Chapter 192 Village Primary School
In just 2 hours, the entire old house was cleaned thoroughly inside and out.

The newly renovated old house finally has a simple and warm feeling.

But Fu Chao was still not satisfied:
"How about we go down the mountain and buy some things to decorate the house? I wonder if there's furniture for sale. We can just replace the sofas, tables and chairs..."

Fu Chao, who had 10000 yuan in his pocket, was so rich that he spent money without blinking an eye.

Unfortunately, Nanzhi reminded him:

"It's getting late. We need to go to school next."

Not only Fu Chao and his group, but even the audience just remembered:

[Oh, right! Nanzhi Qi Peier drew the volunteer teacher, right? ]

[Haha, I finally remembered. The young lady went there early in the morning, okay? ]

[We didn't agree on a time, so what if Nanzhi and the others came later? We're not playing at home! At least we need to solve our basic living problems! ]

[Hmm, I'm curious what Nanzhi can teach the children to do at school? Cooking?]

[What's wrong with teaching children to be chefs? It's a skill! It's convenient for future employment! It's more practical, isn't it? ]

[Yes! Don’t forget that Nanzhi is a graduate of Yanda University. Isn’t her academic qualification enough to teach a group of ordinary students? ]

[Graduating from Yanda University does not mean that everything is perfect. Nanzhi did not work in her major after graduation, but chose to be a chef. Doesn't this prove it? ]

[Although...but...Nanzhi became an actress after graduation, right? Have you all forgotten? ]

[The comments in the last episode were quite friendly, but why did the atmosphere in this episode suddenly take a turn for the worse? 】

[Why? Because there is a certain young lady. ]

[Please stop spreading rumors! ]


The identities drawn by Fu Chao and Xie Yu were different from those of Nanzhi and Qi Peier.

Their roles are more like village cadres or village officials.

Therefore, only Nanzhi and Qi Peier went straight to the village primary school.

Of course, Nan Yi and Qi Zhang will be with them at all times.

While walking on the road, Qi Pei'er was still joking, saying that Nan Yi and Qi Zhang, two kindergarten students, were about to experience primary school life in advance.

Qi Zhang expressed his excitement, saying that he felt like he had transformed into an adult.

Nan Yi didn't feel much about it, he had always been his mother's little follower.

The village primary school is not far away, just a 10-minute walk away.

From a distance, you can see the white building crawling in the green valley.

Nanzhi opened her eyes wide in slight surprise.

Qi Pei'er beside her even cried out:
"This is quite different from the mountain primary school I remembered!"

Not only Qi Pei'er, I'm afraid that many people's impression of mountain schools only exists in photos.

Generally speaking, they are low-rise gray tiled houses with potholes on the ground, no traditional playground, dilapidated school gates, simple dormitories, and all the children squeezed on large bunk beds...

But the village primary school that appeared before their eyes was nothing like the stereotype!

It can be seen that its teaching buildings and dormitories were built in recent years. They are brand new and clean, and the playground is very spacious.

Although the overall area is not large, it is equipped with a canteen, independent toilets, a small library, etc. It can be said that it is small but complete.

It has completely refreshed the cognition of most people!
[Is this really a mountain school? The environment is much better than I imagined! ]

[Yes, I live in the city, and the school I attended when I was a child may not be as good as the one here! ]

[I didn’t realize it before when I just watched the news online, but now through the variety show, I suddenly feel our development! Proud! ] [This variety show is very meaningful. It is not a boring variety show that only knows how to attract attention and tear things apart. At least it allows us to see the real mountainous areas of Guizhou Province! ]

[But does a place like this still need teaching? Then wouldn't it be redundant for Nanzhi Qi Pei'er and the others to come here? ]

[Environment does not represent the quality of teachers. The main problem in this backward mountainous area is the lack of teachers. ]

[Yes, I have participated in a four-month teaching program before. Their hardware conditions have improved a lot now, but there is a severe shortage of teachers. Few people are willing to stay in the backward and poor mountain villages.]


The comments pointed out the core problem very sensibly.

As they expected—

After Nanzhi and his friends arrived, they first greeted the old man guarding the gate.

This old man is an elder in the village. It is said that his granddaughter is studying in the school. He comes to guard the gate not for money. His salary is not much. He mainly wants the children to have a quiet study environment.

On the way to the school with Nanzhi and the others, the old man casually introduced the school's situation, saying that the enrollment of this village primary school is not limited to the village itself, and almost all the children from several nearby villages study here.

There are not many children in the school, only about 50 in total, and there are even fewer teachers, only 3 people including the principal, so the children can only take basic cultural courses such as Chinese and mathematics.

For subjects like art and music, we can basically only wait for volunteers from mountainous areas to come and teach us, but we rarely get to see them.

It can be seen that the old man felt very sorry about this, and he even sighed casually:

"We need to study more and read more, so that our children can get out of the mountains..."

Qi Pei'er speaks out:
"What if the children don't come back?"

The old man could tell she meant no harm and replied with a smile:
"If they don't come back, it means they are doing well! We all wish they could! The children are all walking forward with big strides! Don't look back!"

Qi Peier gave the old man a thumbs up:

"You are really open-minded. This is the wisdom of life!"

The old man grinned very happily.

Nanzhi listened quietly, his eyes scanning the surrounding environment inch by inch.

Finally, it fell on Nan Yi, who was holding her hand beside her.

"what's wrong?"

Nanzhi deliberately lowered her voice.

Qi Pei'er was chatting with the old man, and Qi Zhang was listening to them.

So they didn't hear it, only Nan Yi noticed it.

But he shook his head:

Nothing happened.

Even his thin shoulders were drooping, as if he was crushed by something, and he looked even more depressed.

But Nanzhi did not rush to ask, but continued to observe.

They soon arrived at the principal's office, and before they even entered, they heard bursts of laughter coming from inside.

I could faintly hear a modest and gentle female voice:
"... No, this is what we should do. People with abilities should naturally shoulder more social responsibilities. This is also the purpose of our foundation."

Nanzhi heard it.

This is Chang Mu's voice.

A few steps forward, they saw their new guest Chang Mu standing with the principal, with a mountain of shoe boxes in front of them.

The assistant brought by Chang Mu was holding up his mobile phone and taking pictures frantically of the two people shaking hands and chatting happily.

Of course, I didn’t forget to take pictures of all those shoe boxes.

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