Chapter 69 Xian Lin'er


With a gentle breath, Huo Yuhao slowly woke up.

The remaining clouds in the evening dyed the sky crimson. It seemed that he had not been practicing for long.

After moving his body, vigorous strength surged from his limbs. The solidification of the succubus body improved his physical quality in all aspects.

If his previous physical fitness was very difficult to absorb a ten-thousand-year-old soul ring, his current physical fitness can at least absorb a twenty-thousand-year-old soul ring!

The improvement in physical fitness was second to the biggest improvement - Huo Yuhao slowly looked away from his body.

He is not yet eleven years old, but he is already so terrifying!
Huo Yuhao felt that Qin Chao's Lao Ai's wheel-turning technique was nothing compared to the body of a succubus.

Huo Yuhao's martial spirit possessed him and he activated his mental detection. In the three-dimensional image being detected, he carefully observed his changes.

The first is the change in appearance and temperament. If he was a handsome young man before, now he is a mysterious and handsome man. He can't help but be fascinated by it. Now he can finally say it openly: I am so beautiful, how can Wang Dong compare to me?
Apart from his appearance and temperament, the most attractive thing about him is his bright and clear eyes. The previous clarity in the eyes has disappeared, replaced by a layer of pink tulle, gently covering the eyes that shine like gems, mysterious and addictive, gorgeous and charming.

At the same time, his martial soul seems to be more than just his eyes and brain. When possessed by the martial soul, every part of his body can mobilize mental power to carry out enhanced attacks, but it is limited to pink mental power.

In other words, in the future, his close attacks will be dually enchanted with soul power and mental power. The opponent will not only have to deal with the physical blow, but also the invisible and immaterial mental power blow. Especially when facing a female soul master, it only takes one blow for the opponent to soften first.

Huo Yuhao feels that he will be the natural enemy of female soul masters in the future, but in fact he is more willing to become a friend of women.

After checking the harvest, Huo Yuhao remembered Ma Xiaotao, Han Ruoruo and the others.

What about people?

After Huo Yuhao woke up, he didn't see a single figure. He walked towards Ma Xiaotao's dormitory. As the distance got closer, the faint murmurs and chants became clearer and clearer, and three different, melodious voices like elves came one after another.

With a strange look on his face, Huo Yuhao gently opened the door of Ma Xiaotao's dormitory. Three bodies with icy muscles and jade bones were overlapped on the big red bed, which was dazzling.

Huo Yuhao watched for a moment with eyes that discovered beauty and showed admiration.

He feels that he does not need to have a pair of eyes to discover beauty, because the beauty is already there, he just needs to open his eyes to see it.

He quietly closed the door and returned to the yard. He launched his mental detection and could see all the disturbances within a kilometer radius. Nothing else, he just wanted to prevent others from disturbing the three of them.

The moment Huo Yuhao turned around and gently closed the door, Han Ruoruo seemed to realize something and looked at the door. Her blurred eyes imprinted the young man's mysterious pink eyes, which were deeply remembered in her mind. At this time, she His mind suddenly became clear.

Huo Yuhao noticed that all three senior sisters had woken up and left quietly. He made an appointment with Teacher Zhiwei to see the soul guide teacher today. It would be bad to be late. He had to go quickly!

"You're here." Zhiwei tidied up his chef attire and put on normal clothes, signaling Huo Yuhao to follow him, "Let's go."

This was the first time Huo Yuhao saw Teacher Zhiwei meeting someone else in a disguise other than a chef. He couldn't help but be a little curious about who the person he was going to meet was that Teacher Zhiwei was so formal.

Huo Yuhao followed Zhiwei quietly on the road to the inner courtyard. The trees on both sides were lush, the grass was delicious, and the fallen leaves were colorful. After a short walk, the front suddenly became clear.

Two silver tall buildings made of metal are arranged. The tall buildings are flanked by gray rectangular buildings. Each building covers a large area, even larger than Shrek Plaza. Zhiwei introduced Huo Yuhao from the front, "This is the soul guidance area of ​​the inner courtyard. On both sides are the soul guidance device test areas. The tall building in front is the teaching building. Don't wander around and follow me."

Huo Yuhao followed Zhiwei through the long corridor and came to the door of the teaching building.

At this moment, a young man of about twenty years old was waiting again. He bowed and saluted, "Teacher Zhiwei, you are here. The dean is in the office."

Zhiwei nodded slightly. The young man took out a purple card and swiped it on the silver-white door, and the door slowly opened automatically.

Under the leadership of the young man, they went to the top floor and gently knocked on the door of the room with the sign of the dean's office. A cold voice came from inside: "Come in."

Then the door opened a crack.

The young man was waiting at the door. Huo Yuhao followed Zhiwei into the room. Huo Yuhao looked at the indoor layout with his peripheral vision.

The dean's office is very spacious, with a huge metal test bench in the center and a beautiful woman sitting on the chair next to it. She has fair skin, long blue hair tied up in a bun, and looks noble and elegant in a black top with gold trim.

"This is the student you introduced to me who wants to learn the soul tool?" The beautiful woman looked at Huo Yuhao with emotionless blue eyes.

"Yes, Dean Xian Lin'er." Zhiwei nodded.

Huo Yuhao did not expect Teacher Zhiwei to be so capable and directly recommended him to the leader of the Shrek Soul Guidance Department, the ninety-seventh level super Douluo and the Martial God Douluo Xian Lin'er.

He remembered that Teacher Zhiwei had advised him not to be too distracted, but in the end, he directly recommended him to Shrek's strongest soul engineer.

Teacher Zhiwei really values ​​himself! I must repay him well in the future, pull him away from Shrek no matter what, marry him ten or eight more wives, and pass on the martial spirit of the Qi of Food.

Huo Yuhao turned his eyes to Xian Lin'er and looked at the dean of the soul guidance department curiously.

She has a beautiful appearance, aloof temperament, and domineering aura. She is a royal sister.

In the original work, this person seems to be a couple in name only with Qian Duoduo, hiss——

Huo Yuhao suddenly felt that these attributes were a bit charming, including being a virgin wife and a cold-blooded royal sister.

Although he does not have the legacy of Wei Wu and does not want to inherit Prime Minister Cao's ambition, who would let the couple be just in name?

"Introduce yourself! Name, age, martial spirit, level." Xian Lin'er's cold voice came.

Huo Yuhao replied: "My name is Huo Yuhao. I am twelve years old. I have martial soul eyes and soul power level 20."

"Martial soul spiritual eyes, body martial soul? Or spiritual martial soul?" Xian Lin'er's cold eyes flashed with a trace of fluctuation, "Yes, he is a good seedling."

Xian Liner's eyes moved to Zhiwei and said: "Zhiwei, you go back first, I want to test him."

Zhiwei nodded and left, giving Huo Yuhao an encouraging look before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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