Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 297

Chapter [-]: Sun Ce Idlely Observes the World, Cao Lu Fights to the Death

Thank you for the monthly ticket 1 of my friend Qingchazui, and the evaluation of Songlin Pony. Thank you for your support.

Looking at Ma Ridun who was so excited and happy that he lost his composure, Sun Ce could only shake his head and smile wryly, Rainbow

I was a little worried: "I just hope that the nerves, blood vessels, and hearts of the old masters are tough enough."

No matter who it is, if a person has the opportunity to achieve the biggest dream of his life, who can not be excited to go crazy?

Scratching his own neck, Sun Ce said, "Master, don't be too impatient. Now our paper mill is just under construction. After January, it can produce three or five cars of paper. Only last month did I ask them to expand the factory by ten times." , plus preparation of raw materials, transported on the road

It may only be three to five months before the official opening of printing. In these few months, master, you can write books with peace of mind, review the classics, and strive to make the books published by me in Lujiang all high-quality goods, so that you will not miss your children."

Some over-excited Ma Rixun patted his forehead, nodded in agreement and said, "Ah, that's how I should be a teacher. I'm really upset. It's better to make more preparations. It's better to do a good job of proofreading."

Afterwards, Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Fan and other high-ranking literati in Lujiang became a little hysterical after hearing the news that the prefect was about to start printing books, and they all asked to join the proofreading work.

Almost every scribe burst out with great enthusiasm, just like the generals vying for the vanguard to produce merit, they voluntarily gave up all the rest time after work, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the proofreading of the [-]-volume collection of Cai Yan's family.

But this kind of opportunity is more than the opportunity of fighting. There are four thousand books more, and each person can get at least dozens or hundreds of books, so the scribes are still graceful.

The cartload of Wu's paper delivered earlier was of great use amidst the clicks and strange praises of the proofreading scribes.

Every book that has been reviewed has a formal paper proof

The pages of neatly written text show the painstaking and serious attitude of these scribes. The proof has been released. As soon as Wu Yong's second batch of bamboo paper arrives, printing can begin immediately.

The written book was designed by Sun Ce himself and named "Lujiang Collected Works: Caifu Collection".

Of course, the director system is the great Confucian Ma Rizhen, and the printing is by the Huang family in Xiangyang. Zhang Hong and others are naturally all famous scholars, and there are bound to be many people joining in.

Under the personal supervision of Han Ji, Li Tie and the guards of the prefect's mansion, a large number of copper letter molds were continuously made.

And as soon as the copper characters came out of the furnace and cooled, they were sent to Wu Yong's home next to the Taishou's mansion. For this reason, Wu Yong specially gave up a house to prepare for the book-making site. This will become the first professional book-making center in the Han Dynasty.

Before the production of the book started, Wu Yong looked at the increasing number of copper movable type and other spare binder materials in the warehouse with his small eyes, and countless gold and silver coins seemed to float in his eyes.

The only thing that makes him a little dissatisfied is that half of the books printed by Wu Yongfu will be distributed to a guy named Zhen Yan who came to sell them. This is half of the profit and reputation. Why don't you let him bleed?

But this is the order of my nephew, he has no right to refuse unless he doesn't want to cooperate with the prefect's mansion, but the prefect's mansion is far away from himself and Zhen Yan doesn't say that with such an advantageous product, is it possible that he can't find a sales agent? ?

In this regard, the shrewd Wu Yong has long seen through

Just look at the many merchants who gather around their own restaurants and furniture stores every day, asking for agency rights in various places, and you can know that as long as you say quit, there are probably countless merchants who will rush to grab the position of the general agent.

And what is he after leaving the prefect's mansion? He is just a shrewd small businessman guarding a few small shops.

But after running such a big business that is really making money every day, go back and guard a few small fronts, making thousands of dollars every day?Thinking of this, the fat all over Wu Yong's body will involuntarily fluctuate

In the end, I could only grit my teeth and scold twice in my heart, damn it, damn it Zhen Yan, the bastard who stole my darling's money yo 1,

Compared with Lujiang, which has set off a wave of construction in full swing, Xiangyang, Jingzhou is now a calm wave. Officials in Jingzhou are most concerned not about what is happening to Chang'an, Luoyang, but what is going on with this kid, Sun Ce.

A Jedi assault by the Jiangdong Army made people finally realize that having a large number of soldiers and a wide range of waterways is not the safest place, nor is it an invulnerable natural danger

If Sun Ce and the others had no backup at that time, I am afraid that Jingzhou Mu would be captured alive at that time, and Jingzhou would undoubtedly fall

At this time, almost everyone inside and outside Xiangyang City already knew about Sun Ce and Sun Bofu's origins. The son of Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha at the time, watched him come here, and he was able to let go of his father's hatred, and never killed a single person in Xiangyang.

His army is so disciplined, he has done nothing wrong with the people, and distributed a large amount of food in the treasury, benefiting the poor people a lot

This doubt is much more convincing than Cao Cao who slaughtered half of Xuzhou just now to avenge his family

Although the elite cavalry led by Sun Ce defeated the tens of thousands of Xiangyang's elite land and water troops, they won the battle with strength and integrity, which shows that he is brave and good at fighting.

What's more, Sun Ce is half a native of Jingzhou, and Liu Biao and Cai Mao were eliminated under the rumors of some people who were interested in it. No one has any resentment against him.

People's hearts are like this, the loss that is gained unconsciously is always swiftly and vigorously

But recently, the spies arranged in Yangzhou sent news that Liu Biao was in trouble

Fortunately, Huang Chengyan didn't show up in Xiangyang, otherwise Liu Biao would have thought of Huang Chengyan, knowing that Jingzhou and Yangzhou are not on the same page, but still doing this, isn't this adding trouble to others?How embarrassing is Liu's expression 1,

Peaceful and happy days are always passed quickly. After three months of rest, let Sun Ce enjoy the happiness of family reunion.

It is to guide Wu Yong to use the Arabic numerals he has learned not long ago to write a mathematics textbook for first-level numbers. Wu Yong also worked part-time as a teacher of child prodigies

The literati such as Zhang Hong, who concentrated on proofreading, were also forcibly pulled out of the pile of books by Sun Ce to carry out compulsory universal education in elementary school mathematics.

Wu Yong's courses were written according to his actual needs in business, and they were warmly welcomed by the students.

Compared with the boring teaching, let the schoolchildren calculate a jug of wine, sell it to 99 people, and each person will charge 36 yuan. If each person eats [-] five baht dishes with wine, how much is the total charge?

And how far is the sum of these money from one yijin? If a restaurant sells one hundred and ninety-two jars of wine a day, how much is the total income?

When the child prodigies faced with such a large number, they were still holding the calculation chips in their hands and fiddling with frowning faces.

Wu Yong, who is confident in his mind, only used a few simple calculation formulas to easily solve the answer, which immediately aroused the interest of everyone who had never seen such a calculation method

Mathematics, fully capable of meeting the calculation needs of most people in this era Of course, the name of today's Arabic numerals has naturally become the Jiangdong number invented by Wu Yong

The ten numbers are easy to use and extremely easy to use, and soon became popular all over the Lujiang River. Together with the basic four mixed calculations, whether it is Li Tie's calculation of materials in the craftsman camp, or Zhang Hong's calculation of Jiangdong's army Statistical management of grain supplies

With the help of these numbers, everyone who deals with numbers is much more relaxed. In addition, the advanced debit and credit accounting method replaces the traditional journal, and all the accounts of Jiangdong Army's entry and exit have become clear at a glance.

Today's Lujiang's internal affairs are managed by Li Ru, Zhang Hong and other literati, and there are many generals who are idle and panicked in the sergeant training, while Sun Ce is in charge of holding his daughter, and leisurely watching the progress of wars in various parts of the world. The feeling of watching the world change

After successive failures, Cao Cao's army finally broke out in the last encounter, and a comeback battle came. kill cao cao

When Lv Bu's iron cavalry rushed into Cao Jun's camp like a gust of wind, they encountered countless horse traps and Dian Wei, who was known as the villain, led [-] tiger and leopard cavalry, plus [-] Chinese army guards. fight back

The ferocity and fearlessness shown by Dian Wei, who was in a desperate situation, greatly inspired the courage of Cao Jun soldiers who had already retreated and put them to death. Under the counterattack, Lu Bu was trapped by the [-] cavalry in Cao Ying's trap. , hit the ground running

This was a battle in which Cao Cao's army was truly put to death and survived, and it also became a turning point in the entire battle for Yanzhou

After this battle, Lu Bu's Bingliang Iron Cavalry was terrified by Dian Wei and never launched a decent counterattack against Cao Jun.

Even if Lu Bu went into battle in person, he didn't take any advantage when facing Dian Wei, so he could only retreat step by step.

Sun Ce has just received the news that because the people are fleeing from the war, the people in the fields are governing Yanzhou. There is a locust plague, and the grain fields for thousands of miles are destroyed. territory

Lu Bu retreated to Puyang and took up the post of Yanzhou pastor. Soon, his ferocious old ways returned, and he began to force the army rations against the big families in Yanzhou.

A female family member disappeared, the whole family was wiped out, and the food was looted. Although no one said it clearly, everyone knew in their hearts that this was the work of Lu Bu's subordinates#

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