Chapter 206 Who are you thinking about?

However, Lu Shixu soon discovered that he had misunderstood.

Nanzhi didn't wake up.

She was still in a hazy state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

The eyes she opened were empty, wet and unfocused.

It was as if vines were growing quietly and madly from it, tightly grasping Lu Shixu's brain, heart, soul, and everything else in the darkness, making it impossible for him to break free and force him to surrender.

"It is you……"

She whispered to Lu Shixu.

It seemed like I saw a very familiar person.

There are even more turbulent emotions lurking beneath this sentence.

Lu Shixu was not happy about this.

Instead, he fell into a brief silence.

His several meetings with Nanzhi could not be described as unpleasant, nor pleasant.

He could feel the boundary that Nanzhi had deliberately drawn between him and her. The two of them maintained a relationship that was better than strangers but far worse than friends. They could not be called familiar with each other at all.

So that elusive strong emotion...

Nanzhi, who were you thinking of when you said this?
Lu Shixu quietly pursed his lips.

The feeling of jealousy is raging silently.

However, his movements when he reached out and picked up Nanzhi were still gentle.

It was like holding a cloud, not daring to use even a little more force.

Seeing that Nanzhi's nightgown was thin, Lu Shixu reached out and took his coat from the head of the bed and wrapped her tightly.

He stood up and took two steps outside, and saw Tao An standing at the door.

Lu Shixu was not surprised at all and simply said one word:


Tao An immediately put a raincoat on Lu Shixu and held an umbrella for him.

When he was about to reach the car, Tao An used the car lights to see Lu Shixu's messy appearance.

The expensive handmade sheepskin shoes were soaked to the point of being unsightly, the trouser legs were covered in dirt and mud, and the half of the shoulder exposed outside the umbrella was soaked...

And he was completely unaware.

The person in his arms was not even exposed with a single hair.

Tao An sighed in his heart, thinking that even Mr. Lu couldn't get past the test of love.

"Tao An?"

Tao An came back to his senses with a start and quickly went forward to open the door.

At the same time, he did not forget to take off Lu Shixu's raincoat.

Lu Shixu stepped on the pedal and bent down to get on the car, when a small figure bumped into him head-on.

He was holding Nanzhi, but he was still able to use his hands to push Nanyi away.

Nan Yi glared angrily, as if questioning why Lu Shixu didn't let him get close to his mother.

Lu Shixu: "The raincoat is dirty."

Nan Yi then remembered that he had not taken off his raincoat yet.

Kind of embarrassing.

He said "oh" and quickly took off his wet raincoat.

Lu Shixu had already laid Nanzhi flat on the back seat, with her head resting on his knees.

Fortunately, the space in the off-road vehicle was large enough, and Nanzhi was thin, so the back seat was not crowded.

Despite this, Lu Shixu and Nan Yi still chose to hide in the corner at the same time.

Lu Shixu's back was almost pressed against the car door, and his hands were always protecting Nanzhi's head.

Nan Yi, relying on his small stature, squatted on the ground, leaned on the edge of the seat, and looked at his mother worriedly.

Nanzhi, who was in a coma, seemed to feel his breath and opened her eyes dazedly.

"One by by one..."

Nan Yi rushed over with joy:

"Mom! I'm here! Are you feeling better? Can you see me?"

Nanzhi was obviously not conscious, but she subconsciously didn't want to worry the child, so she comforted him:
"Mom is fine...don't worry..."

Nan Yi's eyes turned red.

He raised his hand to wipe away the tears or rain on his face, and pursed his lips:

"It's okay, Mom. I'm always with you." What a heartwarming picture of a loving mother and a filial son.

Unfortunately, it was not so pleasing to Lu Shixu's eyes.

For the first time in his life, he was actually jealous of a child.

Lu Shixu suppressed those hideous and sticky emotions and closed his eyes.

The hand that was protecting Nanzhi's head never moved away from beginning to end.
Nanzhi woke up to a piercing noise—

"...You unscrupulous doctors only know how to cheat people out of money. You just give me IV drips no matter what the condition is. My grandson is in good health..."

Nanzhi heard that the old man was taking advantage of his old age and throwing a tantrum, not wanting to pay, and was making a fuss.

Suddenly, the sound stopped, as if someone was strangling his neck.

A cold voice came:

"If you want to argue, go outside and argue."

Lu time sequence?
Then, a young and innocent voice sounded:

"Grandpa, your precious grandson seems to have fainted."

The old man, who subconsciously chose silence, suddenly burst into screaming.

After a period of chaos, the noise finally faded away from Nanzhi's ears.

She opened her eyes with some difficulty.

The first thing I saw was the slightly shabby ward and the infusion stand connected to the back of her hand.

Then, Lu Shixu and Nan Yi were seen standing side by side at the door of the ward.

One is tall, the other is short, but there is an inexplicable harmony between their auras.

However, in Nanzhi's eyes, he could see that the two of them were deliberately keeping their distance.

He moved a little closer when he stepped into the door, and then quickly moved away after he stepped in.

Somehow, Nanzhi found it somewhat funny.

At this time, the old lady in the next bed spoke to them gratefully:
"Thank you, father and son. I was almost killed by the noise from that old man just now."

Lu Shixu and Nan Yi looked strange and said in unison:
"We are not father and son."

I wish I could cut off all ties with him right now!
The old lady made a doubtful sound:

"Hmm? Not father and son? But you..."

"Cough cough."

Nanzhi, who was lying on the hospital bed, coughed at the right time.

Lu Shixu and Nan Yi rushed towards her without thinking.

The two seemed to have reached an agreement in advance, one standing on her left and the other on her right.

The attitude of caring for her is exactly the same——

"How's it going? Are you feeling better?"

"Mom, are you still feeling bad?"

Nanzhi supported herself with her arms and tried to sit up.

Nan Yi was the first to rush over and try to help.

Unfortunately, he was too weak to support Nanzhi.

In the end, Lu Shixu reached out his hand, carefully held her shoulders, helped her sit up, and did not forget to put two pillows behind her back.

Nan Yi gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Shixu.

Lu Shixu seemed not to notice anything and was only concerned about whether Nanzhi's pillow was soft and whether it would be uncomfortable for her to sit on.

This action made Nan Yi feel that it was a bit of pride and boasting.

snort! man!

Nanzhi saw that Nanyi was unhappy, and quickly held his little hand.

Then asked:

"What's wrong with me?"

Lu Shixu paused and explained what happened yesterday.

However, the part where Nan Yi went out in the wind and rain to seek help was briefly mentioned.

Nan Yi, who was about to explain, shut up obediently after hearing what he said.

Nan Yi didn't expect that this annoying man actually knew that he didn't want his mother to know what happened yesterday and didn't want to make his mother worry!

Is this understanding him, or understanding his mother?

Anyway, no matter which one it is, it's annoying!

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