Dragon Clan: Write a diary, why is it Shura Field every day?

Chapter 18 We are running out of time, save people

Chapter 18 We are running out of time, save people

Susie suddenly turned over and sat up.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Nuo Nuo.

It seems like he is trying to find some clues from the other person's eyes.

How could Nuonuo, this clever little fox, let anyone catch its tail so easily?

Susie looked confused and asked, “Why do you ask?

Nuonuo shrugged nonchalantly, "It's just that this question suddenly occurred to me.

“I’d love to hear your answer.

Susie stared into Nono's eyes, was silent for a moment, and then said slowly, "Why not?"

"If someone is willing to risk his life to save me, even if that person is a loser like Finkel, he will become my prince charming."

"Oh no!"

"Professor Mans Rundstedt, their safety rope is broken!"

Selma shouted in panic, "It might be because of the underwater earthquake just now."

“Communications were also lost at the same time.

The situation is very bad!

"Damn it!"

Professor Mans Rundstedt slammed his fist down on the console.

An earthquake is happening underwater
In this case, sending more people down would not only fail to save the
Two people will cause more deaths.

There is almost nothing we can do.
We can only hope and wait
With each passing second, the tension in the cockpit grew.

"I'm Ye Sheng."

"I am now communicating with you through 'Snake'."

Ye Sheng's voice suddenly echoed in the cockpit. His Word Spirit Vacuum Snake was unique. Under normal circumstances, it could act as a scout to search for the surrounding situation.

In critical moments, it can also serve as a tool for remote communication, as it does now.

Professor Mans Rundstedt finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sakutoku Aki is with me."

"We are fortunately alive. The earthquake brought us to the palace of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

“The bad news, though, is that we’re stuck.

“I couldn’t find a way out.”

Ye Sheng reported his situation.

Being trapped underwater is almost a death sentence.

The oxygen will gradually run out and they don't have much time left.

"How much longer?"

Professor Mans Rundstedt turned to ask the first mate.

"They only have enough oxygen to last one hour and thirty-three minutes." The first mate's voice sounded, confirming the remaining time.

One hour and thirty-three minutes. This is the breathing time that the oxygen cylinder can provide.

The situation became extremely urgent considering the time required to escape from the palace of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and rise to the surface.

"Then we actually only have twenty minutes." Professor Mans Rundstedt quickly calculated the result.

The number shocked him.

Twenty minutes is so short that it even makes people feel helpless.

"Request support from headquarters immediately!"

Professor Mans Rundstedt had no time to wallow in grief and immediately issued an emergency order.

When time is of the essence, any second of delay could mean disaster.

“Ding-dong, ding-dong—!
Urgent and intensive bells suddenly echoed in Kassel College!
This alarm is only sounded in the most urgent situations.

The bell meant an emergency call for an unexpected event, requiring elite students with A-grade or above pedigrees to gather in the library quickly.

They were of noble blood, and as the bell rang, they left the dormitory and quickly arrived at the designated location.

Their elite qualities are fully revealed.

The only exception was Lu Mingfei. If Nuonuo hadn't pulled him, he wouldn't have known what was going on.

On the wall of the library's control room, there is a huge one-hundred-inch screen.

Students are not unfamiliar with this, it is usually closed.

But at this moment, it lit up. A huge three-dimensional simulated image was displayed on the screen, clearly displayed in front of everyone.

It was a small city made of bronze, an amazing work of art.

An old man, wearing a black mask on his face, casually pushed his gas cylinder cart towards the screen.

The mask covered half of his face, while the other half was covered with horrific scars, making him look particularly terrifying.

After being processed by precision machines, humidified oxygen is delivered to the elderly's respiratory tract through a catheter.

This is Professor von Schneider from the Executive Department.

When he was young, he performed a mission, which left him with his current appearance, a gift from the dragon clan. Although he survived by chance, he became a half-human, half-ghost appearance.

He can no longer breathe on his own and can only rely on a ventilator to maintain his life.

"As you can see, the screen shows the palace of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

“Now there are two commissioners who are stuck there on a mission.”

"They're running low on oxygen."

"Remember, we only have twenty minutes."

Professor von Schneider stressed the urgency of time and then continued.

"This is a photo of the Dragon Document taken by Executive Division member Shude Aki."

"We speculate that it may actually be an inscription about the construction process of this bronze city."

“I hope everyone can focus on reading it, try to resonate with it, and maybe they can find a way out.”

Professor von Schneider explained the purpose of calling everyone together.

The higher the bloodline level, the higher the probability of resonating with the dragon script and experiencing "clairvoyance".

This is consistent with the principle of the 3E exam.

Because of this, all students of noble blood in the academy were summoned.

"This is an almost impossible task." Someone interrupted casually.

"Indeed." Professor von Schneider nodded in agreement. "According to conventional procedures, it may take ten years or even longer to decipher such a complex dragon script."

“But we don’t have that much time right now.”

"Not three years, not a year, not even a month, not even a day."

"We only have twenty minutes."

"If we can't complete the task within these 20 minutes,

"Then I'm afraid we'll have to add two new photos to Valhalla."

There was silence in the library.

Hall of Valor.

A place used by Kassel College to commemorate and mourn all the commissioners who sacrificed their lives in the cause of slaying dragons.

There are already countless photos hanging there.

Throughout hundreds of years of history, countless people have sacrificed their lives for this.


"Everyone, stop wasting your precious time!

"Get started immediately!"

On the Moniach, in addition to Selma's necessary security monitoring work,

The rest of the team, including Professor Mans Rundstedt, tried their best to resonate with the headache-inducing picture.

Although this attempt may seem absurd,

Any glimmer of hope is precious.

Professor Mans Rundstedt has been studying Dragon script for two or three decades.

Even so, the images on the monitor were as incomprehensible to him as an astronomy book.

Those twisty and complex lines are no different from children's random scribbles, and there is almost no pattern to speak of.

This is dragon script, an extremely abstract form of expression.

Somewhere else, someone might have tossed it on the ground without even a second glance.

Who would pay attention to something that was scribbled randomly?

If you want to see this kind of art, just go to the kindergarten, which is full of such paintings.

Kassel Academy has only deciphered a few dragon scripts so far.
It’s more like memorizing by rote than cracking.

(End of this chapter)

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