Exorcist Princess

Chapter 387: Why do you look like a little girl, you big man

Without further ado, he went to move Bai Zimo's thigh.Bai Zimo was taken aback, this girl is too open, can a strange man's thigh be moved casually? !His face flushed, and he said: "Forget it... Forget it, I'll do it myself, the girl is rich and expensive, don't insult the girl..." The girl raised her pretty eyebrows: "You big man, why do you look like a little girl?" Like a girl, so shy?" As he spoke, his little hands pressed on Bai Zimo's legs, and said, "Which one hurts?" Bai Zimo pointed carelessly: "This one, ouch, the bone is probably broken! "He yelled loudly on purpose.The girl nodded, pressed and rubbed the leg he was pointing at, a look of surprise flashed in her big eyes, and she said, "It's not dislocated, it doesn't seem to be broken, why is it so painful? Could it be?" The bone fell and split?" After thinking for a while, he said again: "Forget it, you took off your pants, let me see if it's red and swollen?" At this moment, Bai Zimo opened his mouth wide and was completely speechless.With a wry smile, he said, "Then...forget it! I'm a big man, and taking off my pants is really indecent..." The girl looked at him amusedly: "Hey, aren't you too feudal? Why don't you take off your pants? You? It’s not that you don’t wear underwear, I’m just looking at your legs.” “Nei...Nei?” Bai Zimo almost bit his own tongue: “What’s inside?” Suddenly, he had an idea: "You mean obscene pants?" The girl looked at him like a monster: "I said, big brother, you don't come from Mars, do you? Nene doesn't understand? You...you don't know Don't you wear underwear?" Her round eyes were full of disbelief.It seemed to have heard the most unlikely thing.She looked him up and down again, and suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, with a look of enlightenment: "Which crew are you an actor in, right? Are you filming a costume drama? Well, I heard that some troupes, in order to achieve realistic effects, Let the actors do everything according to the ancient times, and some actors speak in a polite way to get into the play, and they don’t speak modern languages, haha, the ancient underwear is indeed called obscene pants, it must be like this..." She thought to herself self-deduction.Acting like I'm smart.

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