Reborn Sun Ce

Chapter 69 The Uneducated Lu Wenhou

Volume 69 First Return to the Three Kingdoms] Chapter [-] Uneducated Lu Wenhou

After he left, Li Ru quickly took off the cloak on his body. At this time, the weather was still a little hot.

He stepped forward and congratulated him: "Your Majesty is so wise that you can come up with a plan to become a teacher. I thought you must have greatly angered Ma Taifu by what you said above, and there is no hope of accepting him for help." up.

This time it's really a turn of events!The protagonist is witty, Wenyou admires him!Congratulations to the lord for another strong help!Having Ma Daru as your master is of great benefit to the reputation of the lord among the gentry! "

Sun Ce moaned and said, "Military Master! I was forced out by you! I know the benefits of fame, but you don't. I've been afraid of those things since I was a child. When I saw them I was sore all over.

I would rather copy Sun Tzu's Art of War hundreds of times, than shake my head at those "Zhihu Zheye".If you let me be an apprentice with that Ma Taifu, it will kill me.I'm afraid that he will think I'm stupid.It would be too embarrassing to be kicked out of the "door" wall by him. "

Li Ru smiled wryly and said, "My lord, I can't help you with this matter of studying. But you should know, my lord, that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At first, this Ma Daru was only concentrating on learning, and later he was busy with government affairs after entering the court. He has never accepted a disciple!

You are the only disciple he accepts.I'm still worried that if you rashly ask for a teacher this time, he won't accept you!I really didn't expect it!Did he suddenly become enlightened?How could he give favor to such a rude general as the lord!

oh!No, not right!The lord looks quite elegant too!More elegant!

hey-hey!My lord, you must be more serious this time—”

Sun Ce glared at Li Ru bitterly, and interrupted him with a bitter face: "Okay, okay! I know the military commander. When the time comes, I will study as hard as I can. I'm lying here, what? I can’t do anything, it’s very boring! Just tell me about the situation in the past few days, military commander.”

Li Ru stabilized his mood, and said: "My lord, let me start from the day before yesterday after you passed out. That was after you passed out, Lu Bu still wanted to assassinate the lord. Fortunately, he was right behind you His personal guards resisted to the death. In addition, all the generals came out, and with the strength of all the people, they "forced" him back.

When he regrouped the remnant army and wanted to charge again.The latter general just arrived with a large group of people.In this battle, we killed more than 300 soldiers and horses of Lu Bu, but we also killed more than 30 soldiers, including the ten personal guards of the lord. Most of them died under Lu Bu's halberd . "

Sun Ce said bitterly, "Lü Bu, that pestilent monkey, has killed so many of my soldiers, I will definitely not give up with him."

I thought to myself: "How can I think of a way to pit this 'Plague Monkey' hard, otherwise wouldn't I be sorry for those dozens of warriors who died tragically under Lu Bu's halberd?"

In his heart, he never thought about the more than 300 Lu Bu's soldiers who were killed by his troops.They are enemies, so he doesn't care about their life or death?If they are all dead, there will be no loss for the sergeants of the Jiangdong Army.

Li Ru went on to say: "Well! My lord is right, we will find an opportunity to repay this hatred in the future. But this matter, we have to wait for the time. I don't think Lu Bu will stay in Shouchun for a long time. .”

Sun Ce asked curiously, "Military Master, how do you know that Lu Bu will not live long in spring?"

I knew in advance the approximate whereabouts of Lu Bu from history.Where did Li Ru know about it?

Li Ru said with a smile, "The Empress General and Lu Bu were quite compatible when they first met, and they flattered each other, and the Empress General even sent Lu Bu a large amount of food and supplies from the rear battalion's military supplies.

Later, Lu Bu boasted that he had done great favor to the general's family and helped them avenge the murder of their father.Accusing the Empress General of not wanting to repay, he even sent someone to kill his soldiers, and asked the Empress General to hand over the lord to him for disposal.

Then the general got angry, and just let them camp outside the city, and ignored him.

When General Hou accompanied Ma Taifu to visit you yesterday, he heard that you blocked Lu Bu's fatal shot and expressed his satisfaction with you, my lord.He only said, "If you have a son like Sun Lang, why do you hate your husband?" 'It seems that this time, the general's impression of the lord has been greatly improved. "

After pondering for a while, Li Ru continued: "This time, what Lu Bu said afterwards really angered the later general, and the later general is not a tolerant master.

Could he tolerate Lv Bu, a Beijing official who is his equal in official position and far higher in title, stationed on his own territory for a long time?Therefore, I guessed that Lu Bu would not live long in Shouchun.

In addition to Lu Bu, when I was in Chang'an, I knew he was a self-willed and arrogant person.

He had never been the only one who bullied others and could not tolerate any disrespect towards him. The Grand Master didn't save face for him on weekdays, so he died tragically under the knife of this traitor.But now that he is defeated like this, he still doesn't know how to restrain himself. In the future, this will definitely be his way to death. "

Sun Ce recalled the information about Lu Bu in his mind, and said to Li Ru: "I have heard some information about Lu Bu. When he was nine years old, he visited his grandfather with his parents, and his grandfather wanted to kill sheep to entertain them.

The adults failed to catch the sheep among the sheep, but he went up to capture two alive. The viewers were amazed by this, and the grandfather was overjoyed, and immediately gave a good horse.From then on, Lü Bu kept horses as companions, cooked carefully, and loved horses like a madman.

When he was 11 years old, the border residents of the Hungarian and Han ethnic groups held a large-scale celebration in the White Horse Temple. Lu Bu went to participate with his father.

The aggressive Lu Bu, when he was watching a wrestling match, he saw the wrestlers beat all their opponents in repeated fights, so he rushed into the arena dissatisfied and shouted: "Let me try!"

Seeing that the wrestling winner was a boy, he didn't take him seriously at all, and the two wrestled together.After several rounds of wrestling, Lu Bu knocked to the ground a Hercules wrestler who was several times his height and weight, causing a sensation in the entire arena, and people called him a Hercules prodigy.

Such a person, people have praised him to the sky since he was a child.Naturally, no one can educate him, so that he will develop a completely self-centered arrogant character.It is impossible for a child who has been taught by no one since he was ten years old, how good you can make his character be.According to my words, he is a child born by a mother but not educated by a mother. "

Li Ru was very surprised: "How did the lord get this information? Could it be that the lord has a special intelligence team in his hands? This is really a master of this kind. It seems that the lord can collect such detailed information. There are still many hidden strengths!"

Sun Ce said embarrassingly: "Military Master, I told you that my sworn brother Zhou Yu is arranging the establishment of the spy camp, and now there is only one Zhou Shan helping him.

He also said in his last letter that it is only just starting now, and the personnel are all newly recruited, and they are still training their basic abilities, so there can be results so quickly.

Don't you know these rumors about Lu Bu?Bo Fu thought that such rumors should be known to everyone in the world.I just heard it from a businessman who traveled to the west all the year round.

But I think that even if this rumor is exaggerated, it should still be [-]% true.Otherwise, Lu Wenhou, who has no mother to teach, would not have appeared. "

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