Traveling through Huo Yuhao, my abilities are refreshed every month

Chapter 71 Xian Lin'er: Why is it so difficult to be a teacher?

Chapter 71 Xian Lin'er: Why is it so difficult to be a teacher?
Huo Yuhao stepped back half a step and said, "Dean, although I want to learn soul guidance tools, I have no intention of becoming your teacher."

The beautiful master is very good, but he is not a lecherous person. How could he betray himself for this?

Furthermore, you have already rejected Teacher Zhiwei. Wouldn’t you be sorry for Teacher Zhiwei by agreeing to Xian Liner’s request to accept a disciple? His true love is for Teacher Zhiwei, who is Xian Lin'er? We are not familiar with each other.


Xian Lin'er moved forward, her long green gauze skirt flowing along with her pair of round legs. She walked up to Huo Yuhao, grabbed his collar, leaned forward, her beautiful face came up to Huo Yuhao, her eyes like spring water looked directly into Huo Yuhao's eyes, and she said excitedly:

"Do you know the meaning of your soul skill and its effect? ​​As long as your strength improves, you can even directly detect and copy the drawings of the ninth-level soul guide?!"

"Then what?" Huo Yuhao said calmly, his shining pink eyes reflecting Xian Lin'er's beautiful face, "Can I make a ninth-level soul tool with the blueprints?"

Of course not!

Hearing the young man's calm words, Xian Lin'er felt irritable.

If there were blueprints that could produce a ninth-level soul guidance device, Shrek's soul guidance system would have already caught up with the Sun and Moon Empire.

She stared at Huo Yuhao, the boy's pink eyes reflected in her eyes, which were full of mystery and charm.

So lovely!
She was absent-minded for a while, and couldn't help but think about it.

In just a moment, Xian Lin'er came back to her senses, immediately let go of Huo Yuhao's collar, turned around suddenly, her mind was shaken.

It was such a powerful martial spirit that even she was charmed without even realizing it!
Such a good seedling should be accepted as a disciple and taught well, and he should not be allowed to go to waste.

"Ask me as your master. I can not only teach you how to make soul tools, but also how to cultivate martial souls. I can even help you hunt for a hundred thousand year soul ring. The resources of the entire soul guidance system can be tilted towards you." Lin'er returned to her original position and sat down, and made a promise to Huo Yuhao.

This was already the best offer she could offer. There were only a few people in the entire Douluo Continent who could offer this offer. She didn't believe that this kid wasn't tempted.

Huo Yuhao really felt Xian Lin'er's sincerity.

A hundred thousand year soul ring is definitely the highest bargaining chip that can be offered to recruit someone.

Unfortunately, according to the plan, he was destined to part ways with Shrek Academy. How could he become a disciple of Xian Lin'er?

Did she get abducted in the end?

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up.


Isn’t that impossible?
His eyes moved to Xian Lin'er. She was sitting dignifiedly behind the experimental table. Her face was still beautiful. Time did not leave many traces on her body. On the contrary, her temperament became colder and nobler.

If one day I could have such a beautiful master call out "Bad disciple, you will bully me" again and again in a cold and royal voice - "


Huo Yuhao quickly calmed down. Although he is already very tempted, he still needs to keep his character.

In the past, she had rejected Teacher Zhiwei because of the sect, but now Xian Liner had directly agreed. What did Teacher Zhiwei think?
He couldn't be sorry to Teacher Zhiwei who treated him so well!

"Sorry, Dean, the conditions you gave are very good, but I still need to ask the sect for instructions." Huo Yuhao declined politely.

"Sect? Are you from the Noumenon Sect?" Xian Lin'er looked at Huo Yuhao, her cold eyes filled with unpredictability.

"No." Huo Yuhao said.

Xian Lin'er Lingran's aura weakened a bit and she nodded slightly, "Then I'll wait for news from your sect."

Shrek Academy doesn't care if the students are from other sects, except the Noumenon Sect. Just like the Shrek Seven Monsters in the original work have joined the Tang Sect and Spirit Transferring Pagoda. Maybe they think that the students who go out of Shrek Academy will definitely stand with the academy, just like the Poseidon Pavilion Master of Shrek Academy four thousand years ago who ascended and shouted that half of the generals of the original Douluo Continent and the Three Kingdoms came from Shrek. generally. "Let's talk about your future arrangements." Xian Lin'er has already begun to implement the rights and obligations belonging to the master. In her opinion, Huo Yuhao is considered a disciple. Is there any sect that can refuse the request of a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo and the benefits of a hundred thousand year soul ring?
"Yes." Huo Yuhao listened quietly to Xian Lin'er's arrangements.

"You will be a core member of the Soul Tool Department from now on. Since you haven't taken the freshman assessment yet, you will set aside an hour every afternoon to go to the Soul Tool Department of the outer courtyard after class to receive my guidance."

"This is my token. With it, you can travel unimpeded in the soul guidance system!"

Xian Lin'er threw out a rhombus-shaped cyan token, which Huo Yuhao caught. There was a cyan flame dragon engraved on the token and the word "fairy" written on it. Huo Yuhao put it into the soul guide and asked:
"What should I do in the martial arts department? Should I study normally?"

"Just study normally, I will coordinate over there, no one dares to embarrass you." Xian Lin'er said forcefully.

"You're already level 20, haven't you obtained the soul ring yet?" Xian Lin'er asked.

Do you want to take me to get the soul ring...

Huo Yuhao nodded and replied: "Yes."

Xian Lin'er tapped her fingers on the table, "You are a rare spirit type, and there is no spirit beast suitable for you in the academy's beast fighting area."

After thinking for a moment, he continued: "I will personally take you to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls next weekend. Think carefully about what soul ring you want in the past few days."

Huo Yuhao quickly refused and said: "Dean, my martial soul just changed today. I still need to get familiar with it for a while before I can decide what to choose for the second soul ring."

He still wanted to wait and see what the next two abilities were that were easier to solidify, and then get the second soul ring and the second martial soul. It only takes two months to wait, so there is no delay.

"Has the spirit of martial arts changed?" Xian Lin'er's beautiful eyes observed Huo Yuhao's gorgeous eyes with great interest, and she was once again intoxicated without knowing it. After a long time, she looked away with an unnatural expression on her face.

"Has your martial soul awakened for the second time?" Xian Lin'er asked.

If Huo Yuhao's original martial soul awakens for the second time, it would be a real surprise.

"I don't know." Huo Yuhao shook his head hesitantly.

According to the original work, after the main martial soul awakens for the second time, when the martial soul possesses the spirit, a ghost shadow of the martial soul will appear behind him. The color of the ghost shadow indicates the level of the second awakening.

Silvery white is silver grade, golden yellow is gold grade——

But his martial soul's shadow glows with pink light. What is this?
Pink level awakening?

Never heard of this level?

Xian Lin'er raised her eyebrows. She didn't know much about the original martial spirit.

The secret of the second awakening of the Noumenon Martial Spirit has always been a secret of Noumenon Sect. Shrek Academy has always wanted to know this secret, but the people of Noumenon Sect are too united to penetrate it.

Now that she wants to accept a disciple with the original martial soul, she has to find a way to study the original martial spirit. At least she can't make mistakes when teaching, or don't know anything, right? That would be too embarrassing for the teacher.

"Tell me about the change in your martial soul. What happened today?" Xian Lin'er said.

Huo Yuhao picked and said some things that could be said.

Xian Lin'er'e frowned, what is this?
What kind of martial spirit needs to come into contact with others to fully awaken? She had been in Shrek for so many years, and she thought she had seen all kinds of strange martial spirits, but she had never seen this kind of martial spirit before.

However, this disciple hasn't received it yet, so he can't be stumped by the first question, right? I have already been refuted by this kid once, and this time I don’t know anything. It’s hard to say that this guy thought he was a parallel import.

No, you have to save it!

(End of this chapter)

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