I became famous in the entertainment industry by burning incense

Chapter 171 Intense Fashion Show Preparation

Chapter 171 Intense Fashion Show Preparation
September is a very quiet month for many people.

After the summer vacation, students have to return to campus to study.

Celebrities who were frantically busy with announcements during the summer vacation also reduced their frequency of appearances in September to avoid intensive exposure that might disgust netizens.

The water park, which had increased its activities specifically for the summer season, can finally breathe a sigh of relief and no longer receive so many tourists.

Jinli welcomed the finale in this peaceful moment!
She was excited when the filming was finished, but she was physically tired when she returned to the hotel.

Even though the work intensity of the "Dream Builders" crew is not high, acting is equivalent to doing a project, and when the performance is finished, that is the end of the project.

All the pain, sorrow, joy and tears invested in this project came to an end after the project was completed.

It seems that all the emotions of these days have been thrown away.

Jinli felt a sense of loss.

She suddenly thought that she would not have to get up early tomorrow, would not have to take the bus to the crew, would not have dozens of people smilingly greet her, and the director would not ask her to watch the filming in the camera...

Oh, Xu Wenwen no longer has to come over to chat with her at night, and Chen Qin no longer has to help her get lunch boxes. She will never be able to eat the thirty-yuan luxury lunch boxes given by the crew again!

Jinli felt a little regretful.

The lunch boxes provided by the crew tasted pretty good and she liked them very much.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang and Chen Qin was standing outside, having packed up her things to go with her to the wrap party.

Jinli walked out and found Xu Wenwen and her assistant also came out.

Xu Wenwen looked at her and said, "Let's go together?"

Jinli nodded.

The crew's opening ceremony and wrap-up party are both a kind of ritual. Without these, it would feel like there is no beginning or end.

Arriving at the wrap-up banquet, watching everyone toasting, greeting each other, and talking about the future of the show, Jinli finally felt a sense of reality.


It’s really finished filming.

Others were drinking or having drinks, and the atmosphere was very free.

No one came over with a wine glass on purpose, insisting that Jinli drink, otherwise they would be giving her face.

Chen Qin had specifically told her about the wrap party yesterday, searched online for how to politely refuse a drink, and practiced with Jinli several times.

On the way here, Chen Qin also reminded Jinli several times not to forget yesterday's practice.

It seemed that Sui Lingfang had told her something in private, and Chen Qin was determined to make her stop drinking. However, Jinli didn't like drinking either, and those exercises were quite interesting, so she cooperated and learned them several times.

But nothing happened at tonight's wrap party.

Even the people who came to Jinli were few.

Xu Wenwen was alone like her, so she just sat down with her and chatted.

"This isn't your first time attending a wrap party, is it? Do you feel there's any difference between a wrap party for a TV series and a wrap party for a movie?"

Jinli thought about it and said honestly, "This is the first wrap-up party I've attended. Last time, I went to help out in an emergency, so I left after filming my part. They still had to film later, so I didn't attend the wrap-up party for "The Ideal Husband."

She smiled and said, "But the crew was very loving and prepared a wrap cake for me. The atmosphere at that time was very joyful, just like now, very free."

Xu Wenwen glanced at Jinli for a few times, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say much.

She only said, "Director Zhong's crew is different from other crews. Among the directors I know, only Mo Xiaosheng's crew is comparable to his. They are both strictly managed."

"Strict management?"

Jinli asked in confusion, "Is it very strict? I think it's okay."

Xu Wenwen smiled and said: "We go to work and leave work on time. If there is anything, we let the assistant communicate with the crew. I don't participate in the internal affairs of the crew and I can't see it, so it's normal that you don't understand.

It’s useless to tell you this now. Once you’ve been on a few more crews, you’ll be able to feel the difference.”

Jinli nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

It was getting late, so Jinli discussed with Xu Wenwen and returned to the hotel together to say goodbye to Director Zhong's table.

Director Zhong drank some wine and talked a lot.

He looked at the two and said, "You are the new generation of actors with pretty good acting skills that I have ever seen. You may become famous very quickly, but you must guard against arrogance and keep your original intention."

Director Zhong's assistant reminded him, "Director, one of them has been in the film and television industry for three years, and the other was once famous all over the country. They both know their limits."

Director Zhong smiled and patted his forehead: "I got drunk and forgot that your identities are not simple."

Xu Wenwen and Jinli both smiled and said nothing.

Director Zhong had a very good impression of both of them.

Jinli's acting skills are like a piece of unpolished jade, which can still be further polished.

Although Xu Wenwen has the arrogance of a young person, she is also flexible and does not cause any trouble to the crew.

Although both of them are famous, compared with those top young handsome men and beautiful ladies in the circle, their professional attitude is beyond reproach.

Jinli thought of Sister Fang's instructions and took the initiative to speak: "Director Zhong, if there is a chance in the future, I would like to work with you again."

Director Zhong said: "Of course it's possible, as long as the performance of this drama is not bad."

Someone asked: "What if the grades are bad?"

Director Zhong said with a smile: "Then I guess I won't dare to film for the next three years."

Upon hearing this, Jinli couldn't help but look at Director Zhong a few more times.

It seems that Director Zhong was also very nervous about this drama, but he never said it out loud. At least during the filming, he never expressed such worries.

Jinli and Xu Wenwen went outside and waited for the bus together. Xu Wenwen went back to the bathroom halfway.

Chen Qin and Xu Wenwen's assistant were standing on the side of the road chatting and talking about the interesting things that happened in the crew.

Jinli also joined in.

She didn't have much to share. Her days on the crew were either spent filming or reading. But that didn't stop her from being in a good mood and being able to act as a supporting actor.

The car arrived, Xu Wenwen also came out, and everyone took the car back to the hotel together.

They attended the wrap party of "Dream Builder" here.

When Jinli returned to the hotel to rest, she heard them say in the WeChat group that they were going to a second place to continue the party.

I am really full of energy and really happy!

As if a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders, Jinli slept extremely comfortably tonight.

And Xu Wenwen, who lived next door to her, spent a sleepless night.

When she went back to the bathroom, she ran into Director Zhong and mustered up the courage to ask him about acting.

With her current level, can she stop playing supporting roles and play the leading role in the future?

Zhong Wentai thought for a while and said, "Okay, if you practice a little more, you can play the female lead. Your current acting skills are better than many new generation actors, but you have to go the route of being a real talent, which is different from being an idol."

Xu Wenwen suddenly asked: "Director Zhong, how does my acting compare to Jinli's?"

Zhong Wentai was a little surprised: "You have worked with her before, you should have noticed something."

Xu Wenwen smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I can feel it, but I wonder if Jinli played her role in a way that was in line with her true colors, so she was able to outshine me."

Zhong Wentai did not give a clear answer, but only said: "You haven't seen the public welfare film shot by Jinli yet, you can go and watch it when you have time."

With such doubts, after returning to the hotel, Xu Wenwen immediately searched for Jinli's public welfare film to watch.

Both characters have a strong desire for knowledge.

One is to benefit mankind through knowledge and benefit future generations. The other is to strive for self-improvement and revitalize the village after learning.

Although these two characters are somewhat similar, Jinli's interpretation has completely two different performance styles!

Xu Wenwen let out a long sigh and completely gave up.

No wonder Director Zhong asked her to watch the public welfare film specially. If she had seen it before, she might have accepted the fact that Jinli's acting skills were excellent earlier.

Xu Wenwen tossed and turned in bed, and before falling asleep she thought vaguely:
She won't give up just like that.

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, she will keep working hard!

"Director Zhong is under a lot of pressure. Which director doesn't feel pressure when shooting a biography?"

Sui Lingfang went to pick up Jinli in person. She didn't have to go back to the company. She turned to Fangfei headquarters halfway. Jinli had to make arrangements for the fashion show without stopping.

It is now September 9th, and there are only a few days left until the 15rd.

Last time, Jinli thought that if she hadn't finished filming, she would take a day off to go to the catwalk, which was unrealistic.

Not to mention flying from China to a foreign country, the flight time alone will take seven or eight hours. After landing, you still have to rehearse and adjust the fit of your clothes and makeup.

Not to mention the training of catwalk walking and so on.

It's the 15th now, which is already a bit rushed. The model Fang Fei hired started preparing in August.

For well-known clothing brands, the annual fashion week shows are very important. There are only two shows a year. This is an opportunity to express the brand’s clothing concept for the year to the world.

If Jinli doesn't finish the filming, Sui Lingfang will take the initiative to contact Fangfei and withdraw her spot in the fashion show this year.

Fangfei called twice to confirm the fashion show, each call more anxious than the last.

Sui Lingfang thought that if Fangfei was beaten for the third time, this fashion show opportunity would be ruined.

So as soon as she picked up Jinli, she handed her a tablet and asked her to watch how models walked on the runway, as well as some catwalk tutorials from famous models.

Whether it is useful or not, just read it first!

Jinli also watched for an hour, and during the break, she chatted with Sui Lingfang about what Director Zhong had said last night.

Sui Lingfang continued, “In fact, if Director Zhong hadn’t been the one to shoot the biography, I wouldn’t have let you take it. If you had replaced it with a less famous director, the boycott would have been even louder and it would have died faster.

Last time, netizens said that you were not worthy of the role because of your low education level. It’s already pretty good that only this problem was exposed. At least netizens were only boycotting you as a person, not the show.

Director Zhong is willing to shoot this drama, and netizens have already criticized him less. This is all due to his strength from the previous "City Drifting Diary". Even if netizens think he can't shoot it well, they are willing to give him a chance. "

Jinli was thoughtful.

Sui Lingfang, who was sitting next to her in the back seat, added:
"But you don't have to worry too much. According to my estimation, this movie is more likely to sink into obscurity after it is broadcast, without causing any waves."

Jinli was silent for a moment, "Sister Fang, that's not what you said when you persuaded me to take on "Dream Builder"."

Sui Lingfang smiled: "I was right at the beginning. Director Zhong Wentai is in charge, which brings a lot of popularity. He is a great director, and the quality of the films he makes is guaranteed. Since he dared to shoot it, he must be confident."

She changed the subject, “But not all movies become hits after they are made.

It’s just like writing novels. How many novels are updated every day, but how many of them can be seen by people?

Not to mention that AI is now used to write novels. There was a hot search recently about how 4,000 words of writing a day cannot beat AI's one-click writing. How can you compete with machines? How do readers know that the novels they are reading are written by real people?

Novels are afraid of being cookie-cutter, and so are TV dramas. It is extremely difficult to stand out from the crowd. And "Dream Builder" is a biographical subject, which is an unpopular genre."

Sui Lingfang said confidently: "If there is no official support, who would shoot it?
Director Zhong is willing to shoot the film, which can guarantee the quality, but that doesn’t mean the audience will buy it.

A few years ago, there was a biographical film that invited big directors, big stars, top young actors and powerful movie kings to participate in the filming.

How was the box office of that movie? It was a long time ago!
So I understand Director Zhong's pressure very well, but no matter what, it is very helpful for you to be able to shoot it."

Jinli also understood.

There are many announcements that celebrities don’t take just to become famous. They may just do it to maintain exposure.

And many movies will not necessarily be successful once they are made.

Celebrities may go to film just to explore new careers and gain a new stepping stone.

She needed an opportunity to enter the film industry, and Director Zhong felt that she was suitable to be the leading role, so that happened.

Based on Sui Lingfang's analysis, no matter what others think, at least Jinli has lowered her expectations a lot.

Hurried to Fangfei headquarters.

What comes into view is a building with a strong sense of design. Although it is a clothing store, there are not many clothes inside. Instead, there are many dazzling color collisions.

The colors of each wall tile and floor are different, and the contrasting colors in each area are also different.

Sui Lingfang's excited voice came from my ear, "Is this the legendary 'Color Inspiration Hall'? There are indeed many colors!

Seeing Sister Fang so excited, Jinli couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and still felt that this place was a bit like...

The colorful kaleidoscope can change to another color with just a turn, which is dazzling.

She doesn't understand this aesthetic, but that doesn't stop her from respecting their expression.

People who engage in art always have some unique pursuits.

But Jinli is more worried about whether they can find the service hall well. Every area is similar to them.

Fortunately, there was someone guarding the lobby on the first floor.

Hearing Sui Lingfang's movement, someone came up to them, recognized Jinli, and took her to the fitting room without saying a word.

Jinli finally saw the dress named "Fire".

She had only seen it through photos before, but now that she had seen it with her own eyes, she had only one feeling:
So beautiful!
This dress was different from Fangfei's usual style. It was not made into a cheongsam but into a formal dress.

The dazzling fiery red color covers the entire space, and the gradient colors are used to divide the space into different levels.

Its design is very bold. The tail part is not gathered but expands freely and casually, which looks very casual.

Jinli stepped forward and stroked it gently.

I discovered that this is actually achieved through careful stitching and tailoring to create a free and romantic atmosphere.

A familiar yet unfamiliar female voice came from behind: "What do you think of this dress?"

Jinli said without thinking: "It looks good."

"It's very different."

“It’s unique.”

Finally, Jinli paused and said softly: "I feel like it has life, like a dazzling moving fire."

The design of this dress is not old-fashioned. From the top to the hem, it is very fluffy and there is no place to highlight the body lines.

Rather than a piece of clothing, it is more of a concept for the future development trend of clothing.

In Jinli's eyes, it is very charming.

Dai Xueling smiled softly, "I was right, you and [Fire] are really a good match."

Jinli recognized her and was about to say something, but Dai Xueling spoke first:

"Let's not waste time on the polite words. Go try on the dress first. You won't have time to rest until the official show."

Have a nice weekend, []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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