Chapter 149 Fish Balls in Clear Soup
Just as her leader expected, Xie Hua’s one-day reporter vlog quickly went viral on social media!
The number of views, likes, comments, and reposts of this video has skyrocketed dozens or even hundreds of times compared to before!
Netizens who saw it all thought that this format was very novel and they had never seen it before. It was more down-to-earth compared to the previous serious interview methods... Anyway, it received rave reviews!
People even thought that the reporter Xie Hua who was doing the interview was so funny that they made an emoticon of him being pushed around by the crowd with messy hair!

There are also many clips of diners that have been widely circulated, such as the burly man who said "I can't live without you, Boss Nan" and the delicate and beautiful lady who said "I only regret that I don't have four stomachs like a cow"...

Even the official Yanjing Daily did not provide much support, but topics such as #Reporter's One-Day Vlog# and #FoodieNotGuilty# spontaneously became hot searches, with many people discussing the topic.

Of course, what they care most about is the vlog content itself——

[What kind of restaurant is this? Is the food so delicious? It makes me drool! ]

[Hey, isn’t this the restaurant that “A Bite of China” director Zhong Yu visited a few days ago? The great gourmet Zhu Jin was there too! ]

[Wow, there is a sudden sense of connection, which makes me want to go to the store! ]

[I feel that the diners interviewed are very real and interesting. I am curious about how delicious this restaurant is! ]

[Nanzhi live broadcast room fan report! Some sour haters said that the diners were extras and the netizens were trolls... Now you can't say that a serious media like Yanjing Daily has also been bought, right? ]

[Huh? Why does this statement sound like us in the live broadcast room? Now we have fast-forwarded to the part where the netizens were slapped in the face. Interesting! ]

[Ahhh, I’m in the video! I also went to Nanjia Restaurant! I highly recommend it! It’s the best restaurant I’ve ever eaten at! ]

[Brother, aren’t you the one who said yesterday, “Even if it’s shit, I have to taste it to see if it’s salty or not”? You’re really capable of taking action! ]


Even most of those who questioned and criticized Nanzhi chose to keep silent in this real wave of breaking out of the circle.

Even if you may occasionally see a few sarcastic remarks.

But those incompetent barkings only make people laugh.

Now, no one would openly question the popularity of Nanjia Restaurant and Nanzhi’s cooking skills.

They can only curse Nanzhi like rats in the gutter, hoping she will fall behind his back! -
Nanzhi: Hmm?

I'm sorry, the car can't turn over at all.

At this moment, she was making fish balls in clear soup, which was also a new dish served today.

As soon as this dish was launched, it was loved and praised by many fish lovers.

Nanzhi scooped up a live fish from the bucket, knocked it unconscious with the back of a knife, then slaughtered and cut it open.

The huge kitchen knife seemed light as a feather in her hand.

Tilt the blade and start from the tail of the fish, moving forward layer by layer, scraping off only a thin layer of fish meat each time to ensure that not a single fish bone is mixed in.

Then chop the fish paste back and forth with the back of a knife until it becomes sticky. The force must be very careful. If it is too light, the texture of the fish paste cannot become uniform enough, and if it is too heavy, the sawdust from the chopping board will easily mix into the fish meat.

When it's almost done, add water and salt.

There is a knack for adding water here. The proportion of water added varies for fish of different species and years of growth. It all depends on the chef's own feel. The amount of water added will directly affect the final taste of the fish balls.

Then beat the fish paste, making sure to incorporate more air into it. When the fish paste becomes sticky and has bubbles, leave it aside and wait for it to swell.

Add lard, minced ginger, chopped green onion, chopped ham and other seasonings, squeeze the fish paste into balls, add cold water to the pot, and heat over high heat.

During the entire cooking process, the temperature should be adjusted with cold water at all times to ensure that the water surface is calm but not boiling, so as to prevent the delicate fish balls from being tough on the outside and raw on the inside.

With Nanzhi's proficiency in cooking, he naturally didn't need to keep an eye on the pot all the time.

She was cooking five dishes on three stoves at the same time.

Fish balls in clear soup is just one of them.

Every time Nanzhi returned to the pot of fish balls in clear soup, she would either add cold water or skim off the foam.

In short, there is no unnecessary action!

When I came back again, the fish balls had changed from the initial translucent flesh color to milky white, and they were round and smooth, rolling in the boiling water, so cute. [I can actually see a delicate and beautiful face in a pot of fish balls! Am I crazy? ]

[You are not crazy, you are greedy. ]

[As smart as I am, I have already ordered takeout! But has anyone told me that all fish balls are so fishy? ]

[The takeaway you eat is of average standard, the fish balls made by Nanzhi are top-notch! ]

[Every time I see Nanzhi showing off her cooking skills, I feel so happy! ]

[Hey, I'm just curious, isn't the business hour over? Why is Nanzhi still making fish balls? 】

[It must be a benefit prepared for the employees. Look at how many people from the production team are helping out today. Even the director is here! ]

[Ahh, I also want to be an employee of Nanjia Restaurant! Damn it! Why don’t they open up for external recruitment? I will quit my job immediately and come here to serve dishes!]

[Guess why they are not hiring? Of course it’s because the recording of this episode is about to end! ]

[Don’t tell ghost stories in the live broadcast room! ]


Xie Yu walked into the kitchen carrying an empty plate and was slightly surprised to see Nanzhi standing in front of the stove:

"Haven't all the guests left?"

"We've been tired all day, so let me cook a meal to reward everyone. After all, I can't call you Boss Nan for nothing."

Nanzhi turned around and winked at him.

Xie Yu smiled slowly:
"Then let me help you."

As he said this, he walked to Nanzhi's side and helped.

Nanzhi didn't bother to be polite with him and skillfully directed Xie Yu to finish the job.

When the meal was almost ready, Fu Chao walked in:
"The outside has been cleaned up. Director Xu and the others asked me to give you a call... hm?"

When he saw Nanzhi in front of the stove, his eyes suddenly lit up!
Because business has been so good recently and Nanzhi has a heavy workload, she hasn’t cooked for everyone for a long time.

In the past few days, everyone could still have a bowl of pickled pork with preserved vegetables or something like that.

but now?
It's so funny, there's not even enough food to sell to customers, how can they eat it?

All they can do every day is wander around in the rich and tempting aroma, watching the diners eat heartily while they themselves cannot even have a sip of soup!

If they knew that netizens envied their jobs, they would probably cry out to the sky on the spot!

If given another choice, they would rather be diners!

That's why Fu Chao was so surprised when he saw Nanzhi in front of the stove.

He was so tired after a whole day that even his shoulders were drooped and he looked weak.

But after smelling the fragrance, he showed amazing explosive power within half a second, rushed to Nanzhi's side, took a deep breath, and showed an intoxicated expression:

"Yes! Yes! That's the taste!"


It was the sound of swallowing saliva.

Refer to "Flavor Spring and Autumn" and "Chinese Recipes"

One update first, and the next one should be posted in the evening.

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