Exorcist Princess

Chapter 335: Don't even try to escape in this life.

This kind of fear is unknown, because she doesn't know what to be afraid of.This kind of fear is more terrifying than any fear in the world. The two of them couldn't see the way at all, and they couldn't tell the direction. They just walked forward step by step, like walking in hell.What will happen if they take another step, they can't guess at all.The air was gloomy and humid, and from time to time, sticky spider threads rubbed against their faces and hung on their bodies.The further you walked in, the stronger the wind, Yi Qingchen was only wearing a single shirt, under the gusts of cold wind, she was shivering with cold.Suddenly feeling warm on her body, Feng Yiying had already taken off the white robe she was wearing and put it on her shoulders.He whispered: "Put it on." Yi Qingchen's heart warmed, she knew that Feng Yiying didn't have much on, so she was about to decline.Feng Yiying seemed to know what she wanted to say, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm a martial arts practitioner, even if I'm naked, I won't feel cold. Put it on quickly." Yi Qingchen bit her lip, and she really didn't You are polite, put on the gown.His gown was a half-padded shirt. After she put it on, she felt much warmer.He said softly: "Big Maple Leaf, thank you." Feng Yiying glared at her: "Silly girl, why are you being polite with me?! Have you forgotten who you are to me?" A little red: "I'm your bodyguard..." Feng Yiying held her hand tightly, and said coolly: "You are my bodyguard? Silly girl, you seem to have forgotten that we are married..." "Which one Are you married? The one who married you is a wooden man..." Yi Qingchen muttered dissatisfied. "Hmph, girl, do you still have the guts to say this?! However, everyone in the world knows that I married Yi Qingchen that day, so it doesn't matter whether the person who worshiped me that day was a wooden dummy or a real person. I Feng Yiying has worshiped the world with this woman named Yi Qingchen, no matter where you go, you are already my wife." There was a hint of a smile in Feng Yiying's voice.Yi Qingchen blushed, jumped up and said: "What kind of fallacy are you talking about?" Feng Yiying said with a smile: "I am right and can no longer be right. You, Yi Qingchen, have long been my wife. You have been my wife for a lifetime. You don't want to run away."

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