Chapter 103 Light and Shadow Armor Team
There was a flash of green light in the black area.

The figures of the Five Shadow Protectors appeared in the center of the battlefield.

Seeing these five people appear, Li Xiaochou's face became extremely gloomy.

"Sure enough, it's you guys who are behind this!"

"Yo yo yo! Isn't this our God of Oxer? Why was he beaten like this? Where did the aura of power go?"

"Insects dare to call themselves gods. It's ridiculous! They're just trash that can't even defeat the four ancient evil beasts. If you ask me, you should go back to your dead black star in despair!"

"Haha... isn't this the insect that provoked us last time? I didn't expect you to be resurrected again. Of course, this time our target is not you, but your so-called god!"

"Okay! Let's send this guy on the road together! Let our allies know who is the real strong one!"

The Five Shadow Guardians each summoned their weapons and prepared to send Li Xiaochou on his way.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Five beams of red, cyan, blue, yellow, and gold descended around the Five Shadow Protectors.

Flame Dragon, Wind Eagle, Black Rhinoceros, Earth Tiger, Snow Mastiff, five light and shadow armors were transmitted here by the ERP satellite.

After Meizhen detected the emergence of several powerful supernatural beast energies in Nanbo City, she immediately dispatched the entire light and shadow armor team.

Li Xinnan shook his fist: "Shadow Protector, where will you run away this time?"

The evil wood protector said coldly: "Humph! Here you come to spoil the fun at the critical moment! We don't have time to play with you now! Get out!"

Now is not the time for them to confront the armor head-on.

The Five Shadow Protectors instantly escaped into the black realm, taking away the four ancient evil beasts at the same time.

Black Domain immediately fled.

Li Xinnan looked at Li Xiaochou and others.

Except for Li Xiaochou, all the other Oxels fainted.

"These people have lost their ability to fight. Let's go after the Shadow Guardians!"

The other four people nodded: "Okay!"

"Fire Dragon Colt!"

"Wind Eagle Pony!"

"Black Rhinoceros!"


"Snow Mastiff Colt!"

The five people summoned the light and shadow horses and stepped onto their mounts.


The light and shadow pony turned into a stream of light and chased in the direction of the black realm's escape.

At this time, Li Yi also came here.

"Ha! It seems like you missed a good show?"

On Oxer's side, only Li Xiaochou could barely stand, while the others fainted.

The system prompt sounded in Li Yi's ears.

"Ding! Kill Li Xiaochou and get the rewards [Golden Shadow Stone], [Snow Mastiff Summoner], and +50000 points!

Ding! Destroy the Oxer headquarters and get the rewards [Earth Shadow Stone], [Earth Tiger Summoner], and +10 points! "

There are two more sets of light and shadow armor summoners.

Last time, Li Xiaochou held a grand Hongmen Banquet to deal with himself.

He did not choose to take action at that time, so he did not obtain the Snow Mastiff Summoner for the time being.

Isn’t this coming?
Moreover, he already has three sets of light and shadow armors in hand. With the remaining two, he should be able to synthesize the Emperor's Belt.

Just thinking about it makes me motivated.

When Li Xiaochou saw Li Yi appear, he was startled for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Mr. Li! The people in the shadow world were beaten away by me!"

The Five Shadow Protectors did use the Black Realm to escape, and he should be right to say so.

"As expected of Mr. Li, what a great person!"

Li Yi smiled slightly and took out the Shura Summoner.

This move made Li Xiaochou look confused, and he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"Asura armor, combined."

Li Yi pressed the summoner button.

Fire, wind, thunder, activate!

Li Yi's whole body surged with lightning, and he directly merged into Hell Face Shura.

A powerful coercion instantly spread out. Li Xiaochou's uneasiness became more intense.

"Mr. Li, what... do you mean?"

Li Yi clenched his fists and his voice was joking.

"Mr. Li, you are a smart person, why are you confused now?"

Li Xiaochou was certain of Li Yi's intentions.

This is an opportunity to kill him!
"But, Mr. Li, didn't we agree to cooperate and rule Blue Star together? Why are you doing this?!" Li Xiaochou shouted hysterically.

Li Yi chuckled and said: "Cooperation? When did I agree to cooperate with you? Oh, it seems that there is such a thing, but... I'm just teasing you. I will never cooperate with Oxer, and you are not worthy!"

He did this entirely because Li Xiaochou and the others completed tasks to get more rewards.

How could he really cooperate with Oxer when he was so upright?

At this time, Li Xiaochou almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Damn it, humans are actually more insidious and cunning than Oxer!

He finally understood that Li Yi's purpose was to make Oxer and Shadow World both lose in the fight, so that Li Yi could reap the benefits!

It's really ironic when you think about it.

I originally wanted to join forces with Li Yi to deal with other forces first, so as to prevent others from reaping the benefits.

But in the end, Li Yi became this fisherman!

"Okay, okay! I didn't really believe you! It's just that I didn't expect that the dignified Shura armor would take advantage of people's danger when summoning them! It's really ridiculous!"

Li Yi shook his head: "Mr. Li's words are wrong. Don't you know that there is a saying: Soldiers are deceitful. They all have to be solved anyway. If you can spend less effort, why not do it? "

Originally, Li Xiaochou was very wary of Li Yi's strength, so he kept trying to pull things off without confronting him head-on.

Now he was seriously injured in the battle just now.

How can he, who is scarred, fight against Li Yi in his prime?

"No! I am the Oxel royal family, the god of Oxel! So what if you are a Shura armor? A mere mortal can still dream of killing a god?! If you want to take advantage of the situation, you have to see if you have the ability!"

This pride does not allow him to admit defeat!
Black barrier evil!
The evil energy in Li Xiaochou's hands gathered into a ball crazily and blasted towards Li Yi one after another.

Li Yi waved his hand gently and blocked all the black evil spirits, approaching Li Xiaochou step by step.

"Li Xiaochou, you are already at the end of your strength, so why bother struggling? It's all in vain."

"Then haven't you ever heard of a word called a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry?"

Li Xiaochou laughed crazily and used his mind to control the dragon-slaying ax to hit Li Yi.

Shura Demon Dagger.

Li Yi pressed the summoner button.

Thunder, thunder, darkness, activate!

There was a flash of lightning, and the Shura Demon Dagger appeared in Li Yi's hand.

Li Yi waved the magic dagger lightly and flicked the dragon-slaying ax away.

A dragon-slaying ax was inserted into a wall.

"Here comes the axe!"

Li Xiaochou stretched out his hand and tried to summon the dragon-slaying ax back.

But Li Yi had already arrived in front of Li Xiaochou and struck Li Xiaochou with his magic dagger one after another.

Li Xiaochou felt an excruciating pain, as if his chest was about to be torn apart, but he still held the dragon-slaying ax in his hand again.

"go to hell!"

Li Xiaochou waved his axe.


Li Yi moved instantly to distance himself from Li Xiaochou.

The attack failed, Li Xiaochou was furious, and the top hook on his head shot out green light.

"I can do this trick too."

Infinite ray!

The red crystal on Li Yi's forehead shot out a rapid purple electric light, swallowing up all the light emitted by Li Xiaochou. The electric light hit Li Xiaochou and exploded suddenly.

The magic dagger strikes!

Li Yi didn't give Li Xiaochou any chance to breathe. He focused his energy on the Shura Demon Dagger and then swung it.

A huge air blade was swung out, and Li Xiaochou had no way to avoid it. He was directly hit by the air blade, and his body exploded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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