Dragon Clan: Write a diary, why is it Shura Field every day?

Chapter 19 Is Dragon Script difficult? The professor talks nonsense

Chapter 19 Is Dragon Script difficult? The professor is talking nonsense

If this string of characters formed an ancient text, Professor Mans Rundstedt would be able to decipher the four characters when they were presented in sequence.

However, when they are used independently or out of order, the words become meaningless to him.

Not to mention the ancient characters he had never seen before?

The possibility of deciphering the ancient text on a photo within twenty minutes was unheard of and extremely unlikely.

What is happening at Kassel College is essentially creating a miracle.

A miracle that is almost impossible to achieve.

Ye Yang, who had been sitting silently in the corner, also walked over curiously.

To be honest, he was very curious about this ancient text.

I wonder what this ancient text looks like.

He was stunned after just a quick glance at the text on the monitor. "Is this really ancient text?"

“It looks like just a few jigsaw puzzle pieces put together haphazardly.

"Solving the puzzle doesn't seem that difficult, does it? Dragon script is an extremely mysterious phenomenon.

When hybrids resonate with it, they experience a state of vision.

In this magical state, everyone's reaction varies greatly.

Some people may burst into tears involuntarily and show a pious expression, as if they have completed some kind of pilgrimage.

Some people may be so excited that they can't control themselves and keep grinning foolishly.

Some people may inspire their inner artist and start creating with local materials.

One person may be dancing gracefully, while another person is dancing to the rhythm of a couple.

Without exception, they are all taken away from the real world and into a spiritual realm that is both abstract and real.

From the outside, it looked like a group of people were having a mad attack.

The reason for this is that the purity of each person's bloodline is different.
Naturally, the scenes they experienced were very different.

Ye Yang was not sure whether he had resonated with Long Wen.

Not to mention whether he experienced the so-called... visions.

If the dragon text could be compared to randomly scattered puzzle pieces, he found himself acting unusually calm.

Unusually calm.

No crying, no excitement, and just a calm mood.

He did not become an artist, nor did he have the urge to dance.

With the keys tightly in his hand, he was smiling to himself.

Ye Yang looked around.

Selma was still staring at the monitor in front of her. The two green dots on the screen were flashing slightly, meaning that the two people underwater were currently safe.

Professor Mans Rundstedt and other crew members were staring intently at the images on the large monitor, with desire in their eyes.

This scene is absurd and funny.

Ye Yang couldn't help but think of the scene of a group of college students gathered around a computer to watch an art film.

Below us, the 'Moniah' was swaying in the strong wind and huge waves.

There was rumbling thunder in my ears, and strong winds carrying raindrops kept pouring in from outside.

Everything is the same as before.
It was the same before and it is the same now.

Professor Mans Rundstedt's eyes were fixed on

On the picture on the screen.

He concentrated and remained calm, not moving at all.

But his brain was working at high speed.

Thirty years of knowledge reserves, everything about Longwen, was being retrieved by him at an astonishing speed.

If his brain were a computer, it would be in overdrive.


“Can’t connect in series!”


“It doesn’t match at all!”

"It's still wrong. Very wrong!"

Five minutes passed.

Professor Mans Rundstedt has tried it dozens of times.

Almost every attempt to decipher the dragon script ended in failure at the very beginning.

Tried again and again, failed again and again.

His face became more and more ugly.

Failure in interpreting dragon characters is commonplace, and success is unexpected, and can almost be called luck.

Normally, he doesn't mind a failed interpretation.

If you fail, just try again. But this time it was different, his two students.

His two favorite students were underwater, in the palace of the hateful Lord of Bronze and Fire, Norton.

Their respiratory resources are rapidly depleting.

Time is running out!

Professor Mans Rundstedt knew exactly what he should do.

The "vision" caused by the resonance with the dragon's words should be experienced by students of pure blood.

His task is to use the knowledge accumulated over the past thirty years to decipher the dragon text.

For him, the success rate of interpreting dragon text is better than resonating with dragon text.

In reality, there is little difference between the two, as they are both nearly impossible to achieve.

But he still prefers the method with a slightly higher probability.

Even if it's only a 0.000001% improvement.

Even if there is only one more success among tens of millions of attempts.

This is often how miracles happen.

In the story of Doctor Strange in Marvel, he went through thousands of cycles. In those thousands of attempts, he only seized one chance to succeed.


Just once.

Success was possible because they never gave up.

Professor Mans Rundstedt believes in human effort rather than miracles. Despite dozens of failures, he did not give up.

He didn't allow himself to give up.

The mouse on the screen, which should have been still, began to move.

There are two intersecting dotted lines on the picture.
They divide the image evenly into nine parts.

Move the mouse quickly and the squares will constantly change positions.


A whole new picture appears before our eyes.

It's like the fog has dissipated and the vision has become clear.

A complex dragon math problem suddenly appeared.

It's as if someone has simplified it or even given the answer directly.

As the picture changes,
The map depicting the palace of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, also began to change.

The map was originally full of dead ends and dead ends.
A winding passage suddenly appeared.

This is a way out!
The only way to survive!
Everyone is aware of this.

Professor Mans Rundstedt was stunned.
He never thought that Long Wen's answer would be like this...

"Beep beep!"

The computer case emitted a warning beep.

Suddenly, a message from Kassel Academy headquarters popped up on the screen.


The information expands automatically.

A map appeared in everyone's sight.

Two identical maps appeared on the left and right sides of the screen.

This indicates,
Someone at the Kassel College headquarters also successfully deciphered this map.

After a few seconds,

Professor Mans Rundstedt came back to his senses, his eyes followed the mouse and noticed an unusually young face. His right hand left the mouse, but his left hand was still holding the key.

Everyone on the boat focused their eyes on him, with disbelief written all over their faces.

“I felt like there was something wrong with that picture.

"I always feel like something is wrong."

“I just tried to adjust it.”

Ye Yang spoke amid the shocked gazes of the entire ship. Professor Mans Rundstedt remained silent.

He himself saw nothing unusual in the picture.

No matter how many times he looks at it, his opinion will not change. Or, to most people, the picture is just a mess of lines with no meaning.

Being able to sense that something is wrong is a problem in itself.

This student, this young man who was temporarily sent on board, has found the answer.

He understood the dragon language.

"Mance, courage is the sharpest weapon for slaying dragons."

Professor Mans Rundstedt pondered over Ange's words.

He thought to himself, nonsense!
(End of this chapter)

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