Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 298

Chapter [-] Lu Fengxian urged Sun Bofu to scold his mother

And the latest news just came back from Yanzhou.Because the common people escaped from the disaster of war, the people in the fields governed.The locust plague broke out in Yanzhou, and thousands of miles of grain fields were destroyed.Both Cao Cao and Lu Bu's armies fell into a situation where food was scarce.

They could only retreat to defend their respective territories, but Lu Bu still nominally occupied more than half of Yanzhou.

Lv Bu, who was unfavorable in the war, retreated to Puyang and took the post of Yanzhou pastor himself.Lu Bu, who had settled down a little, soon reverted to his violent nature.He began to force the army rations against the great families in Yanzhou.

If anyone dares to count the suppliers, he will encounter fierce horse bandits in the near future.It ended in a situation where a female family member disappeared, the whole family was wiped out, and the food was robbed.Although no one said it clearly, everyone knew in their hearts that this was done by Lu Bu's cavalry.

Because as long as a noble family is wiped out, Lu Bu will stop urging food to the big clan for a period of time.The gentry in Yanzhou once again became panicked.Several people began to complain privately about Chen Gong and Zhang Miao.

"In order to avenge a Bianrang, a tiger, leopard and jackal that eats people and does not spit out bones is introduced. It is not as good as Cao Cao's rule. At that time, Yanzhou still had a relatively stable life. Now it is unknown When will it be my family's turn to be wiped out?"

People always have a special habit.It means 'I don't know the blessings in the blessings'.Only after completely losing the happiness that was originally in my hands.With comparison, you will know that the lost life is the real happiness.

That's why people can often hear people lament: "There are often people who regret in the world, but there is never any medicine for regret!"

Chen Gong and Zhang Miao, who welcomed Lu Bu in person, regretted it a lot, but there was nothing they could do.You can't just recruit a master and immediately rebel against him.In this way, no one in this world would dare to trust the character of the two of them.

With no way back, the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Lu Bu to the end.Chen Gong once again displayed his talent similar to that of an evildoer, persuaded the major families, and provided Lu Bu's army with an endless supply of food and grass.

Only then did Lu Bu stop the looting that Lu Bu thought was concealed.As for the occasional disappearance of a beautiful female family member who went out, for the rule of a state, it is just a few trivial matters.

Is it useful to go to the Yamen to report the case!The major families are well aware that all they can do is to keep their wives and daughters at home.As for those common people, if they robbed them, they robbed them, anyway, it was not their own loss.

However, Cao Cao, who retreated to Juancheng, lost most of his territory and could not supply the army with food and grass at all.In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Yuan Shao to borrow food.As usual, Yuan Shao readily agreed to the brother's request to become sworn brothers.

However, he only raised one opinion: "Meng De! Now that Yanzhou has been destroyed by Lu Bu, it is better to move your Cao family, young and old, to live in Yecheng! Our brothers have not been close for several years!"

The meaning in the words is to let Cao Cao take refuge in Jizhou and be his subordinate.And Cao's family is a hostage.

He tried his best to fight Lu Bu evenly, and Cao Cao, who was deeply desperate, also believed that Yanzhou was beyond his control now.He was going to take his whole family across the river to go to Yecheng, and seek refuge with his closest sworn brothers.

At that time, Xun Yu was a little disheartened and did not stop him.He just laughed at himself in private, and he was going to return to Yuan Shao's subordinates after going around in circles. He was simply the biggest joke in the world.

But Cao Cao's move to seek refuge was dissuaded by the loyal and far-sighted Cheng Yu, and Cao Cao finally persevered.

And Cheng Yu's family came forward to secretly transport a batch of grain to Juancheng through the Zhen family of Jizhou.This helped Cao Jun through the most difficult days.The battle for Yanzhou has come to an end, but the battle for Yangzhou is in full swing.

Wu Jing and Sun Ben led more than ten thousand soldiers supported by Yuan Shu to attack Liu Yao's new generals, Fan Neng and Yu Miyu in Hengjiang County.However, because the soldiers were not elite enough, and the logistics support was not strong enough, they were unable to attack repeatedly, and now they have fallen into a stalemate.

The big clans in Jiangdong saw Yuan Shu's attacking forces.Thinking that Liu Yao's status as the governor of Yangzhou had been stabilized, they all joined Liu Yao's camp one after another, and Liu Yao's strength gradually expanded.

The number of soldiers has reached as many as [-], and the momentum to occupy Jiangdong has been achieved.Liu Yao's Yangzhou pastoral status seems to be shaken.But Sun Ce knew that the opportunity for the Jiangdong Army to send troops was approaching.

In the past three months, the subordinates of the two branches who went out to suppress the bandits have all returned home victorious.

First of all, the cavalry of Han Dang, Zhang Liao and other generals almost repeated the original battle of Xiangyang.Similarly, some people were sent first, pretending to be ordinary people who were trading with the people of the fort, and the merchants first sneaked into Wubao and seized the gate of the fort.

Those Fort residents only have some strength, and there are no full-time Xiangyang soldiers on guard.Only after the brigade of cavalry entered the fort did they react.The ending has long been doomed, as long as those who dared to resist all died under the spears, knives and iron hooves.

When the bandit leader Zhang Duo learned that the Lujiang cavalry had entered the fort, he immediately knew that the situation was over.After killing the whole family, he hanged himself.The fortress people under him are also fierce. Although their weapons are crude, none of them surrendered voluntarily.

In the end, Han Dang and the others discussed it, and in order to avoid unnecessary loss of their precious cavalry, they resolutely chose to burn the fort.

A dozen small fortresses where the enemy gathered to resist, poured a lot of kerosene and fired rockets, and burned the people and the fort to nothing.There were more than a thousand gangsters inside, and none of them escaped after the rockets sealed the door.

In this battle, except for the cavalry who began to sneak into the fort secretly, because they did not have the protection of armor.There were more than a dozen casualties when they rushed to the door, and almost no one died in the back.As a result of the arson, there were 2000 people in the whole castle, and none of the prisoners survived.

Seeing the stubbornness of these fort residents, Han Dang thought that keeping these stubborn gangsters was the root of the disaster.He ordered that all the hundreds of captives be disposed of together.

All the generals also chose to remain silent after fighting this group of desperate fortress people.I think Han Dang's choice is correct.

Most of these Fort residents are relatives of the same family, and no family has lost three or two relatives and friends in this battle.Rather than causing big trouble for the sake of taking a few captives, it is better to cut the grass and root out the roots.

I think everything in Lujiang is thriving and developing, and I can't leave some troubles for myself.

Finally, when Han Dang and the others returned to Junshu County.In addition to some more cattle, horses and livestock carrying food, money and silk as spoils of war in the team.There are no more living creatures in the team.

When Han Dang, who didn't take a single prisoner, returned to the Shu county barracks, he was naturally scolded by Sun Ce.

"Where are the captives? You prodigal fellows, there are more than 2000 strong! You kill as you say, and burn as you say! That's more than 2000 lives, and more than 2000 strong labor!"

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