Chapter 70 Dreamy and Blurred
"Nono, please listen carefully."

"We are currently facing off against Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

"The situation is serious and we may be wiped out."

“But you don’t have to worry.

"There are two lifeboats at the location where you dived, and the people on the boat have already lowered the diving bell."

"They will be responsible for helping you to float."

"You will be safe."

After Professor Manstein finished speaking, he scratched his head, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He is an excellent professor, articulate in both the classroom and professional arena.

However, in this situation of saying goodbye, he became clumsy in speech.

The communication channel established through Word Spirit Snake fell into silence for a moment.

Nuonuo also remained silent, not knowing how to respond.

"Professor Manstein, why do your words sound like your last words?"

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei's voice broke the silence.

At such critical moments, he always couldn't help but want to ease the tense atmosphere.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Mingfei's scream rang out.

Nuonuo elbowed him in the chest. Her eyes were sharp, like a murderous female warrior. Lu Mingfei immediately raised his hands to show that he had realized his mistake.

Only then did Nuonuo give up.

This little episode did not affect the overall situation.

In the cabin of the "Moniah", Professor Manstein looked around.

"Anyone else want to speak?"

"Mance Rundstedt?"


Professor Mans Rundstedt shook his head.

Caesar denied the same.

There are some things that cannot be said, and some things that I don’t want to say.

The "Moniah" was still moving at full speed.

right now,

The distance to Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, was already frighteningly short.

If we use Norse mythology as an analogy, now is the twilight of the gods.

in other words,

The final moment has arrived!!!
"Since no one seems to have anything more to say."

"The Moniach is about to arrive before Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

"The battle is about to begin."

"I need to focus too."

"Then... let's say goodbye."

"Good luck to you, kids."

After waiting for a few seconds, Professor Manstein took the initiative to cut off the link.

The snakes that swam in the waters collapsed,

They shrank rapidly and returned to their home - Professor Manstein's mind - at an astonishing speed.

"The conventional warhead has been replaced!"

"Torpedoes ready!"

Gunayar shouted out the latest updates, making sure everyone could hear.

The "Storm" torpedo was indeed destroyed.

The most crucial alchemical warhead was twisted into a piece of scrap iron by Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, and then thrown into the bottom of the river.

Without the key warhead that could cause damage to the Dragon King, this torpedo naturally lost its effect.

Without the alchemical warhead, this torpedo was no different from a 5.56mm bullet to Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire.

This is true under normal circumstances.

"Stand by and wait for my order!"

Caesar responded quickly.

As Gunayar sat down, he felt his body trembling.


This is crazy!

Caesar is simply a madman!

Otherwise, how could he come up with such a plan?

The key point is how were all of us on the ship convinced by him at that time?
"The 'Storm' torpedo is the fastest torpedo in the world today!"

"Its existence is a miracle in itself." "The supercavitation generator on the warhead pushes away the water flow in front to reduce resistance, and the powerful rocket thrusters combine to allow the torpedo to fly in a vacuum.
"It will rush forward at a speed of 200 nautical miles per hour, breaking through everything that stands in its way!"


"An object that is 8.23 ​​meters long and weighs 2700 kilograms, flying at a speed of 200 nautical miles per hour!"

“The potential energy it creates is enormous.”

"Anything that's alive will be pierced by it!"

"Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is no exception!"

"So don't worry about whether that damn warhead is an alchemical warhead or not, a conventional warhead will work just as well!"

"Even if this conventional warhead has no explosive part and cannot be detonated, it does not matter."

"Just think of it as the sharpest sword."

“There is always only one problem we face.”

"That is how to ensure that this 'Storm' torpedo can fully exert its effect and will not be melted by the high temperature of the Bronze and Fire King Norton after launch."

“The solution is very simple!”

“Get closer to it!”

"Stand on the nose of Norton the Lord of Bronze and Fire, stand on his face, and fire that 'Storm Torpedo right into his face.'

"At such a close distance, even Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, cannot melt a 2700-kilogram block of iron immediately."

"The 'Storm' torpedo will only become hotter and hotter under high temperature, and will eventually become a sharp sword and pierce into the body of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire."

"He will eventually pay the price for his arrogance!"

Caesar's words were very convincing, and his passionate voice echoed in the cabin.

Everyone was moved by his words, including the two professors.

Caesar's argument seems perfectly reasonable, and at least under the current circumstances, it is almost a perfect solution.

This crazy plan, which was almost tantamount to suicide, was actually agreed by everyone.

Kassel College has never been an ordinary academic institution.

Everything the people here do is to pursue seemingly impossible goals at the limit of their abilities and scope.

To pursue things that are almost impossible to achieve.

The same was true of the "Kuimen Plan" that was originally implemented to help Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki unlock the map.

The same is true for the "Bronze Plan" that is now being implemented in order to gain a glimmer of chance of survival.

Or so it has been for the past few hundred years at Kassel College.

It is this kind of paranoia, madness and courage to try.
This enabled them to defeat the four monarchs time and time again, causing these former world rulers to fall into sleep time and time again.

The light is getting more and more dazzling!
Norton, the king of bronze and fire, even under water, the light and heat from his body still penetrated the water, through the thick white fog, and illuminated half of the sky.

It was as beautiful as a fantasy, like a scene from the divine realm.

The water surface is dotted with light, and the light and shadow are intertwined, just like transparent amber.

The "Moniah" was sailing on the water, but it seemed as if the sun was beneath the water.

The "Sickle Weasel" had been thrown into the water by Caesar.

They swim frantically in the water, and the moment they touch an object
Then transmit their location information to Caesar in real time.

Just like bats use ultrasound.

This is the purpose of the Word Spirit Kamaitachi.

It is also the power of Caesar's words.

Everyone in the academy is crazy.

Caesar was one of them.

Otherwise, he would not have proposed such a plan.

It’s just that this madman dares to dream and dares to act.

He was trying to use the 'Sickle Weasel' to accurately locate the position of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

"Norton's speed has reached eighty nautical miles per hour!"

Professor Manstein looked at the information displayed on the radar and shouted loudly, providing reference data for Caesar...

"Fifty nautical miles per hour, this is the limit of the Moniach."

Professor Mans Rundstedt said.

Although the 'Moniah' is fast, Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is even faster.

The two were moving towards each other, and their combined speed was as high as 130 nautical miles per hour.

This means that a distance of 100 meters will disappear in the blink of an eye.

The point of the plan was to drop the 'Storm' torpedoes close enough to ensure they would work and not be melted by the heat of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire.

This distance was finally determined after many discussions and calculations by the two professors.

That is a distance of 100 meters.

This means that Caesar must make the most precise judgments within milliseconds.

One more second and the Moniach would be destroyed and all the people on board would be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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