man: o(>﹏<)o!

(End of this chapter)

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