Exorcist Princess

Chapter 336: Who is the flower?Who is cow dung?

Yi Qingchen curled her lips, and subconsciously said: "I don't want it! I want to go home. If I marry here, the old man will definitely pick off my head and kick it as a ball..." Feng Yiying smiled and said: " Don't worry, his family's cow dung finally married a flower, your old man can't be happy to see a son-in-law like me, so why would he punish you?" Yi Qingchen didn't expect that he would marry himself Joke, ready to fight: "Smelly Maple Leaf, you are cow dung! I married you because flowers were stuck on cow dung..." "Hahahaha, whether it is flowers stuck on cow dung or cow dung married I gave you flowers, anyway, you, Yi Qingchen, will be my wife. Don't try to run away again." The two bickered and laughed all the way, Yi Qingchen gradually forgot the fear, and finally she was no longer so nervous.Feng Yiying noticed that there was a slight warmth in her little hands, she no longer trembled from the cold, and breathed a sigh of relief.The reason why he went against his nature and said so much nonsense was to divert her attention and stop being so nervous.Although the goal has been achieved now, he is smiling wryly in his heart.This deep underground hole is at least hundreds of meters above the ground, so there is very little hope for them to escape safely.But even if they can't escape, it doesn't seem too bad to be able to die with this weird girl... The two walked for more than an hour in the deep hole where they couldn't see their fingers, but they still couldn't see each other. to the shadow of the exit. "Isn't this deep underground hole a maze? Why can't I see the end after walking for so long?" Yi Qingchen lost her composure, lit the talisman again, looked around, and suddenly became silent.At this moment, they were standing in the center of a slightly wider hole. There were more than a dozen spider web-like holes in the front, back, left, and right sides, and they all looked extremely deep, with no end in sight.Now don't talk about the way to go, even the way from here, Yi Qingchen can't tell.She couldn't help but stood there in a daze, and murmured: "We have entered the spider hole, there are so many forked roads! Now, which one should we take?" A corner of the robe.The cloth is light and fluttering, dancing with the wind.

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