Chapter 172 Go to worship

This dress named "Fire" is designed to flutter freely and is quite difficult to wear.

This is a conceptual dress. In order to highlight the structure, it does not use the usual zipper wearing method. Instead, it is divided into several parts and then connected together with a special structure.

If Jinli were to wear it herself, she would probably never understand how to wear it.

With the cooperation of the staff, Jinli finally put on the dress and walked out to show Dai Xueling.

Dai Xueling groaned and said, "You are a little thinner than I imagined. I thought your figure would be more like a normal person, but I didn't expect you to be still very slender."

Jinli said: "I look 3 pounds fatter on camera, and my body is stretched horizontally. My body shape on camera is similar to that of ordinary people. But my body shape is still good, many female stars are thinner than me."

Dai Xueling measured Jinli's measurements while making notes on the drawings to be modified. After thinking for a long time, she suggested:

"Can you gain some weight? About five pounds. Then you can wear this dress properly and not look so thin."

In the entertainment industry, netizens are often more demanding about the body management of female stars than male stars.

Male stars can gain weight, but female stars absolutely cannot.

If some female celebrities gain a few pounds, they may even be bullied online by netizens, who say that they have no professional ethics.

Jinli didn't respond immediately, "I need to talk to my agent first."

She always keeps in mind that in the entertainment industry, she is not only herself, she also belongs to a team. The weight issue is somewhat sensitive, and she cannot make decisions privately, but must consult with the team.

After all, Sister Fang is quite strict in managing the diet of her artists.

Jinli and Xi Mengze are on better terms, and I haven't heard her nagging about this.

But that’s because one of them can’t gain weight, the other loves sports, and they are both veteran artists, so they subconsciously manage their weight.

But for new artists like Gong Jiajia and He Yixuan, the management is strict.

For a while, Gong Jiajia privately complained to her that Sister Fang was too strict. After attending a meeting at the company after a notice, Sister Fang would take out a scale to check their weight.

As a result, every time she went to the company, she had to weigh herself to see if she had gained weight.

It’s better if you don’t gain weight, but if you do, you have to find a way to lose weight, such as not eating or exercising for a few hours to sweat.

In short, going back to the company for a meeting is like conducting a war.

After trying on the clothes, Jinli was taken by the staff for training and faced the second problem - wearing high heels.

High heels are no stranger to both male and female celebrities.

Don’t think that only female stars wear high heels, male stars wear them too.

It’s just that male celebrities can wear long trousers, which are covered by the long trouser legs, so many people can’t find out that they are secretly wearing height-increasing insoles, or directly wearing thick heels. There are also men’s shoes with high-heeled designs.

But the high heels the model wore were 10-12cm high, far exceeding the range of high heels Jinli usually wore.

As soon as she stepped on it, before she even took a step, she felt like she was going to fall at any moment.

The instep of the foot is stretched tightly, just like walking on a tightrope. At least when walking on a tightrope, you can have a bamboo stick to help you maintain your balance!

It's no use just learning how to walk, you also have to walk according to a specific pace, which is called the catwalk.

After Sui Lingfang finished talking to others about Jinli's work arrangements, she came to find her, saw her training, and watched silently.

Dai Xueling appeared out of nowhere and was also watching Jinli's training.

Sui Lingfang caught sight of her, turned her eyes, and walked quietly to her side.

He is the current head of Fangfei, chief designer of Fangfei, and also holds the largest share of Fangfei.

If Dai Xueling is optimistic about Jinli, then the spokesperson issue will be very clear.

"Boss Dai, I'm sorry. Jinli just finished filming yesterday, so I brought her here today, but I'm still a little rushed. I'm sorry!"

Sui Lingfang first explained her mistake and showed a sincere attitude.

Dai Xueling didn't want to say polite words to Sui Lingfang, and said lightly: "There is still time. If Jinli can catch up, I will let her go on stage. If she can't catch up, she can't go on stage.

It depends on how much Jinli can absorb. Sister Fang, I also have to be responsible for my show."

Sui Lingfang's heart skipped a beat and she nodded, "It's my duty."

Dai Xueling put forward her own requirements, asking Jinli to live nearby, report to the police every day, study model-related courses, and clear out the notices. All these were fine.

But the issue of "gaining weight" made Sui Lingfang a little hesitant.

"Jinli is a star. If she gains weight rashly, it will affect her public image. This may be a bit..."

Dai Xueling said: "But she is also an actor. I heard that after an actor takes on a role, he or she will make changes based on the image of the character, so some actors will lose dozens of pounds or gain dozens of pounds for a role.

The complexity of the show is no less than that of the crew, and it also consists of many people. If Jinli wants to walk on the catwalk, then she must show her best image in front of people.

This dress is too thin for Jinli, especially when she wears high heels, which fails to highlight the image of the dress.

What I want is health and freedom, not being skinny and free. Because she is a star, not a professional model, I asked her to gain weight. "

If Jinli was a model, she was obviously not thin enough now, and her frame was not prominent.

With her technical level, she couldn't appear on the catwalk as a model.

Since she was going to appear as a star, Dai Xueling decided to make some bold changes.

For example, the model who appears at the end to take a bow can break the routine.

In front, a 60-year-old grandfather showed off his muscular body in the show, and in the back, a disabled person expressed his physical defects with the rhythm of clothes... Compared with highlighting the clothes, these highlight the humanistic spirit more.

Dai Xueling hopes that Jinli can wear the "fire" dress to convey the spirit she wants to express to the audience.

Seeing her firm attitude, Sui Lingfang also gave her bottom line.

"You can gain weight, but I want Jinli to appear on the show. Can you guarantee that, Mr. Dai?"

Dai Xueling smiled lightly: "Sister Fang, I can't guarantee it, but I can assure you that after Jinli gains weight, she will be more perfect in this dress."

Sui Lingfang's eyes flickered slightly, and she whispered, "Starting today, I will ask the nutritionist to adjust Jinli's diet."


Jinli discovered that she was even busier doing training in Fangfei than being on the crew.

She didn't feel anything on the crew, but after two days of training in Fangfeili, she felt that her body couldn't take it anymore.

Because Fangfei’s training is all high-intensity training.

Just practicing catwalk walking in high heels made her extremely focused and she dared not slack off for even a moment. It was more tiring than attending classes!

Even though Jinli was in good condition, she only lasted two days.

When she woke up on the third day, she felt something was wrong with her body.

My head is dizzy and I am not quite clear-headed.

Jinli felt that she might have a low-grade fever.

I looked at my face and it wasn't obvious from the outside.

She used the focused state of "getting twice the result with half the effort" to recover her spirit while practicing consuming her energy, and she made it until noon.

Taking advantage of the two hours of free time at noon, I quickly took Sister Fang to visit the nearby Taoist temples.

Sister Fang was still a little confused when she was pulled into the car.

"What are you doing? Why are you sneaking around? Where do you want to go? We agreed in advance that you have to be back before the afternoon class. Fangfei attaches great importance to this fashion show, so we can't ask for leave."

Jinli said seriously, "Sister Fang, I think my body won't be able to handle this high-intensity training. You don't want me to faint suddenly, do you?"

Sui Lingfang immediately became nervous, "How are you feeling?"

Fangfei is too strong, and Jinli is in really good shape recently, which makes people always forget that she is actually very weak!
Sui Lingfang broke out in a cold sweat. The fashion show was a small matter, but the health issue was a big one.

"Why don't I help you turn it down? Your health is more important. Don't overdraw yourself."

Jinli smiled and said, "Sister Fang, don't be so nervous. I just feel that my body may not be able to bear it, but it hasn't caused any problems yet, so I plan to go to the Taoist temple to pray and ask the gods to protect my body."

Sui Lingfang frowned: "Is it useful to pray at the Taoist temple? It's better to go to the hospital."

Jinli: "I just had a physical examination on the set of "Dream Builder" last month, everything is normal, don't worry."

Sui Lingfang: "Okay, okay, I'll go with you to worship."

Sui Lingfang thought, Jinli wished her good health, and she also wished Jinli good health. Both of them wished for the same thing, and the gods should be able to hear it.

Fangfei's building is in the central area, which belongs to the upper city area.

The nearest Taoist temple was in the lower city, which was quite remote and took 40 minutes to drive there. As soon as she arrived at the Taoist temple, Jinli went straight to the main hall.

This Taoist temple is dedicated to the worship of Peng Zu. It is said that Peng Zu was a mortal who lived to be 800 years old. He is also the ancestor of all people with the surname Peng.

Some clan temples also hang a picture of Peng Zu.

There was originally another Taoist temple located in a different place, which only took half an hour to drive, but Jinli still chose Pengzu.

As a birthday girl, she gained a lot of energy when she worshipped Magu last time, and it also improved her body's flexibility and coordination.

Each deity in Taoism has different duties and is in charge of a wide range of affairs, with some duties overlapping.

But on the other hand, when you worship gods like "Magu" and "Pengzu" who are only responsible for longevity and have a single duty, they can gain some outstanding and single bonuses.

After reverently worshipping Peng Zu, he walked out of the main hall.

A strong divine power came, and Jinli felt a shock in her body, as if her Ren and Du meridians were opened up, and her limbs and hundreds of orifices were opened up, and she felt a sense of pride as if "a long drought was finally met with a downpour".


She felt alive again!

Sui Lingfang followed her out, glanced at Jinli, noticed her expression change, and said in surprise:
"I feel like you look much better. Is praying really that effective?"

Jinli smiled and said, "I don't know, maybe it's the incense here that makes people feel relaxed. The soul has something to rely on, so it's not so uneasy."

Sui Lingfang said with emotion: "The power of the mind is indeed magical!"

She suddenly thought: "What if you go abroad to attend a film festival? There may not be any Taoist temples abroad."

Jinli said with a smile: "Sister Fang, it's still too early for things to happen abroad, are you thinking too far ahead?"

Sui Lingfang said with a smile: "Isn't this just preparing for a rainy day? Don't you allow me to dream?"

Jinli said: "Let's think about this issue again when we really have to go abroad for a long time."

This is not unsolvable.

For example, you can just ask a small statue of a deity to go with you.

You know, Mazu has traveled across oceans and traveled abroad!
After leaving Pengzu Temple, Jinli and Sui Lingfang arrived at Fangfei on time. Jinli continued to participate in the training, while Sui Lingfang took out her laptop to work in the hall.

After a while, Sui Lingfang received a call from Zou Da.

Zou Da asked curiously, "Did you and Jinli go to worship again?"

Sui Lingfang was stunned, "Yeah, wait, how did you know?"

Zou Da: "There were tourists in Pengzu Temple, and you didn't cover up, you just wore masks. The tourists took pictures of you and posted them on blogs, so now everyone knows about it."

Sui Lingfang smiled awkwardly.

People are afraid of becoming famous just like pigs are afraid of getting fat. Who would have thought that this would also be targeted by tourists.

She remembered that there were very few tourists at Pengzu Temple, and they were completely unaware that they were being photographed.

Zou Da said: "This blog is actually quite popular. It was even in the top 50 at the beginning. It could have continued to grow, but someone suppressed its popularity. Does the company want to give it a hand?"

Sui Lingfang thought about it and shook her head: "Forget it, Jinli will be in the spotlight soon, so I won't do this kind of small trending search. If I can be on it, I will do it. If I can't, I won't do it. Let the bullets fly for a while."

Zou Da said, "Hmm," "Li Xuanfang has been buying up articles recently. I suspect she's the one who pressured them."

"That's not surprising. After all, she and Jinli are competitors, and both of them are eyeing Fangfei's piece of the pie."
This afternoon, Fangfei's trainers felt that Jinli was a little different.

If we say that two days ago, she was still like a confused novice who knew nothing.

But after two days of training, she got into the state very quickly and had the style of a professional model, especially when wearing high heels.

I don't know how Jinli practiced privately. In just two days, she was able to wear 12cm high heels with ease, which made the trainer couldn't help asking:
"Jinli, how do you practice?"

Jinli was actually surprised at today's efficiency. After thinking about it, she thought that it must be Peng Zu's blessing.

My body coordination has improved and I can wear high heels easily.

She said: "It suddenly felt very simple, maybe I finally got it."

Others are envious.

Some very talented models in the industry are also like this.

He was unknown at first, but one day he came to his senses and his stage presence became particularly grand, and even his catwalk developed his own style.

Because Jinli was efficient, Fangfei took advantage of the opportunity to give her an extra body shape class.

In the past, Jinli returned to the hotel where she lived nearby, forced herself to finish a set of test papers, and fell asleep immediately.

But today was different. After finishing the test, she felt in good spirits and planned to relax.

So a video group chat was started in the pink girl group.

Ji Qinglian was the first to connect. It seemed that she was about to rest, and she had changed into her nightgown. When she saw Jinli starting a video call, she came over to join in the fun.

She asked curiously, "Did you go to the Taoist temple today?"

Jinli was surprised, "How did you know?"

Ji Qinglian smiled and said, "It's hard to imagine not knowing. I was bored and browsed the blog and found it. It might be because I often search for your news, and the blog pushed it to me. You and Sui Lingfang were both photographed by tourists."

Jinli sweatdropped, "I didn't notice anyone taking pictures."

Ji Qinglian asked again: "Are you still adapting to Fangfei's training?"

Jinli: "I just feel like I can't adapt, so I thought about going to the temple to pray and see if I can change my luck."

Ji Qinglian made a "tsk" sound.

"Li Xunfang has been very active recently. The news of your training at Fangfei should have been spread the day before yesterday, but there has been no news. I'm afraid she suppressed it. And the news in the afternoon could have been a small hot search, but it was suppressed by someone else."

"Li Xuanfang?"

Jinli felt like she hadn't heard this name for a long time.

When "Dream Builders" was being filmed, she was very quiet and did not hype herself much, which can be said to be a waste of the summer season.

"Hasn't she accepted two costume dramas? She should have joined the crew by now. Why is she still desperately sending out press releases?"

Ji Qinglian said: "Joining the crew will not affect her taking leave to shoot variety shows. Everyone knows how those two costume dramas came about.

You look down on me, Li Xuanfang feels that she has lost out, but she has signed a contract and cannot count on these two dramas, so she wants to do more variety shows. She has been on the hot search list for half a month. "

Jinli doesn't quite agree with this approach.

"Those two dramas just didn't meet my expectations, but they weren't bad. Sister Fang didn't pick them randomly. The plot structure is complete, and the subject matter is also the type that will be popular for a long time. If she shoots it well, maybe it will be a hit."

Ji Qinglian raised her eyebrows, "Are you serious?"

Jinli nodded: "I have read the script, I am serious, but I don't want to play a single role too much, so I turned it down. Playing one Liu Ci is enough, I don't want to play another Liu Ci."

Ji Qinglian smiled: "This is interesting. When her two dramas are released, I will definitely go and watch them."

She paused and said hesitantly, "My agent came to me again."

Jinli calculated the time, "At the beginning you said you would vacate five months of schedule for "The Great Sheng Dynasty", and now it has been five months, it is normal to find you, what do you think?"

Ji Qinglian sighed and said, "I wanted to postpone it, but Zhang Ziqiang is right. I haven't appeared in front of the public for a while, especially during the summer vacation. The audience will gradually forget me, so I am struggling."

Jinli asked: "What about your role?"

"Actually, we finished filming last month, but I wanted to stay in the crew to learn, so I didn't go out."

Ji Qinglian said frankly: "I also want to escape from my agent."

Jinli thought for a moment, "You should have a good discussion with your agent about the announcement. It's not the right time to fall out at this stage. You have to attend some quality announcements."

Seeing Jinli also said so, Ji Qinglian made up his mind and said, "Okay, I'll go out for a walk."

Jinli couldn't help but smile, and reminded him deliberately: "Don't worry too much, isn't "The Great Sheng Dynasty" still being filmed? Director Mo was willing to cover for you last time.

If Zhang Ziqiang's arrangement doesn't work, then you can find an excuse to go back to the crew to reshoot your scenes and quit. Zhang Ziqiang probably won't dare to ask Director Mo about it."

Ji Qinglian's eyes lit up, "Your idea is good!"

The two chatted for a while, but since the other sisters didn't show up, they ended the call and went to bed early.

Their side is peaceful and the weather is good.

Li Xuanfang announced that there was a car accident and many disasters.

5K update is here, have a nice weekend, []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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