Exorcist Princess

Chapter 388: Just a little bit of pain makes ghosts cry and howl

At this moment, Bai Zimo was completely speechless, but he was certain in his heart that the girl in front of him must have something to do with Yi Qingchen, because not only their appearances were [-] to [-] percent imaginable, but their speaking styles were also very similar.He often said things that he couldn't understand. "Could it be that she is the genius sister that Qingchen talks about? Well, that girl is very strict, maybe she can get some clues from her sister..." He was thinking.Suddenly there was a sound of 'chi la', followed by a sudden chill on the legs.He was startled, and when he looked closely, he almost didn't jump up!It turned out that while he was talking, the girl tore off half of his trouser legs, exposing half of her white thighs to dry in the cold wind.Bai Zimo was so frightened that he didn't lose his breath. When he raised his palm, he almost slapped it.Fortunately, he stopped in time and stared at the girl, almost speechless.The girl didn't even look at him, her two big round eyes wandered around his legs, and then stretched out her small hands to tap and pinch his legs.I don't know if it was from the cold or from the fright, but goosebumps appeared on Bai Zimo's thighs... and under her kneading, certain parts of his body quietly changed.Bai Zimo didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he had always been the only one who underestimated others, when did he talk about others underestimating him?And, still being 'frivolous' by a beautiful girl?The girl was completely unaware of this, her small face was serious, and after carefully inspecting Bai Zimo's thigh, she came to a conclusion: "Don't worry, big star, your bones are fine! It must have just hurt from falling." A few. At most, it’s just a muscle strain, oh, you’re a big man, you can’t help falling, and the slightest pain makes you howl like hell, I’m really convinced of you!” She fumbled in her pocket, and took out A milky, flake-like thing. With a sound of 'tearing', a layer of film was torn off, and with a sound of 'snap', it was pasted on Bai Zimo's painful place.Bai Zimo was startled, and resisted the urge to tear off the thing, only to feel a cool feeling that invaded the bone marrow after the thing was pasted on.I couldn't help asking: "What is this?" I am a gorgeous dividing line, so don't be impatient, the appearance of Zichen does not necessarily mean that Xiaobai will definitely like him, and it also means that Qingchen may not necessarily follow Daddy. Maple Leaf... everything is still unknown...

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