Exorcist Princess

Chapter 723: Flat face

Yi Zichen had come to the United States countless times and subdued countless vampires, but just this time, among the cases she took in the United States, several of them were about killing vampires.Every case she completed was beautiful, but those were individual little vampires, and she couldn't find their lair.This time in the bar, during the dance with Thomson, she felt the strong vampire breath on him again.She would have taken him in on the spot.But after thinking about it, the bar is so chaotic, once he is disturbed, the fight will inevitably hurt innocent people.That's why he pretended to be drunk on purpose, to see where this guy was trying to drag him.Unexpectedly, this vampire named Thomson would drag her directly to his lair.This made her very excited, and at the same time excited, there was also a little nervousness.Although those vampires haven't made an attack yet, and haven't shown their figures, but with her keen senses, she has already detected that there are at least thirteen vampires here... Thirteen... Hehe, it's really not an auspicious number.She walked up the spiral staircase to the second floor, and the goal was a corridor.At the end of the corridor was a heavy glass door.Yi Zichen hadn't reached the door when he suddenly felt something was wrong.As soon as he looked up, under the light of the exorcism sword, a flat human face appeared on the glass door.His facial features were all out of shape, and he was looking at her with a smile.This scene is too weird.Even though Yi Zichen was mentally prepared, she was still taken aback. Her steps were slightly suffocated, and then she walked slowly.Intense evil and yin qi permeated the air, intertwining each other into a dense net.Like fog or drizzle, it permeates every corner, making it impossible for intruders to avoid it.Although Yi Zichen is highly skilled and bold, he can't help standing up and dancing even with goosebumps all over his body.His hands and feet seemed to be bound by something wet and sticky.She sneered, drew a half-arc with her left hand, and a lightning struck in the palm of her hand!With a bang, the glass shattered and scattered all over the floor.But the person behind the glass suddenly disappeared.Yi Zichen didn't care about 21, he just stepped in!

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