Chapter 139 I Only Wish My Daughter
The night he called his son Fu Chao, Fu Yunfeng had just arrived at a remote town in the mountainous area of ​​Zhejiang Province.

He came here because he heard that someone had seen Xu Dong and Lin Xiang nearby many years ago.

Fu Yunfeng rested for a night and headed for his destination the next day.

It was an ordinary family in the town.

It was his greatest hope.

Fu Yunfeng arrived at a very convenient time; the person he was looking for happened to be sitting on a chair at the door of his house, chatting with someone.

He stepped forward and stated his purpose straight away.

The other party is a retired aunt whose surname is Zhou.

After she heard it, she didn't think twice:

"How could I possibly remember something that happened so many years ago!"

Fu Yunfeng remained calm, but his words were particularly earnest:

"The child they took was my daughter. She has been missing for many years. I want to find her."

He has a calm and reserved temperament and is not aggressive at all.

Coupled with the sad and silent eyes, it really makes people feel sympathy.

Even though Aunt Zhou was not a kind-hearted person, she couldn't help but be moved by what she heard.

As a parent myself, I can empathize with you.

Even the neighbors who were watching the fun nearby were urging Aunt Zhou to remember it quickly.

"Don't be anxious! Let me think about it... let me think about it..."

Aunt Zhou racked her brains and her brows were almost knotted.

Finally, after a few minutes, she managed to remember a few fragments of memory:
"Yes, yes, that's what happened... It seemed to be winter that year. I was running a small noodle shop in town at the time. A man driving a van came to eat with his wife and daughter. I had just given birth to my little daughter at the time, and was a little curious about other children, so I took a few glances and found that the child was sleeping very soundly, but she was really beautiful, with eyebrows and eyes like the fairy children in TV dramas! I was wondering how that couple, who looked ordinary, could give birth to such a beautiful daughter. I was very jealous at the time, and I went home and complained to me, Old Yang, for a long time! We even had a fight!"

If it weren’t for this quarrel, I’m afraid Aunt Zhou wouldn’t remember what happened more than 20 years ago.

Fu Yunfeng suppressed his trembling excitement and handed over the photo:
"Then take a look, are these two people? This is a photo of my daughter."

Aunt Zhou's memory was originally a little fuzzy.

But as soon as I saw the photo of the child, long-lost memories suddenly came back to life!

"Yes, yes, yes! It's her! I have never seen a child prettier than her!"

After blurting out this, Aunt Zhou looked at Fu Yunfeng in annoyance again.

It is really cruel to say this in front of someone's parents.

In fact, Fu Yunfeng was not affected too much.

The hardships he had endured over the years had made his endurance higher than one could imagine.

He only cares about one thing:
"Do you know where they went? Or what they said? Any place is fine."

This time, Aunt Zhou thought for a long time but couldn't remember anything and could only shake her head regretfully.

Fu Yunfeng was slightly disappointed.

Fortunately, he had prepared himself mentally in advance.

Just as Fu Yunfeng was about to turn around and leave.

One of the neighbors came over suddenly and said:

"The woman in this photo... looks familiar to me."

What an unexpected surprise!
Fu Yunfeng couldn't wait to ask:
"You have seen her, too?"

The other party's tone was firm:

"I have seen the woman, but not the man. However, the woman did get off a van at the time. She was wearing a red down jacket, which was very beautiful. It was definitely a fashionable style that cannot be found in our small town!"

Obviously, this neighbor has a better memory than Aunt Zhou. He can even accurately describe the clothes and hairstyle that Lin Xiang was wearing at the time.

After comparing it with Aunt Zhou's memory, it was indeed Lin Xiang!

However, when the neighbor explained the whole story, he hesitated for a long time.

Fu Yunfeng's heart tightened, but his face remained gentle: "Just tell me."

The other party sighed and then told the story of what happened at that time.

She was sitting in the bus on her way back home.

Because the road was slippery due to snow, the car drove very slowly.

Out of boredom, she looked around through the car window.

I happened to see a woman in a red down jacket getting out of a gray van with a sack in her hand.

The sack seemed to contain a living creature, which fluttered several times as the woman moved, and only became quiet after being kicked by the woman.

Then the woman threw the sack into the snowdrift, clapped her hands, got back into the car, and drove away.

She witnessed it all but didn't think much of it, thinking the sack contained cats, dogs or something like that.

But somewhere in my heart, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

So I have been thinking about it for many years.

Until Fu Yunfeng came.

"Now it seems that the sack contains..."

All the neighbors who were there to join in the fun fell silent.

They remember that winter, the snow fell particularly heavily, the mountain roads were difficult to walk on, and many people chose to stay at home.

It was so icy and snowy that even adults felt uncomfortable from the cold.

How could a little girl of only a few years old survive?
Almost everyone believed that the man's daughter was dead.

It was only out of sympathy that I advised:

"Maybe with God's blessing, she will meet a kind person?"

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Fu Yunfeng's tone was more confident than ever before.

He firmly believed that his Zhizhi was blessed with good fortune and would be able to overcome the disaster and survive.

So, he just regarded what he heard today as good news.

He was very happy when he left, and specifically asked his assistant to prepare generous red envelopes for the two of them.

Wait until there is no one around and then send it over in a low-key manner.

Fu Yunfeng now does things in a very thoughtful and thorough manner, without any mistakes.

I just wonder if those two would be surprised when they suddenly faced two jackpot-like windfalls.

Next, Fu Yunfeng planned to stay in the town for a few days to find out more information.

He heard that there was a Lingfei Temple in the nearby mountains that was particularly effective.

Without thinking, he told the driver to drive over.

After arriving, Fu Yunfeng first donated a large sum of money for incense.

Then he knelt down before the Buddha skillfully and made a sincere wish:
"I only wish my little girl peace and happiness, and no illness or disaster."

This Lingfei Temple is not far from where the accident happened.

Fu Yunfeng hoped that the gods and Buddhas high up on the mountain would look down with compassion, see his daughter struggling in the snow, and grant her a glimmer of luck so that she could walk out of the snow and survive safely.

Even if they can't find her in this lifetime, they hope she can live well somewhere in the world.

After staying in Lingfei Temple for most of the day, Fu Yunfeng went down the mountain and returned to the town, but unexpectedly ran into someone who shouldn't be here.

"Time sequence?"

Lu Shixu looked back upon hearing this and was also surprised:
"Uncle Fu?"

The Qing family and the Lu family are old friends, and the heads of the two families, Qing Shan and Lu Wenzong, have been friends for many years.

Fu Yunfeng watched Lu Shixu grow up, so it is not an exaggeration to call him "uncle".

I just didn't expect that they would meet here.

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