Traveling through Huo Yuhao, my abilities are refreshed every month

Chapter 70 Xian Lin'er wants to take on a disciple?

Chapter 70 Xian Lin'er wants to take on a disciple?

"Tell me why you want to learn soul tools." Xian Lin'er's cold and ethereal voice was without a trace of emotion.

"I have some ideas in my mind and want to make them." Huo Yuhao said.

"that's it?"

"that's it."

"Then you shouldn't waste time on learning soul tools. The soul guidance system is not suitable for you." Xian Lin'er's cold voice pronounced Huo Yuhao's death sentence on learning soul tools.

She hoped that more people in Shrek Academy would learn soul tools, but she didn't like those who made this decision haphazardly. When the time comes, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets will only be a waste of soul guidance system resources.

Huo Yuhao's face turned serious and he said, "Can the student ask the dean a few questions?"

Xian Liner nodded.

"In the dean's opinion, what kind of talents are suitable to learn how to make soul tools?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Of course it's someone who loves soul guides."

"Why are people who love soul guidance tools suitable for learning soul guidance tools?"

"Boy, the learning process of soul guidance tools is boring. If you want to master soul guidance tools, you need to spend a long time, endless energy, full devotion, and consistent persistence. Do you think that a person who does not love Can you do this?" Xian Lin'er's blue eyes were clear and clear, like a clear salt water lake, reflecting Huo Yuhao's figure.

Huo Yuhao said: "According to the dean, the soul guide device learning requires more concentration, investment, and persistence, rather than love, right? Love is just a condition deduced by the dean based on these."

Xian Lin'er crossed her fingers in front of her, resting her straight chin on her white fingers. There was a smile without any warmth at the corner of her mouth, and she stared at Huo Yuhao coldly across the silver-white experimental table.

"So, you think you can do this without love?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head, "It's not what I think, it's just the fact."

"Ha, I want to see where you come from?" Xian Lin'er sneered.

Huo Yuhao asked: "Does the dean love soul guides?"

"Of course!" Xian Lin'er said, otherwise she wouldn't have become the dean of the soul guidance department.

Huo Yuhao asked with a smile: "Then why didn't the dean become a ninth-level soul engineer?" Is it because you don't love him enough?

Huo Yuhao did not say the latter sentence because he was afraid of being beaten to death.

Huo Yuhao's sarcastic questions echoed in Xian Lin'er's mind, and her flawless face turned red for a moment, whether from embarrassment or annoyance.

Why didn't you become a ninth-level soul engineer? !
Did she not want to? She can't do it! In other words, it is because Shrek and the three original Douluo Continent countries do not have the soil to cultivate a ninth-level soul master!
Xian Liner straightened her body, slammed her slender hand on the experimental table, and left a palm print on the silver-white metal tabletop.


Her eyes were as cold as a pool of clear water, and she stared at Huo Yuhao sharply.

Huo Yuhao's expression remained unchanged, and Xian Lin'er's Lingran aura seemed to have no effect on him.

"So, having love alone is not enough to become a ninth-level soul master. There are many ninth-level soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire, and there are more eighth-level soul masters. Is it because those ninth-level soul masters are better than those eighth-level soul masters? Do you love the ninth-level soul master who became a soul guide more?" Obviously not, the eighth-level soul master Xuan Ziwen in the original book resolutely left the Sun and Moon Empire that trained him for the soul guide. He didn't love the soul guide enough. ?

"Not all ninth-level soul engineers love soul guidance tools. The fact that most people have such high attainments in soul guidance tools is due to many reasons such as talent, living environment, nurture, and personal efforts."

"In the final analysis, soul masters are just a profession. Not everyone in the Sun-Moon Empire chooses to become soul masters because they love the profession of soul masters. Don't they want to become powerful soul masters who can crush their peers? Just Like the soul masters who have gone out of our academy."

"They want to, but they have no choice. Just like Dean, you also want to become a ninth-level soul engineer, but isn't there no way around it?"

Huo Yuhao paused and concluded: "To become a powerful soul mentor, love or not is only a secondary condition. Training, hard work, talent, and creative ideas are the more important conditions."

Xian Lin'er's heart was shaken, and her face as bright as the moon was silent for a moment.

She had to admit that what this somewhat arrogant young man said made sense, but she still didn't want to be his soul guide's teacher.

Although he was right, who asked him to stab her heart again and again? She also has a temper!

No, we have to find our place!

Xian Lin'er had a pair of round jade legs crossed with her hands flat on them. Her posture was dignified, her aura was noble and cold, and she looked at Huo Yuhao with a pair of eyes as cold as cold springs.

"Then you think you have these conditions? Training, hard work, talent, and creative ideas. What do you have? Those whimsical ideas?"

Huo Yuhao said: "Am I not taking the test from you, Dean? If I pass the test, I can study with you. Although you may not be the best soul engineer in the soul guidance department, you are definitely the most powerful one. If you can Studying with you is the best training the academy can receive."

Xian Lin'er's eyebrows stood up, what's this? What does it mean that she is the strongest soul mentor but not the best?

Still want to learn from her? Humph, don’t even think about it!

Huo Yuhao continued: "In terms of efforts, practical actions can only speak for themselves. As for ideas, no matter how whimsical they are, at least they are there. And I don't think my ideas are whimsical."

He just wants to make some gadgets that make life easier. Cars, cameras, remote communications, etc. are all completely possible. Some Sun Moon Empires have even realized them, and only Shrek Academy and Douluo Three Kingdoms have achieved them. Ignorance lags behind.

"As for talent, Dean, don't resist. I'll show you my number one soul skill."

Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes are possessed, his eyes are as bright as gems, a yellow soul ring is beating, and the mental detection is shared.

Xian Lin'er was stunned, looking at Huo Yuhao with her blue eyes. She was completely immersed in the images shared by Huo Yuhao.

First, everything within a radius of one thousand meters comes into mind, and any detail that you want to see can be seen clearly. Then the detection range began to change, extending in one direction, two thousand meters, three thousand meters, four thousand meters. She even saw fallen leaves four thousand meters away.

Immediately, the detection range shrank sharply, becoming only the size of an office. During the detection, the experimental table in front of her was being analyzed layer by layer, and she could even see the soul guidance core inside.

After a long time, Xian Lin'er came back to her senses, clapped her hands on the experimental table, and two more palm prints were printed on it. She leaned forward and looked at Huo Yuhao with burning eyes.

"How about becoming my teacher?"

 We just listened to the advice. Some book friends said that the heroine wanted Xian Lin'er, so we should arrange it now.

(End of this chapter)

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