Chapter 111: The Legend of Dragon Burial Mountain
Seeing Lan Qige and the other man escape quickly, Li Mu did not chase after them.

This is a place that Hei Li and Bai Li are very familiar with, but it is very unfamiliar to Yu Limu. If he chases there rashly, he might fall into a trap!

At this time, Hu Ge and the other two were no longer controlled by Lan Qige. They all stood there with dull expressions, their eyes as blank as puppets.

Li Mu glanced at the three people, then turned to the Baili store clerk and said:
“Is there any mosquito repellent grass?”

The guy was slightly startled, then he took out a bunch of mosquito repellent grass from the house.

This mosquito repellent grass is a common plant in the Shiwan Mountains, and people of all ethnic groups often use it to repel mosquitoes.

Li Mu took the mosquito repellent grass, and then asked the waiter to find some pot bottom ash from the kitchen. He then cut the mosquito repellent grass into small pieces, mixed it with the pot bottom ash and stirred it with clean water, and poured it into the mouths of Hu Ge and the other two.

The three of them drank a few mouthfuls of dirty water mixed with mosquito repellent grass and pot ash, and soon their bodies began to twitch.


Hu Ge vomited immediately.

At first he vomited out only the black water he had drunk, but after a while he vomited out all the food he had eaten before.

The room was suddenly filled with a foul smell.

After a while, all the food in his stomach was vomited out.

Then he slowly came to his senses.

He froze when he saw Li Mu standing in front of him with a pile of vomited filth in front of him and his stomach churning.

who am I?
what happened?
After a while, the hazy memories of being controlled came into view.

Hu Ge and others then realized that they were saved by Li Mu!
"Thank you for the rescue, brother!"

Hu Ge quickly bowed down.

Li Mu smiled faintly:
"Luckily you were just poisoned. If it had been longer, even if I could save you, I'm afraid you would have become useless!"

Hu Ge and the other two had just been poisoned by a Gu, so Li Mu could use simple methods such as mosquito repellent grass and pot bottom ash to treat them.

If it lasts for a long time, the poison will penetrate deep into the blood. Even if Hu Ge and the other two are saved, it will probably take at least two or three years for them to recover.

What’s worse, if the poison enters the brain through the blood, there will be no cure.

The person who is poisoned by the Gu will become a walking corpse from then on, without any consciousness. Even if he is saved, he will be useless!

Hu Ge and the other two were shocked when they heard this.

They were originally just ordinary warriors of Daqian, and this time they went to Guiwu Pass just to watch the fun.

Who would have thought that I would encounter such a thing just after arriving in Baili!

These hundred thousand mountains are indeed full of dangers!
Shen Pingan glanced at the guests in the room and whispered:

"It seems that we can no longer stay here. Let's change the place and route!"

Li Mu nodded.

This Bailiye store has been targeted by someone.

If we stay here, we will be in big trouble sooner or later.

Before arriving at Guiwu Pass, Li Mu didn't want to get into trouble, let alone be targeted by the Hei Li people or other people with bad intentions.

Thinking of this, he said to Hu Ge and the other two:

"I advise the three of you to turn around and go back to Daqian. This place is still a thousand miles away from Guiwu Pass. I don't know how much trouble you will encounter along the way!"

After saying that, he and Shen Pingan turned around and walked out of the wild restaurant.

The two men untied their mounts, climbed on top of them, and headed south along another road.

In a blink of an eye, the moon was above the willows, and the two of them walked along the mountain road to a small river.

"Captain Bai, this small river is the Snake River. It stretches for hundreds of miles and passes through several high mountains. Some parts of it are quite dangerous!"

"But drifting along this river, although we still have to pass through the Black Li Kingdom, it should be safer than the mountain road!"

Li Mu nodded, and he and Shen Pingan dismounted, untied the reins of the two horses, and led them directly into the mountains. However, there were no boats on the Snake River.

After discussing it, the two men cut down some thick bamboo poles from the nearby bamboo forest and made them directly into a bamboo raft.

While making a bamboo raft, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.

When I turned around, I saw three figures slowly walking towards the river in the distance.

It was none other than Hu Ge and the other two who had suffered a lot in the wild restaurant just now.

The three of them couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised when they saw Li Mu and Shen Pingan here.

"My benefactor, I didn't expect you guys to be here too!"

Li Mu was also a little surprised.

He had just persuaded these three people to return to Daqian, but unexpectedly they came here again.

Hu Ge sighed:

"My benefactor, the three of us thought about it and realized that the lake opening only happens once every ten years. There are only a few decades left in life. If we don't get to see it, we will regret it for the rest of our lives!"

"So we thought about going to Guiwu Pass by water, but unexpectedly we met our benefactor again!"

Li Mu nodded.

The opening of Guiwu Pass Lake only happens once every ten years, which is indeed very rare.

As the three of them are martial artists, they don't want to return empty-handed, so it's understandable that they don't want to have the chance to witness such a martial arts event.

"If you insist on going, we can go together, but I can't guarantee your safety!"

Hu Ge was overjoyed when he saw Li Mu agreed to go with him:

"My benefactor, we will never fall for the evil schemes of these evil women again, and we will never drag you down again!"

After that, the three of them helped cut bamboo and made a larger raft that was big enough for five people to ride on.

Soon, the bamboo raft was completed. Without waiting for Li Mu to speak, Hu Ge and the other two dragged the raft into the water together and asked Li Mu to get on.

"My benefactor, please go first!"

Li Mu smiled indifferently, nodded, turned around and jumped onto the bamboo raft.

Shen Pingan, Hu Ge and the other two also jumped up.

Hu Ge took a bamboo stick and volunteered to hold the pole.

He pushed the bamboo pole hard on the river bottom, and the bamboo raft floated forward along the river surface like a shuttle.

The five people drifted forward under the moonlight. After a while, they crossed the mountain, turned two river bends, and arrived in front of an extremely steep mountain.

However, the waterway of the Snake River suddenly contracted in front of the mountain, becoming only about ten feet narrow, and the water flow became faster.

The river ahead plunged into the foot of the mountain and disappeared into a dark cave!
Li Mu looked at the dark cave and couldn't help frowning.

Shen Pingan took out a map from his arms.

This is the map of the water and land routes to Guiwu Pass drawn up by Heibingtai after the investigation.

After taking a look, he said in a deep voice:
"This mountain is called Zanglong Mountain. The Snake River runs through a secret passage in the belly of the mountain. After passing through the mountain, you will reach the border of Heili!"

After saying this, he closed the map, looked at the steep mountain in the distance, and said:
"There are many strange legends in this Dragon Burial Mountain. We must be careful!"

Li Mu nodded.

He had also read the legends about the Dragon Burial Mountain in the booklet sent by Black Ice Platform.

Legend has it that in ancient times, a giant dragon fell from here and turned into a mountain, so it was named Dragon Burial Mountain.

Although the dragon is dead, its flesh, blood and soul have transformed into many monsters in this mountain, which come out at night to devour humans.

Not to mention the Qian people merchants from various ethnic groups, even the people of the Black Li and White Li did not dare to pass through the waterway in the belly of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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