Exorcist Princess

Chapter 724: Little exorcist, you shouldn't have come...

Phew, an inexplicable cool wind came from nowhere and blew on her neck.Yi Zichen didn't turn around, a spell turned into a cloud of blue light and hit it in the direction of the cool wind.There was a muffled hum from the depths of the darkness, as if someone had been injured.With the light of the talisman, Yi Zichen realized that this was a large and almost empty living room, and all the furnishings were antique. Although the light of the talisman was bright, it could not reach far, and could only illuminate her surroundings. The distance of a few feet makes her more like a target, a living target pushed to the front.There were countless rustling sounds from the depths of the darkness, as if countless people were watching in the darkness.Yi Zichen's whole body was tense, but her face remained calm. She took two steps forward and tripped, as if she had kicked something soft.She looked down subconsciously.Lying on the ground was a female corpse. Her eyes were filled with the fright and fear of dying. There were two deep tooth cavities on her neck. The blood stains had not completely dried up. Her body was also limp. It was obvious that she had been killed not long ago.It is one thing to know that they will harm people, but another thing to see the people killed by them. Yi Zichen gripped the hilt of the exorcism sword tightly with his fingers, and said coldly: "Come out! There are so many Are you still afraid of me as a girl? Don’t you think you’ll embarrass your vampire family?” From the depths of the darkness, a sneer came, and a faint white light lit up from the ceiling of the hall. The whole hall is very clear.Behind the pillars in the hall, on the ceiling, beside the chairs... a dozen people are standing or sitting, saying that they are human beings, but in fact they are fundamentally different from human beings.They all have blood-red eyes, pale faces, and every face is very delicate, only the sharp fangs in the mouth spoil the beauty a little.On a carved chair in the middle, there was a person reclining, with a rare handsome face, bright amber eyes, and slightly pursed scarlet lips, revealing a coldness and domineering.Wearing a dark purple cloak, it dragged on the ground like a flowing wave.He looked at Yi Zichen coldly: "Little exorcist, you shouldn't have come..."

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