Chapter 109 Baili Demon Country
Li Mu and Shen Pingan left Tianwu Pass and changed their clothes in a remote place, still pretending to be merchants.
But one of them had a big beard, and the other one still had a sallow face and a rat's mustache, looking quite wretched.

Although we have left Tianwu Pass, we don’t know who we will meet on the road, so it is safer to disguise ourselves as merchants and travel faster.

After passing Tianwu Pass, the road gradually became very rugged, and in some places it was simply a narrow path that could only accommodate pack horses.

The mountains along the way gradually became more rugged.

There are mountains upon mountains, some of which stretch for dozens of miles, vast and majestic, like giant beasts lurking in the depths of the mountains.

Some of the peaks even pierce the clouds, as steep as if they were cut by a knife or an axe.

The two were amazed by the wonders of nature.

Between the mountains, there is a lot of white mist lingering.

Floating in the air, like smoke and a curtain!
This makes these hundreds of thousands of mountains seem to have a special mystery!

The two men walked along the mule and horse path used by traveling merchants, and before they knew it, the sky had gradually darkened.

There is a group of stilt houses on the hillside in front of us, with flags hanging in front of them. It looks like a wild inn.

The two men then rode to the door of the wild inn and saw that although the stilt house was simple, it had a dining room and beds, which was a perfect place for traveling merchants and caravans to rest.

A waiter with a thin figure, wearing white coarse cloth clothes and a white cloth turban on his head, smiled as soon as he saw the two of them:

"My two brothers, do you want to take a rest?"

Before coming here, Heibingtai had already explored it thoroughly. The journey was nearly a thousand miles and required passing through several demon countries.

These demon countries have different customs and folkways.

In the front is the Baili Demon Country. The people here like to wear white clothes and white scarves on their heads. Because they have more contact with the Qian people, they are more civilized and are more friendly to people from Qianyong and other countries.

Further ahead is the Kingdom of Heili.

The Black Li Kingdom is completely different from the White Li Kingdom. They wear black clothes, black turbans on their heads, and basically have ox-horn knives on their waists.

The Heili people hated Daqian very much, and in many places there was a custom of robbing passers-by and cutting off their heads to sacrifice to the evil gods.

However, as long as the merchants are not alone and pass through remote mountains and wilderness, it will not be a problem. After all, the Heili people also need traveling merchants to bring in various goods.

The place where they are now belongs to the Baili Demon Country, and this guy dressed in white is dressed like a Baili person.

Li Mu and the other man then handed the horses to the waiter and turned to walk into the inn.

However, I saw that there were already several tables of people sitting in the store. They were dressed differently and seemed to be from different places. One of the tables also looked like people from Qian.

There were three people at the table: a middle-aged man with graying beard, a thin young man with a calm expression, and the other was a fat man with fair skin and a round figure.

Seeing Li Mu and the other man come in, the middle-aged man and the young man just exchanged glances, but the fat man smiled and cupped his hands to greet them:

"Thank you for your hard work, it's rare to meet someone like you here!"

People are like this. In Qian Country, everyone is a Qian person, so they don’t think it’s a big deal to meet each other.

But when they reached the depths of the Shiwan Mountains, the Qian people found themselves in a foreign and wild place, and they immediately felt close to each other.

Li Mu and the other man immediately clasped their fists in return, thanked them for their hard work, and sat down at another table.

The fat man looked at Li Mu and the other man carefully.

Li Mu only had an ordinary short sword on his waist, and although Shen Pingan carried a bow on his back, traveling merchants basically carried bows and arrows as weapons these days. However, it seemed that neither of them was a warrior.

Seeing that the two were just traveling merchants, the fat man couldn't help but sigh:
"I didn't expect that Fallen Immortal Lake is about to open, but few warriors from Daqian are here. Is it true that both the civil and military are declining?" Neither of his two companions responded, but he grinned again and said to himself:
"That's good too. When I get to Guiwu City, I can participate on behalf of Daqian!"

After hearing his words, Shen Pingan couldn't help but move his eyes and looked at Li Mu, as if he wanted to say that this person was going to Guiwu City to participate in the opening of the Fallen Immortal Lake.

Li Mu shook his head slightly.

This fat guy seems to be a chatterbox, but judging from his appearance, he is probably mediocre in martial arts.

Every time the lake is opened, many people will go to Guiwu City. Even if they do not have the qualifications to enter the Fallen Immortal Lake and dare not participate in the qualification selection competition, they are willing to watch the fun.

After all, on this day, not only royal masters from Qian Yongsheng and other countries will go, but also people from the Hundred Thousand Demon Kingdom and the Mobei barbarians will go.

It can be called a martial arts event!

Of course there are a lot of exciting things to see.

At this time, a woman's silver bell-like laughter rang out:
"It turns out that this fat brother is here to participate in the lake opening ceremony. No wonder he looks so handsome and heroic!"

As he was speaking, two people walked in from outside the door. They were two women.

The two women were wearing short black skirts with many pendants embroidered on them. The hems of their skirts were extremely short, revealing their long, white legs.

Her calves were wrapped in black cloth decorated with colorful silk threads, just like the autumn and winter leggings commonly worn by women in the world before Li Mu traveled through time, but more exquisite and unique.

They wore black headscarves decorated with many silver ornaments, and silver rings and silver bells on their wrists and ankles, which jingled constantly when they walked, giving it a unique flavor.

The woman who was speaking looked only about seventeen or eighteen years old. Although her skin was slightly dark, her facial features were absolutely beautiful. Her eyes were large and bright, like two black grapes.
As she spoke, there was a smile on her lips and a charming look in her eyes, with an indescribable exotic charm.

Although the other woman was also pretty, she was far inferior to her.

When the fat man heard the woman's praise, he couldn't close his mouth:

"Sister, you have good taste. You can tell at a glance that I, Hu Ge, am handsome and handsome!"

When Li Mu heard that the fat man's name was Hu Ge, he almost spit out his tea.

The fat man's name is homophonic with a star in Li Mu's previous life, but the image is completely different.

The woman smiled sweetly and said:

"Fat brother, you must be warriors from the Qian Kingdom. We Li people like Qian warriors the most!"

"Brother, you look so strong. How about two weak girls like you to accompany us? We can take care of you on the way!"

When Hu Ge heard this, he immediately nodded hurriedly:
"That's great, we can go together and have someone to look after us!"

The middle-aged man and the young man next to him hesitated, but when they saw that he had nodded in agreement, they had no choice but to give up.

Hu Ge immediately asked the young man to make room for him, and said with a smile on his face:

"Sister, if that's the case, let's all gather around one table. It will be more fun to eat together!"

The woman smiled and nodded, and without hesitation, she took her companion to sit on another bench, then picked up the tea bowl and handed it to the fat man:

"Thank you for the hospitality, Big Brother Hu. This cup of tea is for you!"

On this side, Shen Pingan cast a look at Li Mu, as if to say:

There will be some fun to watch soon!
(End of this chapter)

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