Chapter 71 Only one chance

Only one chance


Getting closer!

The light and heat became increasingly dazzling and hot.

The heat wave was making it increasingly difficult to breathe.

The blinding light, like direct sunlight, made it difficult to open one's eyes.

Not being able to open your eyes can be disastrous to others at a critical moment.

But for Caesar, it had no effect at all.

He himself does not rely on his eyes.

Closing his eyes and concentrating his mind, his perception became even stronger.

The glass of the cabin windows could not withstand such light and heat and burst into pieces.

There was chaos in the cabin.

No one knew what was going on; the light was too blinding.

Bright red blood gushed out from Gunayar's throat.

He pressed his left hand tightly, but still couldn't stop the bleeding. Hot and sticky blood kept flowing out from between his fingers. He couldn't make a sound, and couldn't speak.

Blood rushed into his trachea and throat.

Every breath was extremely difficult for him.

Gunayal's right hand was still on the red "fire" button.

He longed to receive that final instruction.

As soon as possible, it must be as soon as possible, while he still has the ability, he thought anxiously in his heart.

"not enough……"

"not enough………"

"Not close enough!"

Caesar frowned, beads of sweat beading on his forehead.

Manipulating the Kamaitachi so violently was something he had never done before.

The underwater sun is approaching rapidly.

For a split second, it seemed as if they were about to collide.

"Right now!" Caesar roared.

The red button marked 'fire' was finally pressed, as if all the strength had been used up.

The instruction has been executed.

Various mechanical parts began to work rapidly.


A low noise similar to thunder suddenly exploded underwater. The moment the Storm torpedo was pushed out of the launch bay under the huge pressure, the hull of the Moniach began to tremble due to this force.

The 'Storm' torpedo, which had gained such rapid acceleration, was thrown into the water and rushed forward at full speed!

That top-notch rocket engine released flames hundreds of meters long underwater!

Under the action of huge thrust, the "Storm" torpedo was fired like a bullet.

The supercavitation generator at the front end of the torpedo starts working, effectively pushing away the water flow to reduce resistance.

The speed of the 'Storm' torpedo has thus achieved another leap!

Its figure is so difficult to capture with the naked eye.

It travels underwater at a speed twice or even three times faster than Norton, the Bronze and Fire King.

Like a ghost.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it penetrated into the bright light.

The light was very close to the Moniach.

So close that the bow began to melt and deform due to the high temperature.

The scorching heat instantly melted the outer shell of the "Storm" torpedo.

Let it transform from a black ghost into a red sword blade.

Unhindered, it continued to move forward, faster and faster!
Just as Caesar had expected, the 'Storm' torpedoes turned into swords and spears.

The brilliance and heat of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, is the perfect catalyst for its transformation.

The earth-shaking explosion of the 'Storm' torpedo was intertwined with the violent roar of the Norton.

The sword pierces the sun!

Just like Hou Yi shooting down the sun, Caesar was a great hunter. But he didn’t stop there.

The powerful kinetic energy carried the Dragon King and, due to the angle, he was continuously thrown backwards and upwards.

The 'Storm' torpedo kept pushing him, pushing him out of the water and into the sky.

Like a sun rising from the water.

But as soon as the sun rose, it quickly set. It was pushed by the "Storm" torpedo to draw an arc in the air and finally fell into the water far away.



"Wait for me!"

Lu Mingfei shouted with all his might.

Although he had tried his best, he still couldn't keep up with the three people in front of him. When he reached the bottom of the Bronze City and was about to regain his freedom.

Lu Mingfei felt that he could not hold on any longer and could hardly run.

However, the bronze city behind him was collapsing faster and faster. Almost as soon as he took a few steps, huge bronze fragments fell right after him.

The situation is extremely critical!
"Come on!"

"Take my hand."

Just in front of him, Nuo Nuo turned around and quickly grabbed Lu Mingfei's hand.

She practically dragged him along with her.

As they trotted along, Nono's breathing became heavier. The oxygen in her diving suit was running out quickly.

Five minutes later, almost at the last moment, before the Bronze City completely collapsed, the four people successfully escaped.

The complete collapse of the Bronze City caused huge waves, instantly turning the surrounding waters turbid.

It is impossible to tell what is happening in front of you.

But that didn't stop Nono from complaining, and her voice rang out in the three people's headphones.

"Lu Mingfei, are you a pig?"

"It's so heavy, like carrying a mountain?"

"You usually eat so much, and you don't want to exercise, but you're panting like a cow after running a few steps?"

"I think you should be."

Nuonuo scolded harshly.

Lu Mingfei was not angry at all.

Occasionally, when Nono paused in his scolding, he would offer a few compliments.

For example, “Sister, don’t be angry, calm down, anger will cause wrinkles.”

of course,

This naturally brought on a torrent of scolding from Nuonuo.

By the time the surrounding water gradually became clear, everyone had almost had a good rest.

Only then did it begin to slowly float up.

"Everyone, check how much oxygen you have left?" Ye Yang reminded everyone, "I still have 40% left, which should be enough for us to rise to the surface."

"I have 38% left, which is enough," Zero replied.

Lu Mingfei fumbled around for a while and finally found the amount of oxygen he had left.

"I still have 36%. Should that be enough?"

He was a little unsure.

"I still have……"

Nuonuo hesitated for a moment, then said, "I still have 38%, no problem."

"Then let's go quickly. We don't know what the situation is like up there."

"The longer we stay here, the more dangerous it becomes."

"That's right!" Lu Mingfei agreed hurriedly, "Nono is right, this place is too dangerous.

"Let's get back up there as soon as possible."

The four of them then sped up their ascent.

However, Nuo Nuo deliberately slowed down and fell behind, following Lu Mingfei.

"Why are you falling behind?" Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

"Of course I'm worried that you'll fall behind."

Nono replied unhappily, "Don't ask so many questions, just focus on swimming upstream."


Lu Mingfei then concentrated on swimming upstream.

He thought to himself, no matter what, he couldn't let his senior sister down this time.

He swam faster and faster, but he didn't notice that the girl behind him, who was supposed to have outstanding physical strength, was swimming slower and slower and was gradually left behind by him.

Even though she was swimming upwards, she gave the impression that she was sinking.

Ye Yang activated the 'Sickle Weasel' during the ascent.

He uses it to detect his surroundings.

Because Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, may still be alive, hiding in some hidden corner.

Only with the help of the detection of the Word Spirit Kamaitachi can we ensure that there will be no mistakes.

This is Ye Yang’s plan.

However, after turning it on, he discovered an abnormal situation!

Nuonuo was swimming with increasing difficulty, and her breathing became heavier.

Physical strength was not her problem.

Lu Mingfei, that unlucky guy, could swim so happily after taking a rest.

Her physical strength is much better than his. How could the little red-haired witch be exhausted?
The problem was that she was running out of oxygen.

Warnings of lack of oxygen continued to ring in her ears.

The dashboard showed that the oxygen level had dropped below 1.

For divers eighty meters underwater, there is nothing more terrifying than running out of oxygen and suffocating in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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