I have a weird dynasty

Chapter 201 Sangque Diary

Chapter 201 Sangque Diary (1) (asking for monthly ticket)
[November 11, October 22 of the lunar calendar, light snow]

Today is the day of the Minor Snow in the twenty-four solar terms, and it actually snowed lightly in Qinzhou.

I have already left Meishu Village and left them a large amount of medicinal herbs bought by my mother, as well as some food.

This time I opened the door to move some things. Because there were a lot of things, I used the flatbed cart at home several times, only to find that if I opened the door without closing it, it could only last three minutes each time.

Between the strange dynasty and the modern times, there is a dark area three steps away. When the door is forced closed, I will be pushed to whichever side I am closer to.

And after the door is closed, it takes about thirty minutes before it can be opened a second time.

Previously, doors were opened once and immediately closed after a person passed through without careful verification, but now the rules for doors have been supplemented.

In order to move things, I used up all the hexagrams in the yin-yang coins.

When the villagers saw the medicinal herbs and food placed in the empty house at the entrance of the village, they once again knelt down in front of me, as if only kneeling could express their gratitude.

I didn't wear a mask. My heart lamp became stronger because of these villagers. The incense brought by the mask was also slowly increasing. As a rare female night-walker in the Evil-Suppression Bureau, I seemed to always get incense from both ends.

The villagers' gratitude towards me directly becomes my own incense, and the villagers' recognition of my identity as a night wanderer makes the incense mask release more incense to me.

You should be close to achieving a balance between your levels and your heart lamp.

I have done everything I can for Meishu Village. Whether they can survive this cold winter depends on themselves.

I hope everything is fine, but I always think of a saying: misfortune favors the unfortunate.

The letters written by the villagers of Meishu Village are so heavy that I always feel a little breathless when I see them.

They wrote letters to their sons, daughters and daughters-in-law who were doing hard labor, mostly reporting good news but not bad news. They lied that they were living well at home so that the hard laborers didn't have to worry about their families. The most important thing was not to run away because of worrying about their families and lose their lives in vain.

But there were also a few old women who kept complaining about the hardships at home. They sat on the ground and cried while dictating the contents of the letters, venting their pain and fear. In the letters, they cursed and threatened their sons and daughters-in-law who were doing hard labor, asking them to find a way to come back, otherwise they would take their grandchildren to death.

Faced with such an old woman, Yang Jishen could only frown and write, secretly deleting some unpleasant words and changing them into comforting ones. At the end of the letter, he 'arbitrarily' added a few words urging her not to run away secretly.

I saw He Bu Ning and the others waiting at the intersection, so I’ll stop writing here today.


[November 11, the 25th day of the th lunar month, cloudy]

There were no major incidents along the way. Well... it can't be considered as no major incidents.
I found that the side effect of human bone dice in causing financial loss is quite serious. After I gave all my belongings including the clothes on my body to Xia Chan, I also tried to avoid touching all kinds of fragile items.

Everything was peaceful for more than a day. Yesterday afternoon, we were so bored while traveling that the black donkey followed the horse in front and ran on its own. I sat on the shaft of the cart and fell asleep with my back against the door of the carriage.

When the donkey cart passed a big pit, I was thrown up and fell to the ground. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and used my back to support myself in time, otherwise I would have been bruised and battered and my arm would have been broken.

Fractures require treatment, and treatment costs money, which is a loss of money!

After this incident, I decided to take two or three cents from Xia Chan every day and keep them on my body. Losing money is better than getting hurt, and it’s only two or three cents, not much.

After three days of slow progress, we arrived at Shikeng Village this morning. This is a huge quarry.

Shikeng Village is only half a day's journey away from Fengning City. Standing at the highest point of the quarry and looking southwest, you can see a magnificent city standing on the plain under the heavy clouds.

Shikeng Village is guarded by the Night Patrol Team named "Shan". The team leader, Old Wu, is a little old man in his fifties. He is a corpse driver, very similar to the corpse drivers from western Hunan.

There are many coffins standing in the shade around the quarry. Inside the coffins are zombies raised by Old Wu. They are responsible for the safety of the quarry and also watch over the laborers working here to prevent them from escaping.

While He Buning was asking Mr. Wu about the surrounding situation, I went to find the manager of the quarry and asked the laborer in Meishu Village to deliver the letter.

More than one hundred men and fifty women were forcibly conscripted from Meishu Village. The men were assigned to chisel and transport stones, while the women were assigned to do laundry, washing clothes, cooking and other tasks.

The conditions in the quarry were very poor. It had snowed a few days ago and it was already cold. Most of the men were still wearing thin clothes and straw sandals, while the women washed and cleaned with ice-cold water, and ate only black-faced steamed buns.

In contrast, the foremen, runners and soldiers who looked after the quarry were all wearing warm cotton-padded jackets and leather boots, with food, meat and vegetables, and occasionally wine to keep warm. It had only been about ten months since they were forcibly conscripted, and one-third of the people in Meishu Village had died. Hu'er's father, Baofu, died last month.

All the dead were burned together, and no one dealt with the remaining ashes, which were all thrown into the mountain behind the quarry.

Helplessly, I could only go to the back mountain to burn the letters from the dead, hoping that they could see the letters and rest in peace.

I used to think that the people in Heishan Village were suffering, but now I realize that they are very happy. At least they have land to farm, food to eat, and they have not been forcibly confiscated.

Later, I entered Wangshan City, and I thought that everywhere in the Gui Dynasty was like Wangshan City. Although the lower-class people were hard-working, their lives were rich and happy. They were happy every day and occasionally bought half a roast chicken to eat.

Only when I really walked out of Wangshan City did I realize the suffering of the lower-class people under the feudal dynasty system.

At this moment, everything I learned from history books became concrete before my eyes. I suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, wanting to do something but being unable to do anything and not knowing where to start.

There have been so many owners of the talisman money before, but they all failed to do it. How could it be possible for me?

Whenever I feel impulsive and confused, I want to go home and miss my mother.


[November 11, October 26 of the lunar calendar, heavy snow]

It was snowing heavily and it was not suitable to travel, so we could only stay in Fengning City for the time being.

When Fengning City was rebuilt, the first thing that was built was the Evil Suppression Office. Even though there were so many empty houses, they would rather leave them empty than give them to the laborers who were repairing houses everywhere.

Seeing them sitting on the roadside in a huddle in the heavy snow, eating cold steamed buns, I felt very uncomfortable.

I asked them to go into the house to avoid the wind and snow, but they all knelt down and kowtowed, asking me to spare them, saying that they were poor and humble people and dared not defile the house of the future official.

It's ridiculous! Stupid!

I walked away angrily, but they actually kowtowed to me behind my back and expressed their gratitude.

Is the world crazy?
He Buning was looking up the list of strange cases near Fengning City. The Evil Suppression Bureau in Fengning City had already recruited a group of day travelers, and people from nearby towns were also moving in one after another. It was a busy time.

I went to exchange for a 'ghost-chasing red candle'. In addition to the human bone dice, the ghost-chasing red candle and everything I get in the future, I will 'give' to Xia Chan in time. The human bone dice will not lose themselves. At least I have no money on me during this period, and I haven't seen the dice lost.

The dice should not have an owner, even the summer cicada can use them. The side effects are attached to the user after use and have nothing to do with everyone else.

After Xia Chan and I returned to our temporary residence, Xia Chan dragged Xuan Yu to play in the snow. Xia Chan is the best, always carefree.

Xuanyu stepped one paw into the snow, then retracted it. After that, he refused to go into the snow again and stayed in my arms and refused to leave.

In the evening, the snow fell heavier and heavier. I don’t know how the people at the quarry and villages like Meishu Village will survive the winter.

But today wasn't all bad. Xiaoliu, this big leak, came to me before I even went to look for him.

I guess it’s because his fifth brother is too dull and has no heart for gossip, so Xiaoliu couldn’t find anyone to share his feelings with, and felt uncomfortable, so he came to me with some wine and food.

Xiaoliu told me that when the Xiesi in Fengning Town was rebuilt, they found the remaining pages of Class A secret files, and asked me if I wanted to know what was written inside.

What else could it be? It could only be Yin Tong’s business. I was just worrying about who to ask about it when Xiao Liu came to me.

I acted extremely curious, and Xiaoliu told me everything he had found out without me asking.

As I expected, the Yin Tong was indeed specially trained, and the Yin Tong was trained not only by the Evil Suppression Division, but also by Taoism and Buddhism, a joint effort of the three sects.

They combined the core Yin objects dropped by the five ghosts into Yin Tong alone.

After hearing Xiaoliu say this, I finally understood why Yin Tong had such a strong desire to kill monks, Taoist priests and police officers.

Also, when I first started to control the Yin Tong, I lost control at home. The Yin Tong controlled my body and put five bowls of rice on the dining table. Could it be that he was commemorating the five ghosts who provided the core Yin objects?

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