Chapter 45: Inciting students’ anger
Huo Yuhao suddenly felt bored.

If he is right, then Shrek Academy will never change this teaching method. Even if the teacher from the outer courtyard aroused the public indignation of the students, he only pushed the teacher out to calm the students' anger. He even punished the teacher by lifting him high and putting him down gently, just like putting him down. Zhou Yi changed from a senior teacher to a lower grade teacher.

Huo Yuhao wanted to understand this and had no intention of changing his mind.

How about Shrek? What does it have to do with him? He is leaving Shrek Academy anyway. As long as he can find a group of people who are not brainwashed and willing to follow him and leave with him. As for Shrek, the rise or fall has nothing to do with him. Even if Shrek Academy blocks his way, he can destroy Shrek Academy with his own hands.

With so much thought in mind, the time in the outside world is only a short moment. Zhou Yi saw Huo Yuhao who was suddenly standing there without saying a word, and felt that she had finally made Huo Yuhao speechless, and couldn't help feeling a little proud.

Huo Yuhao came back to his senses and his face turned cold again. When he saw Zhou Yi, Huo Yuhao felt that he couldn't do nothing. At the very least, he should make Zhou Yi suffer some pain to avoid being so disgusted with him all day long.

If Zhou Yi acted like a monster every once in a while, Huo Yuhao would be able to endure it just to set a negative target, but Zhou Yi could act like a monster several times a day, and Huo Yuhao felt that he couldn't bear it.

Huo Yuhao said calmly to Zhou Yi: "Teacher, you are right. This is the power given to you by the college. Of course you can use it. Teacher, please stay away if you have nothing to do. As the squad leader, I have to mobilize the classmates to exercise. Three The freshman assessment will be held in a month, and I can’t let everyone relax.”

When Zhou Yi heard what Huo Yuhao said, she couldn't help but have a look of satisfaction in her eyes. She finally shocked the most irritating student in the class!

Zhou Yi walked proudly to the distance and monitored the students' running.

Huo Yuhao turned to face his classmates and said loudly: "Can everyone give me a moment to listen to what I have to say?"

After waiting for a while, when everyone was quiet again, Huo Yuhao quietly turned on soul interference to guide the emotions of his classmates, and then continued: "I know that everyone is very angry and unwilling at this time, because Zhou Yi said that one person will be eliminated today. People, the last one in the elimination circle. She also said that in this class, she can eliminate us at any time, no matter what the reason."

The students' resentment was aroused again, and Huo Yuhao continued:
"No matter how good your family conditions are, whether a city lord recommendation letter is a big burden on your family, or whether the tuition fee of one hundred gold soul coins is a small amount of money, I believe that all of you are not willing to be dismissed on the first day of school. Eliminated. As a classmate and monitor, I don’t want any of us to be eliminated like this.”

"Everyone has come all the way to Shrek Academy, the number one academy in mainland China, with the idea of ​​studying and making some progress. However, now someone wants to expel us on the first day of school, and we haven't even had time to learn. We didn’t even have time to participate in the freshman assessment, so we were expelled.”

Everyone felt the same, and Huo Yuhao's sonorous, powerful and angry speech did not pause at all:

"We have traveled thousands of miles and traveled a lot to come here. We carry the expectations of our parents and family, and we willingly paid the tuition fee of one hundred gold soul coins, but are we here just to be punished and then expelled in despair? ?We have failed our parents and family's expectations and wasted too much time. When someone mentions us in the future, they will point at us and say, look, that person is the loser who was expelled from Shrek Academy on the first day of school. In this way The shame will stay with us for the rest of our lives."

"Are you willing to do this?"

"I'm not willing to give in!" Everyone's anger was ignited.

"So, all of us in the class must unite and fight Zhou Yi to the end! Follow me, let's go to the Academic Affairs Office and find Dean Yan!"

Huo Yuhao took the lead and led a group of students towards the building of the Academic Affairs Office.

Although Huo Yuhao could have guessed that even if he went to the Academic Affairs Office or Yan Shaozhe, there was a high probability that nothing could be done to Zhou Yi about this matter. The most he could do was to be demoted, and then the big issue would be reduced to a trivial matter, and finally nothing would happen. Let it go. But this was his purpose today. Huo Yuhao wanted to teach Zhou Yi a moderate lesson today, to shock her so that she would not be able to expel students at will.

Secondly, Huo Yuhao could use this incident to unite the students in the freshman class.

"Huo Yuhao!" Zhou Yi saw Huo Yuhao running towards the Academic Affairs Office with all the students. She immediately became anxious. She yelled, "Are you determined to fight me today?"

Zhou Yi was still afraid that this kind of thing would become a big deal. Although suppressing students is an instruction given by the college to these teachers, if things really get into trouble, the college will definitely push the teachers out as scapegoats to win the hearts of the students.

Huo Yuhao ignored Zhou Yi's roar and ran straight to the Academic Affairs Office building.

Zhou Yi couldn't bear it any longer and instantly possessed her martial soul and ran towards Huo Yuhao. She couldn't sit still and wait for death. Even if she couldn't do anything to Huo Yuhao, she could still stop her from taking his students to the Academic Affairs Office.

At this moment, a loud shout came: "Stop it!" At the same time, the pressure of soul power far exceeded Zhou Yi's, making all the students unable to move.

Huo Yuhao followed the sound and saw eight soul rings surrounding the figure. If he looked carefully, he saw that it was Du Weilun.

"What's going on? Zhou Yi, how did you lead the class? And you students, what's going on?" Du Weilun came up and asked preemptively.

Zhou Yi quickly collected the spirit and said first, "Director Du, nothing's wrong. It's just that these students are disobedient. I will educate them."

Immediately, some students couldn't help but retort: ​​"You are talking nonsense. It is obvious that you expelled us at will. We are not convinced so we are going to the Academic Affairs Office to complain against you."

Others also talked about Zhou Yi's evil deeds in just one day.

Huo Yuhao watched from the side as all the students in Class 1 complained to Du Weilun one by one, but he did not participate. At this point it doesn't matter whether he participates or not.

It has to be said that Zhou Yi is also a talent for being able to arouse the students' anger to such a high level in just one day.

Zhou Yi's face turned completely dark at this time. Although she knew that the college would not punish her much, she felt so embarrassed!

Especially when a student told Du Weilun about her collapse after being shaken by Huo Yuhao. Faced with Du Weilun's strange eyes, Zhou Yi wanted to turn around and leave.

Du Weilun knew that Huo Yuhao's number one soul skill was mental detection and sharing, so he was surprised how Zhou Yi fell down with just one grip.

You are the Soul Emperor after all, can you stop acting like this?

What a shame for Shrek!
(End of this chapter)

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