Chapter 102 Five versus four!
Meteor bombardment!

Ma Tian kicked the gentleman's umbrella, raised it high, and pointed it straight at the sky.

A huge whirlpool appeared above the heads of the four ancient evil beasts.

The vortex of light continued to change, and several meteorites with purple fire light fell one after another.

Boom! Boom!
Meteorites continued to explode, and for a moment, flames shot into the sky and smoke filled the air, completely covering the figures of the four ancient evil beasts.

Ma Tian sneered again and again: "Huh! This is what happens if you provoke the King of Oxer!"

Li Zi and others cheered up and came behind Ma Tian.

All three of them were deeply shocked by Ma Tian's methods.

"The King of Oxer...what a powerful force! He deserves to be our king!"

"King! Please help us teach these ugly guys a lesson!"

A shuddering growl came, attracting the attention of several people.

The thick smoke dissipated, and the four ancient ferocious beasts were unharmed.

"Wha, what?"

Ma Tian and others were all surprised.

Can such a violent attack not cause any damage?
Li Xiaochou also felt troubled, with a gloomy look on his face, and the violent bug in his body immediately went berserk.

"You are really thick-skinned. Even the king can't hurt you at all? Okay! Very good! Force me to take action, right? That's as you wish!"

A ball of violent aura rose from the soles of Li Xiaochou's feet, endless black energy and blue light intertwined and swirled, completely surrounding his figure.

Countless particles condensed crazily, forming an extremely hard exoskeleton all over Li Xiaochou's body, and the blue muscles on his upper body beat rhythmically.

Li Xiaochou's true figure also appeared at this moment.

"Hahaha! Welcome your god!"

Black barrier evil!
Li Xiaochou gathered the evil energy in his hands into a ball and hit the four ancient evil beasts one after another.

The four ancient evil beasts were pushed back several steps.

"What are you still doing? Come together! Deal with them! I want people in the shadow world to know who is the strongest in Blue Star!"

Since the tyrant bug in Li Xiaochou's body was of the cosmic royal type, Ma Tian and others couldn't help but feel the desire to surrender, and were unable to resist his orders.

Ma Tian snorted coldly and set his target on Taotie.

"You don't need to tell me! I'll deal with this guy with a spear!"

Li Xiaochou gave an order to Li Zi and the others: "You deal with that big meat ball, and leave the remaining two to me!"

Ma Tian walked up to Taotie.

The magical power of telepathy!

Ma Tian raised his hand and released a red beam of light to trap Taotie.

"You were the one who blew up my sign just now? Are you ready to bear the king's wrath?"

The gentleman's umbrella waved in his hand, hitting Taotie's chest one after another.

Dang Dang Dang!
Sparks fly.

Taotie roared and instantly teleported behind Ma Tian, ​​then thrust out his spear.

Ma Tian was in pain, so he turned around and waved his umbrella to deflect the spear.

The gentleman's umbrella poked Taotie's chest, the light points at the tip of the umbrella gathered, and an energy light ball exploded.

Taotie was also not to be outdone, and the four eyes under his ribs shot out light and rushed towards Ma Tian.

Ma Tian turned the umbrella in his hand to create an energy barrier to block the light, but he was also blown back by the aftermath.

Taotie then teleported and flashed in front of Ma Tian. The two sides fought together, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a moment.

At the same time, Lengxue, Li Zi and Nina also found Chaos.

They attacked together from three directions, forming an encirclement.

Snake body binding!

The ghost snake demon staff in Nina's hand transformed into a green snake and rushed towards Chaos, and turned into a rope to tightly bind Chaos.

"So what if you have four hands? Just stay here!"

Lengxue and Li Zi took advantage of the situation to attack, waving their weapons continuously and slashing at Chaos. But it still had no effect.

Li Zi was quite depressed: "This big guy's skin is really thick! Why does it feel like we are tickling him?"

Chaos raised his four hands and immediately broke away from Nina's restraints. With a big hand, he knocked Lengxue and Li Zi to the ground. At the same time, he shot a one-eyed thunder blast from his head and blew Nina over.

It was very difficult for the three Piccolo cyborgs to face an ancient supernatural beast.

Li Zi struggled to get up from the ground.

"Damn it! What should I do? I can't beat this guy at all!"

"Don't worry about so much, just find a way to hold him back! Once the boss takes care of their side, this guy will be able to take care of it!"

Their combat effectiveness is obviously at a disadvantage. As long as they can restrain the opponent, they can wait for Li Xiaochou and Ma Tian to deal with it.

Li Xiaochou chose to face the two ancient supernatural beasts Qiongqi and Yaozhu alone.

As the god of Oxer, he naturally has the pride of a god.

And he also has this strength!
"Two bugs, surrender to me now, and I may consider sparing you!"

Qiongqi and Yaozhu roared in response.

The Shadow Guardian is their master!
The Li Xiaochou in front of him is the target to be eliminated!

Li Xiaochou said coldly: "Okay, okay! Since you are so stubborn, then go to hell!"

He raised his black claws and controlled the dragon-slaying ax to rotate back and forth between Qiongqi and Yaozhu.

Yaozhu raised his shield to resist the dragon-slaying axe.

Qiongqi turned into white light, flashed behind Li Xiaochou, and slashed at Li Xiaochou's back with his double sickles.


Li Xiaochou controlled the dragon-slaying ax to fly behind him with his mind, firmly blocking Qiong Qi's attack. Then he turned around, held the dragon-slaying ax, and knocked back Qiong Qi with a powerful swing.

Ying Zhu took the opportunity to come to Li Xiaochou's side and slashed out with his sword.

Li Xiaochou raised his ax to resist.

Yao Zhu raised his shield and violently pushed Li Xiaochou in the abdomen, beating him back repeatedly.

"Isn't that all you can do?"

Li Xiaochou snorted, and a green beam of light shot out and swept along the ground.

Wherever the beam passed, the ground split directly into two halves.

Yaozhu raised his shield again to resist.

Li Xiaochou increased the power of the beam, intending to penetrate the buckler.

The beam collided with the shield and exploded, and Yongzhu was also blown away.

Li Xiaochou took advantage of the situation and swung his ax at Qiongqi.

Qiongqi caught the attack and at the same time shot out a purple light bullet from his abdomen, knocking Li Xiaochou away.

The situation was very tense for a time, with the five Oxels and the four ancient evil beasts fighting inextricably.

Chaos has extremely strong defensive power. Even if it faces Li Zi and three others at the same time, it can still firmly gain the upper hand and beat the three of them back steadily.

Li Zi and the other three tried their best to hold Chaos back.

Ma Tian possesses Blue Star's strongest mutant bereavement virus, which has been strengthened again. He is not weak at all against Taotie. The two sides fought back and forth, but both sides suffered considerable injuries.

Li Xiaochou has a cosmic royal type Tyrannosaurus in his body, and his own strength is very strong. Even if he is one against two, he will not fall behind at all, and he can even vaguely suppress two ancient supernatural beasts.

But Yongzhu and Qiongqi also have quite strong defenses. Even if they injure the enemy 800 or injure themselves 1,000, it doesn't matter. Li Xiaochou will not feel better even if they are injured.

The scene was chaotic.

Both sides gathered energy to launch an attack.

The collision of light bombs and light caused a big explosion, and at the same time a powerful shock wave erupted, knocking both sides to the ground.

In the black realm, the five shadow guardians have been observing the changes in the situation.

Oxer and the four ancient evil beasts have been fighting until now, and in the end they both lost.

"Hmph! It's really surprising that these rotten bugs can persist for so long! But that's it! It's time to send these guys on their way!"

(End of this chapter)

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