Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 68

Volume 68 Returning to the Three Kingdoms for the First Time] Chapter [-]

Sun Ce is a grateful person.First of all, I would like to thank Luoluo and Chensong for their tip yesterday!

By the way, please ask where the ticket is!Thank you for your support!Too few tickets, I'm going to roll!

Sun Ce was a little surprised when he finished the above words in one breath. When did he have such a good eloquence.It is really a sense of accomplishment to be able to refute this great Confucian who has exhausted his classics all his life!

Ma Rizun held back for a long time before he said in frustration: "This, General Sun. I just heard about this, it's just what I heard! It can't be true!

What you said is so reasonable, you have woken up the old man!Thinking that the old man claimed to be pure all his life, he was really confused this time and was deceived by these rumors.He almost made a big mistake and ruined the Zhongliang Family!

well!I'm just going to the doctor in a hurry, and I want to ask you about it.Well, after all, it would be a disgraceful thing for the Han court to lose the Chuanguo "Jade" Seal!Now that the little general said so, I understand, and I will definitely report the truth to the imperial court. I will also report the loyalty of the general's family to the imperial court, so that the imperial court can give you a suitable reward. "

After hearing this, Sun Ce thought to himself: "Now this court has fallen into the hands of the Guo and Li Liangzhou Army. I just hope they don't use the name of the court to trouble the son of my old enemy. What a reward. I just wish they noticed me less."

Sun Ce hurriedly stopped Ma Rixun and said: "Teacher Ma! This reward is unnecessary. I think my Sun family is loyal and loyal to my great man. I never wanted any reward from the court. I only hope that you can give it to the court. When I wrote the letter, I would state my family’s hardships and return the innocence of my dead father.”

Immediately, Ma Rixun was overwhelmed with emotion, and said excitedly: "I have such a family of generals who are loyal and brave, not greedy for merit, and not asking for rewards. If all the princes in the world are like generals, the Han Dynasty will surely be able to Restore the former prestige. Restore the peace of the world."

Sun Ce couldn't help cursing inwardly after hearing this: "This old bookworm is crazy to try to help the big man! Don't you understand that this big man is already deeply ill and dying, and there is no cure for it.

But his thoughts were too poisoned, and he couldn't be scolded.Such a person who claims to be loyal to the imperial court wants to accept it for his own use, and the difficulty is not so high!

But in this way, the task of recruiting military divisions will not be completed.How to do it?well!I have nothing to do with this old bookworm!If it doesn't work, you can only slowly find a way to recruit scholars! "

Sun Cenai looked at Li Ru, Li Ru just nodded to me with approval in his eyes.

"Uh! What do you mean by nodding? Is it to praise my eloquence? Or let me try again? How can I speak?"

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and give it a try. Sun Ce said to Ma Rixun, "Teacher Ma! That. The kid has little knowledge and is dull. What I said just now was offensive. Please forgive me!

I just hate that Bofu didn't read too much in his life, and he couldn't figure out many things he encountered.I don't know if I will have the honor to worship Ma Taifu as my teacher, please ask Taifu to teach me to solve my doubts. "

I couldn't think of any other excuse, so I had to find the stupidest and most direct excuse.At that time, it is only natural for the master to help the apprentice.

No matter how bad it is, when interacting with those scholars, I can say that I studied under Ma Rixun, at least I am also a great Confucian who has been taught by Ma Rong, which is more famous than Liu Bei's master Lu Zhi.

Li Ru sneakily gave Sun Ce a thumbs up under the cloak.Make him feel a little dizzy.Is that all right?

Ma Rixun heard Sun Ce's words.Suddenly he opened his small eyes, which seemed a little nearsighted. Approaching him, and staring at him.It seemed that he wanted to see through Sun Ce's heart.

Sun Ce couldn't help feeling a little "hairy" in his heart.After all, what he is thinking now is similar to what Liu Bei was thinking back then.It's a bit like wanting to take advantage of Ma Ribin's fame.

As for the respect for Master Tai Tuo!At least so far, Sun Ce has never found a "master" who has done too much about the knowledge of this sage and has naive political thinking.

Finally, when Ma Rilun finally saw his eyes sore, he let out a long sigh.

Sun Ce also relaxed following his sigh, and it seemed that there was no game.But anyway, I am really not too interested in the style of classical Chinese.It is better not to learn or not to learn.In other words, it is just easier to explain in front of the military division.

Ma Rixun sighed, and said, "Ah! In today's world, how many people can still learn from them sincerely!"

Sun Ce was stunned, "You can see it, man of God! Do you have clairvoyant eyes? Just stare at me for a while, and you will be able to discover my true intentions. I underestimate this old lady! You don’t blow off your real talents and learning. You really have a lot of insight!”

I only heard Ma Rixun continue to say with a deep expression: "In troubled times, everyone only cares about their own lives. Who can seriously study the knowledge of a saint!"

After a pause, he continued: "Only you, who are worthy of being General Polu, are full of loyalty and can still concentrate on learning! Well, that's great!

Confucius said, 'There are classes to teach'!As long as he has the heart to learn, the sage Confucius could still teach his disciples equally regardless of his or her background.

How can I, a master who claims to have learned some superficial "sage" theory of saints, not follow the example of saints?What's more, it is an inescapable responsibility for us scholars to be able to teach you to become talented after a loyal and good person like you!Accepting you as a disciple is very good! "

Sun Ce suddenly spoke extremely: "How could this be? Isn't this a trick for myself? My most terrifying classical Chinese essay, after graduating from middle school, I thought I would never have to suffer from this kind of "spiritual" suffering again." **Double painful torment now.

But now he begged for an authentic master of classical Chinese, and let him come and tell me what I was pouring into my head every day.

Isn't this going to the toilet with a lantern - courting death? "

He couldn't help but feel a sense of "wanting" to cry, thinking to himself: "I said, Comrade Ma! Why are you so reckless, so casually agreeing to other people's requests? Why should you refuse! It’s too unstable. It’s really heartbreaking. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”

At this time, Li Ru said happily from the side: "Okay, it's so good! Well, the day after tomorrow will be an auspicious day, and the lord will be able to walk on the ground at that time, so let my lord perform the ceremony of apprenticeship. Let us also celebrate birthday "Chun" left a good story about "Ma Daruyi accepts the little general" and taught Zhongliang to become a talent."

Sun Ce said with pain and strength: "Oh! What the military adviser means is what I mean! Then work hard for the military adviser to arrange all the apprenticeship matters, and the ceremony of apprenticeship will be done in the next day!"

Ma Rixun laughed three times: "Haha——after obtaining this loyalty, the old man will become a disciple, and he will be very happy! Then I will come back early in the morning."

After Ma Rixun finished speaking, he walked out of the tent at a speed twice as fast as when he came.That nimble look really doesn't look like the skill of a five or sixty-year-old man.

It seems that people are refreshed on happy occasions, and their hands and feet are much lighter.


Let’s relax with a joke after reading the text: In class, the male teacher angrily said to the “girl” who was sleeping in class: “I’m so tired up there, you’re not moving at all below! It’s fine if you don’t cooperate. No response at all! If there is nothing in the stomach in the future, don’t blame the teacher! As a result, the whole class fainted——

It doesn't matter if there is nothing in the stomach, save the tickets as seeds!Thank you everyone!

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