Traveling through Huo Yuhao, my abilities are refreshed every month

Chapter 46 Du Weilun: Zhou Yi, how on earth did you lose to the 1st ring soul master?

Chapter 46 Du Weilun: Zhou Yi, how on earth did you lose to the first-ring soul master?
With the students talking about it, Du Weilun roughly understood what happened.

In his opinion, it was no big deal, it was just Zhou Yi who aroused the public anger of all the students. When the time comes, he would punish Zhou Yi a little to calm everyone's anger.

It was Huo Yuhao in the whole incident who caught his attention. It can be said that without Huo Yuhao, Zhou Yi would never have reached the stage of being complained by all the students.

When he recruited Huo Yuhao, he didn't realize that Huo Yuhao was a thorn in the side? Such students are still an unstable factor for the college. Fortunately, the dean has already made arrangements. Moreover, he remembered that Xu Sanshi's attack on the freshmen was also related to Huo Yuhao. Xu Sanshi had just recovered today, and the college was also dealing with Xu Sanshi's matter. Maybe he could take the opportunity to let Xu Sanshi sharpen his temper. And then the academy comes out to calm the situation?
Du Weilun pushed up his glasses and already had a series of plans in his mind.

He clapped his hands to signal the students to quiet down.

When everyone stopped making noise, Du Weilun said with a serious face: "Teacher Zhou Yi did not do well today. Although the college gives every class teacher the power to expel students, Zhou Yi's abuse of power should not be ignored by us." The college cannot tolerate it. We will give Zhou Yi a warning and punishment so that she will not make such mistakes again. I will discuss the specific handling method with the dean and deputy dean. The two deans will definitely give the students a Satisfactory answer! Students, please continue with class."

"Zhou Yi, and classmate Huo Yuhao, are you the monitor, right?"

"Yes." Huo Yuhao replied.

"Come with me." Du Weilun turned around and headed to the teaching building of the Academic Affairs Office, followed by Zhou Yi and Huo Yuhao.

Entering the Academic Affairs Office, Huo Yuhao did not see Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek Academy, nor did he see the vice dean named Cai Meier.

Du Weilun called Huo Yuhao and Zhou Yi into his office, then sat on the chairs, stared at Huo Yuhao with a serious face, and said:

"Classmate Huo Yuhao, I already know what happened from everyone's mouths. We will give Zhou Yi the punishment he deserves, but you also did something wrong, do you know?"

Huo Yuhao was unfazed by Du Weilun's accusation and said: "Teacher Du, I don't think I did anything wrong. Speaking out for the injustice suffered by my classmates, leading my classmates to seek justice, and resisting unfair and unfair treatment, these are not Wrong?"

Du Weilun's face remained serious, "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, but the way you did it was wrong! If you encounter this kind of thing, you can report it to the Academic Affairs Office and the college, and the college will naturally seek justice for you. Instead of inciting classmates and leading them to cause trouble!"

If the college would uphold justice after receiving the report, how could Zhou Yi be so arrogant?
Huo Yuhao chuckled in his heart, but he looked straight at Du Weilun and denied firmly: "Director Du, you are overthinking. How could I incite my classmates? These are all students who spontaneously and voluntarily resisted this unfair behavior. I am just a He's just a small vanguard, and he definitely didn't incite his classmates!"

As for soul interference? Huo Yuhao said what is that? He only shares this skill with Mental Detection.

You said there is also simulation? That's just the effect of modifying the mental detection picture and then sharing it with others. This is just an application of soul skills. If others can't develop it, it can only be used by others.

Huo Yuhao had already thought of a way to explain the simulated soul skills.

Du Weilun stared at Huo Yuhao silently. He didn't expect that Huo Yuhao was only over eleven years old, why was he so inexperienced?

After a while, he said: "It's okay if it doesn't happen. But the emotions of the students in your class are too restless. As the monitor, I hope you can calm their emotions in the future and prevent things like today from happening again." Huo Yuhao smiled. He said: "We are all young, and it is inevitable that we can't control our emotions when facing injustice. As long as nothing unfair like today happens in the future, I believe everyone's emotions will be stable enough."

Du Weilun took a deep look at Huo Yuhao and said uncertainly: "I hope so."

Du Weilun then turned to look at Zhou Yi, then looked at Huo Yuhao, and then asked Zhou Yi quietly: "Zhou Yi, can you tell me how you, as a teacher of Shrek Academy, fell down after being shaken by a student? Of?"

Zhou Yi's face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip tightly and remained silent.

She couldn't say that her legs gave out and she fell down after being shaken by a student and couldn't help but say "uh huh".

Zhou Yi would rather not be a teacher at Shrek Academy than let others know about such a thing.

Du Weilun saw Zhou Yi blushing and refused to say anything. He just thought that Zhou Yi felt that it was too embarrassing for him to lose to the first-ring soul master, so he didn't want to say anything. Du Weilun stopped asking Zhou Yi. After all, her husband was still the director of the soul guidance department, so he had to give him face.

Du Weilun turned to look at Huo Yuhao and said: "Huo Yuhao, I remember that your soul skill is the auxiliary system ability mental detection sharing, right? Can you tell me what ability you used to defeat Zhou Yi? As a martial soul teacher Director, I have the obligation to understand the specific situation of each student."

Of course, it was impossible for Huo Yuhao to reveal his less-than-serious abilities. Just when he was about to pretend to be stupid and get over it, he saw Zhou Yi looking at him with a sinister expression on her pretty face and a threatening look in her eyes.

Du Weilun was immediately unhappy.

What happened to you, Zhou Yi? I asked you and you didn’t tell me. I asked Huo Yuhao and you threatened him not to tell me. What do you want to do?
Du Weilun patted the table and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Yi, since you don't want to say it, forget it. You're threatening others not to say it! Then why don't you just perform it for me live! I'll watch it myself!"

When Zhou Yi heard Du Weilun's words, her face turned red at first, then suddenly turned pale, and exclaimed: "No! Director Du, you don't need to explore such a thing, right?"

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Zhou Yi's changing face. He asked tentatively: "Teacher Zhou, how about we give Teacher Du a live performance of how you fell? It won't take long. A few seconds."

Zhou Yi took a few steps back, looking at Huo Yuhao's slowly stretched out hand with horror in her eyes. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out of the door.

Du Weilun frowned and said, "Zhou Yi is getting more and more outrageous!"

"Classmate Huo Yuhao, now that Zhou Yi is gone, can you tell me how you defeated Zhou Yi?"

Du Weilun asked for details. In his opinion, what ability in the world could allow a soul master to defeat a soul emperor? If so, then Shrek Academy must know.

(End of this chapter)

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