Crossing the line

Chapter 30 I Really Love You

Chapter 30 I Really Love You
How could she describe how much she loved him? Every time she mentioned him, she couldn't help but feel her eyes welling up. When she heard others mention Wen Yangzhi's name, she would subconsciously lower her head, afraid that she would cry.

My chest is bulging with regrets.

If she hadn't met him when her parents hadn't passed away, if she was the same age as her brother and her brother was at the age where he was dating a girlfriend, would he have considered her first?
Why couldn't he be with her? She could guarantee that only she would love him so much.

Brother, can you please take a look at her too?

But at that time she didn't know that she would secretly and painfully like him for so many years.

Later, she didn't even dare to write her diary on paper, for fear that others would see it. She could only set up layers of private locks on her mobile phone. The mobile phone was unlocked with a special password to open another device. She only installed the diary software, but made the diary software private. The relevant diary could only be opened with a password known only to her.

The year, month and day of Hong Kong's return to China.

You see, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Wen Yangzhi.

When she was eighteen years old, she was afraid that others would know that she liked Wen Yangzhi and loved Wen Yangzhi very much.

When Wen Yangzhi asked her what she wanted for her coming-of-age gift, she blurted out a sedge maple tree.

My brother probably thought that she would ask for something that was hard to come by. When he heard that she just wanted a tree, he was a little surprised, but he responded in a low voice.

He was rarely so attentive and carefully selected a sapling for her. Everyone thought she would take good care of it, but the tree disappeared after only a few months at home. Everyone in the family thought she had killed it, and they didn't ask about her feelings.

But the tree was in the center of the yard of her villa in Belgium. She built the fence with her own hands, erected the summer shade shed with her own hands, pruned the bad branches during the growing season, applied phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and picked up almost every sharp stone in the soil with her own hands.

Only here did she dare to pour out all her love to the sedge maple tree.

Everyone thought it was dead, but she was the only one who knew that love was still sprouting and growing wildly, never stopping.

And the first day I met my brother.

When her brother heard that she was the daughter of Uncle Wen's old friend, he just lowered his eyes slightly and nodded to her very slightly. His ink-black short hair fluttered slightly under the lush maple trees, looking refreshing and lonely.

The breeze blew through his white T-shirt, causing the hem of his shirt to flutter. His eyes were round and black, long and deep, with sharp ends. His deep philtrum was connected to his thin lips with distinct lines, giving him a strong sense of newly mature masculinity, but his posture and manners were restrained.

She nodded in response somewhat slowly.

The brother who wanted to say it didn't say it.

She has no brother and is not used to this word.

In fact, my brother rarely stays at home, or rather, he rarely stays with the rest of the family at the same time.

For the first time, she realized that the most remote villa in Wen Garden was her brother's private space.

My brother has a very distant relationship with his uncle and aunt, or maybe he is naturally cold and indifferent and doesn't need much time to spend with his family.

Every time my brother comes home, he goes straight to Jinglou.

In fact, my brother also has a room in the villa where other family members live.

I heard from my family that my brother lived with our family before he was seventeen years old.

But after he turned seventeen, my brother basically lived on his own.

Therefore, she even relaxed a little, secretly thanking her luck that there was one less person she had to be cautious with, and felt that there was no difference between her brother coming home and not coming home.

As long as her aunt and uncle are not at home, she is the only one in the house besides the servants, and her highly tense mind can relax a little.

Until one time, in grade eleven, before transferring from her old school, her classmates prepared a farewell party for her without telling her. She was so moved at the time, and thought that her uncles and aunts were all outside, so she stayed out until late at night for the first time.

It was the first time she felt loved and cared for since her parents passed away, and it was also the first time she felt relaxed like this.

When she got home, she thought she would see darkness, but unexpectedly she saw the lights on the first floor.

She realized something and walked in apprehensively, and saw a figure sitting in the middle of the living room on the deep-sea shark skin sofa next to the antique clock.

A familiar yet unfamiliar face, with the profile opening and closing with great ups and downs, the bridge of the nose and brow bones rising steeply, and the jawline as if drawn with a hard-bristle brush tip. He looks thin and tall in a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans, the dark color makes him look more mature.

The lights were dim, and her brother's face was hidden in the semi-darkness. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at her.

His voice was cold and clear like a teenager, but he had already passed the voice change period. It was low and calm: "You came back so late."

Her mind suddenly went blank. She stood at the door, looking at Wen Yangzhi's face, her head buzzing.

She never thought that anyone in her family would care about her.

She didn't expect that someone was waiting for her.

Wen Yangzhi's tone was calm and peaceful, but his eyes were looking at her: "Where did you go?"

Her hand was sweating as she gripped the doorknob. "I'm having a reunion with my former classmates. I'm transferring to another school next semester, so I want to... get together with my classmates again."

"I'm sorry, I won't do this again."

He didn't say much, and his mood was still unclear, his tone was always indifferent: "Next time it's so late, ask the driver to pick you up."

She looked at him with some surprise, and her hand holding the door handle loosened slightly.

He stood up and left. Yun Yuwan's mind was confused and she didn't realize what that meant.

It was not until the next day, when the housekeeper and Aunt Qin were watching the gardener pruning the trees, that he suddenly mentioned:

"Mr. Xiao Wen came here last night and sat here until midnight."

Zhao Qin was surprised, excited and thrilled: "Really?"

The housekeeper confirmed it again and again.

Zhao Qin was filled with regret:

"Oh, his father and I were out. If we had known he was coming, we would have come back earlier yesterday."

The housekeeper at that time was not yet Uncle Deng. He was a person who was good at flattering the powerful and looking down on the weak. Although he only showed it a little in secret, there was one thing that made the sensitive girl feel:
"No one was in the villa last night. Mr. Xiao Wen even asked Miss Yun, but when he heard that Miss Yun was not there, he sat here until three or four o'clock."

Zhao Qin didn't have time to care whether Yun Yuwan was there or not. She was just feeling regretful. She thought her son must have missed them very much, which was why he came to sit here.

Ever since his father lied to him about admiring his son's portfolio, saying he had never seen his precious son's paintings, and then immediately tore them all up and shredded them in a shredder, his son has no longer been close to them.

Yun Yuwan, who was standing by, suddenly realized something.

When her brother heard that she had not returned, he waited in the deserted villa until midnight, sitting in the most conspicuous place, and finally left only after he saw her return.

When she came in, he didn't even look at his phone, he just sat there, just waiting.

Her palms began to sweat unconsciously.

But she didn't say it.

It was like there was a secret that only the two of them in this family knew.

Her brother was waiting for her to come home.

She suddenly seemed to be tied by a thread.

There will be someone in this house waiting for her to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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